Any draw-backs to Immortality?

Mr. G

Valued Senior Member
Were you of the ability to live until the cold death of the Universe, what do you imagine would be of the down-side of immortality? (Please keep the up-side comments for the next thread. Thanx.)
Not being able to say "Life sucks, then you die"

You could only say "Life sucks".

But other than that, if I had the option of suicide, I'd be all for immortality.
I think the point of the movie "bicentennial man" try to make is - if you can't die you are not a living being.
Yeah, boredom would be the main one, I think. Probably compounded by the sadness of seeing history repeat over and over and over.
It would be same as it is today. Life sucks, yet we have over 6 billion and counting. And, when you die, the universe dies with you (from your perspective).
Hmmm. If you were immortal, you would eventually have to leave earth in search of other company, when the sun consumes us. The downside might be if there is no other intelligent (to our level) species in the universe. People, especially loved ones, disappearing, would be the only downside I can think of.
This all assumes you enjoy having company and want to live forever, which I'd certainly be willing to have a go at, if there was a get-out clause.
If the universe is infinite, could you ever become truely bored? Would you run out of time first?
But if you were immortal, what would happen if you stood around (on Earth) when the sun consumes it?
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Well, i guess you'd be OK but everybody else would be dead or would have left the planet by then. If you hadn't made arrangements you'd be floating aimlessly around in space eventually. That could become rather tedious, forever.
There are no downsides.

Anyone who thinks so is making excuses not to be alive and has no imagination whatsoever.

Those who think otherwise are the same ones who cant play sport, and sit on the sidelines saying "sport is shit anyway i dont wanna play".
none, well maybe one..

No downside....well, except maybe that there would probaly be no reason to post here anymore:bugeye: and that I could never say I did not have the time to read War & Peace...damn this immortality...if only I were in eternity...oh well, the grass is always greener....
  • Boredom
  • Loneliness
  • Disappointment

Boredom - See history repeat over and over, multiple scenarios could happen to you, the earth could blow up and you would be floating around in space somewhere. :D

Loneliness - Seeing loved ones die, die, die, die, die, die, and die. You basically become apathetic about emotions, you'll get tired of love, pain, seeing so many loved ones die die die generation after generation. No one else is like you, you are truly alone.

Disappointment - When you get sick of life, you can't kill'd basically go insane, your mental capacity won't be able to stand the test of infinite time.
1. you couldn't. i think its about 673 (??) years you could live deasease and everythings -free, untill something would happen and cause you accidental death. on average.
2. if you DID live for ever, you would end up insane from watchng everything around you die... people, cities, everything you love. watchin the cruelty of people.
If I'm immortal, I would enjoy killing people and do anything I want! muwahahahaha :D

I don't think it will be so bad to live forever and rule the entire universe!
chill out pplingo...

You don't have to answer the thread question. I'm just saying why I like to be immortal...!
Nightfall= postmodern Genius. :)

overall I'd say immortality sounds like a hoot-
cue Devils advocate.

have any of you ever noted the mental state of those in our culture over the age of 80? yes? they are mostly nutbars. this mainly is due to innactivity- and in my opinion senility is our own stupid fault- Geronimo lived to about 86 and was always a sharp old fox.

Assuming the consensus version of immortality includes eternal youth, you have strength and motive (fighting the infernal boredom) to carry out the things that your subconcious mind has only fantasised about- Murder, Rape etc.

after a few millennia I'd be willing to try just about anything,

Immortality would breed, alongside complete mental degeneration, supreme capacity for learning, want to make a bomb? do insane people knit jumpers?

Immortal man would be a danger to entire human race.

'curiosity killed the cat, the immortal cat killed curiosity'
I am a cat, we are all cats.
hey hey hey! no calling me names! -laughs-
don't deem me somthing i could never live up to. lol