Anti-Abrahamic atheists


but if a person truly believes that Abrahamic religions are not good for a society, why move to a society where they make up most of the numbers?
For my move to the USA from the UK - Because religion is not a dominant feature of regular American life. For the vast majority of my 20+ years here religion has been largely invisible. When asked, most people here say they believe in some form of deity or higher power, but that fact doesn't really affect everyday life.

I'm sure if there were draconian intolerant Christian laws, similar to those in Muslim countries, your mate wouldn't want to live here in the Land of Freedom :) As it is, Americans are progressing towards an open-minded tolerant pseudo-Christian religion. That's why we no longer have intolerant laws such as: It's Illegal to convert out of Christianity.

Polytheism is a much more open-minded method of treating theistic people's insecurity (and other somewhat mental illness like mental states) when compared with monotheism. It's also much more mailable towards progress - perhaps why India is rocketing past Pakistan?

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