Any authentic historicity about Jesus Christ?


TW Scott said:
I like how people search for Jesus in ancient records, but forget that Jesus is a greekization of his name. In all likelihood he was Isa, Jeshua or Josephus.

Who forgot?

Are you claiming there ARE records under the name Isa or Jeshua or Josephus?

There are no such records of Jesus under ANY name.

Josephus is not a form of Iesous.
Nor is Isa.

Jesus is the ENGLISH version of the Greek name Iesous which is apparently derived from Yehoshua.

All the original MSS are in Greek.

TW Scott said:
He also would not have been in the census as Joshua would have not been able to register his name as he was not named yet.

We do not have any such census records.


Saint said:
How about Jesus' Father Joseph and Mother Mary, did they really exist?

As much a myth as Jesus.
No evidence for them at all.

Saint said:
Anyway, St. Paul was really a man, right?

someone wrote the letters of Paul.


Saint said:
Roman's history got record or not?


No records of Jesus,
no records of the Gospel events,
no records of the Gospel characters.


Just some mentions of Christians from long afterwards - Tacitus, Pliny. Suetonius does NOT mention Jesus, but a Chrestus.

Saint said:
May be the evidence about Jesus was destroyed by Christian's enemy?
stop clutching at straws.
the jesus myth has been stolen from other ancient religious myths, such as mithra, gigamesh, etc etc there has never been a real jesus, it's just a myth.
mis-t-highs said:
stop clutching at straws.
the jesus myth has been stolen from other ancient religious myths, such as mithra, gigamesh, etc etc there has never been a real jesus, it's just a myth.
Can you explain why Jesus' myth can become a universal religion and not others? Why it thrives for 2000+ years? :D
Saint said:
Can you explain why Jesus' myth can become a universal religion and not others? Why it thrives for 2000+ years? :D

M*W: Why? Fear and ignorance. We are maturing as a species (becoming more evolved -- as in "educated"), and we are suffering less due to our fear and ignorance of man-made religions. It is more correct to say christianity "thrived" for nearly 2,000 years, because it is now on worldwide decline.
Saint said:
Can you explain why Jesus' myth can become a universal religion and not others? Why it thrives for 2000+ years? :
most likely due to it being a mixture of numerous religions, if you want to control the followers of one religion you dont destroy that religion you incorporate it into yours, however there are more than one universal religion on this planet, and xianity comprises of 34.000 different versions(sects) so which one is this universal religion, you are refering too.

by the way, xianity is in decline, not thriving.

Saint said:
Can you explain why Jesus' myth can become a universal religion and not others?

How about the fact that Christianity became the state religion?

That you HAD to believe, else you were burned at the stake?

Funny how only believers were left after all the non-believers were murdered.

(And it's not a universal religion, it's just the dominant religion of our culture, not all cultures, certainly NOT the entire universe.)

Saint said:
Why it thrives for 2000+ years? :D

Many religions have lasted longer than 2000 years -
Buddhism -
all lasted longer than Christianity, so must be MORE thrue than Christianity, according to your logic.

But the opponents shall not ignore the fact that there are plenty of people find peace and bliss in christianity.
Saint said:
But the opponents shall not ignore the fact that there are plenty of people find peace and bliss in christianity.

But you ignore the fact that people find peace and bliss in many religions?

Hallucination is also Bliss.
But why care about it? After all, we all will die, must well has something to hope for better life after death.
Saint said:
Hallucination is also Bliss.
But why care about it? After all, we all will die, must well has something to hope for better life after death.
make yours and you fellow mans, time here good, enjoy the now, instead of raising false hopes.
instead of telling someone who's suffering, that all going to be good in the next life, stop the suffering now, and make this life the best.
mis-t-highs said:
make yours and you fellow mans, time here good, enjoy the now, instead of raising false hopes.
instead of telling someone who's suffering, that all going to be good in the next life, stop the suffering now, and make this life the best.

Okay, I can understand enjoying the now. I can see easing peoples suffering. They are very noble things. The problem is that without the hope of a future humanity withers we lose all desire to succeed, thrive, or have fun. Now not believing in an afterlife would not harm most people. The have long good lives to look forward to, barring something unforseen. However there are people who come inot this world and experience pain and suffering their whole lives. Yes, some learn to enjoy life despite their pain. DO you know what they all share in common, belief that the next life will be sweeter for all their suffering.

As for false hopes, how do know they are false? Without proof that this is all there is you are stuck with a belief. A belief no more valid than mine. You may call it a fact, but we both know you are in denial. You have no more proof that our consciousness ends wehn we die, than I do that our souls go to the afterlife. So I would appreciate if you recognize your own prejudice and quit holding other peoples beliefs as invalid.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: No.

So you are flatly refusing the possibility that the Saducee's, the Romans, the Pharisee's, or any number of literate people could have destroyed some records? Hmmmm, does not sound very scientific to me.
TW Scott said:
So you are flatly refusing the possibility that the Saducee's, the Romans, the Pharisee's, or any number of literate people could have destroyed some records? Hmmmm, does not sound very scientific to me.
Why argued sillily?
If there is a GOD in charge, he must have power to preserve all historical accounts of His Son, right?
But the facts point to the other way round, this God is impotent to establish the Faith beyond doubt! :confused: