Anti-Abrahamic atheists


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
Why do those atheists who consider Abrahamic religions to be bad for society, not move to societies not dominated and defined by these religions?

I had a very interesting and heated conversation with an Indian atheist last week.

He kept telling me that Abrahamic religions are bad and polytheism is more tolerant. This guy moved from India to the US. Why?
This guy moved from India to the US. Why?

I suppose because the quality of life is better in the US than in India, and Im pretty sure mono-God had nothing to do with it. Generally nations that are less religious are better off than more religious nations.

Even though America is choked full of religious morons.. most of its government is pretty secular (relatively speaking).
So the US is less religious than India? Less based on Abrahamic values? Religion has nothing to do with American society?
So the US is less religious than India?

To be honest I am not all together certain, according to wiki 79% of India (though wiki recons its over 90%) is religious and 65% in America. I got the American and Indian figures from here: - This implies the same as well :

So all in all, it does look like India is more religious than America.

Less based on Abrahamic values?

I have no idea what you mean by this question.

Religion has nothing to do with American society?
Religion perverts all societies. So saying religion has nothing to do with American society would be silly.
Where do you live?

You know, Ive only told you like many times and you even ragged me cause I was white and from that country. Im South African. We have too many religious IDiots.

I come from a country where the locals believe they can cure aids by sleeping with a virgin. We can thank their religion for teachings like that.
Why do those atheists who consider Abrahamic religions to be bad for society, not move to societies not dominated and defined by these religions?

I had a very interesting and heated conversation with an Indian atheist last week.

He kept telling me that Abrahamic religions are bad and polytheism is more tolerant. This guy moved from India to the US. Why?

Because the US is secular by declaration/constitution.

The USA is not supposed to be based on any sect of religion, by law!

So if you are sharing, it is a religiously governed country, and it is OK, then you a bad american by the virtue of going against the forefathers and all who died for America and its constitution.

"we the people' are not religious by belief of any sect (that is what makes america so appealing; free!)

In America any can believe anything they want, even if it means be an atheist against the abrahamic sects, who have proven to be the biggest war mongers on the earth!
Those who believe in the AAA are like the others who are members of the AA, they still love beer...but they have to hate in order to survive.
There may be many religious people in the US, but it's a secular nation.

Same like India, but if a person truly believes that Abrahamic religions are not good for a society, why move to a society where they make up most of the numbers?

How many anti-Abrahamists would be happier in a society based on non-Abrahamic religion? How many would prefer the pagan societies of Africa or the Buddhist society of China or Japan?
Why do those atheists who consider Abrahamic religions to be bad for society, not move to societies not dominated and defined by these religions? I had a very interesting and heated conversation with an Indian atheist last week. He kept telling me that Abrahamic religions are bad and polytheism is more tolerant. This guy moved from India to the US. Why?
There are many factors that shape a society and religion is only one of them. Even though Abrahamism is a bad influence, that doesn't mean a society can't transcend it and become good anyway. Just as without Abrahamism, a society can still manage to be bad.

Many people who migrate to America are very displeased by some or many aspects of our culture. But despite those drawbacks, on the balance they think they'll have better lives than the ones they left behind.

India has its drawbacks that many of your people come here to escape. One of the things they talk about is the ubiquitous poverty. Unless you are one of the super-privileged, you're going to see lots of desperately poor people every day. Paradoxically the people who are kind-hearted and sympathetic are the ones who become the most depressed, because they can't help them all.

I run into a beggar occasionally in Washington, or someone who's just down on their luck because of the economy, or someone who is really a little daft and isn't getting along too well. I give them some money, knowing that I'm one of several and they'll get a good meal and a safe place to sleep.

But when I was in Mexico, I was overwhelmed by the vast seas of desperately poor people. Anywhere I pointed my eyes there were dozens of them, hundreds of them sometimes. They made me feel guilty about having a wristwatch and nice shoes and a car, and my wife had a wedding ring (which she had left at home). But we could have sold all of those things and come back with the money, and it wouldn't have made a dent in the poverty.

You feel so overwhelmed and hopeless, that no matter how dedicated you are to solving the problem, you and everyone you know acting together can't solve it. You're not helping anyone by feeling that way, and depression is bad for your own health, not to mention for your ability to make a living so you can donate some of it to the poor.

I have no idea if that was one of your friend's reasons for leaving India. But I know it's one of the reasons I will never be able to live in Mexico, much as I love the place and the people. I would always be sad.
Why do those atheists who consider Abrahamic religions to be bad for society, not move to societies not dominated and defined by these religions?
Can't afford to, professional ties, family ties, social ties, attachment to other parts of the culture, caution, lack of connections in the new countries, a job they love, small children, children with strong social connections where they are, language issues, habit, aging parents, beloved local sports team, a home they've taken time to set up or even build, a beloved ecosystem where they feel at home, health insurance, hobbies that would be hard to carry out in the new country, pets that would be hard to move, unsureness about the quality of life in the new country, lack of a need for their specific profession, fear of flying.....

was this really a serious question?

Don't you live in the States? Why don't you move to a country where you would feel more aligned with the foreign policy?

Why doesn't everyone who likes British Rock emigrate from the USA?

Why do so many Muslims want to move to Christian dominated nations?

Why do Catholic Mexicans in such large numbers want to move to a more Protestant US?

Why don't all people who like to fish move to the countryside?

Why don't all the world's doctors move to the US where their salaries would be higher?

Why don't all the trees in the world grow in the acre of land with the highest nutrient content?
Prosperity theology

W1z4rd said:

I suppose because the quality of life is better in the US than in India, and Im pretty sure mono-God had nothing to do with it. Generally nations that are less religious are better off than more religious nations.

Weber disagrees. Or, more generally, consider Calvinist predestination and its contemporary descendant, prosperity theology.

The monotheistic Christian godhead, and how many Americans treat it, has much to do with our standard of living. It also has much to do with our need for an ever-growing poverty class at home and abroad.


Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Trans. Talcott Parsons, Anthony Giddens. London and Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1930. March 11, 2010.

Abernathy, Bob. "Prosperity Gospel". Religion & Ethics Newsletter. August 17, 2007. March 11, 2010.
Same like India, but if a person truly believes that Abrahamic religions are not good for a society, why move to a society where they make up most of the numbers?

How many anti-Abrahamists would be happier in a society based on non-Abrahamic religion? How many would prefer the pagan societies of Africa or the Buddhist society of China or Japan?

Maybe people want to change the country from within. One can always move to a less religious part of the nation. I would probably feel very uncomfortable living in the Southeast.
if a person truly believes that Abrahamic religions are not good for a society, why move to a society where they make up most of the numbers?

The opportunity to battle Abrahamism, perhaps?

More likely is that this person's views on religion rank fairly low on his or her list of reasons for making the decision of where to live. I'd expect that stuff like job opportunities, standard of living, etc. figured much more prominently.

Moreover, for all of the Abrahamists that live in the United States, we remain a secular society. It just doesn't come up on a day-to-day level, for most people here, especially in the urban centers where such immigrants are likely to move. I can't remember the last time that religion has figured into my daily life, one way or the other.
Why do those atheists who consider Abrahamic religions to be bad for society, not move to societies not dominated and defined by these religions?

This surely cannot be a serious question. I move that the thread be closed. There are a legion of factors involved in such a choice, lest one surpass even Jerry Falwell in fervour.
Why do those atheists who consider Abrahamic religions to be bad for society, not move to societies not dominated and defined by these religions?

I had a very interesting and heated conversation with an Indian atheist last week.

He kept telling me that Abrahamic religions are bad and polytheism is more tolerant. This guy moved from India to the US. Why?

I guess he loves money more that he hates Abraham.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
And yet, I am living in India and he is living in the US

He was of course, quite speechless when I told him, in no uncertain terms that he had put the lie to his beliefs by voting with his feet.

I'm going to ask him again the next time I see him, if he's decided whether living in a country established and run by Christians and running away from one where the parliament is mostly polytheist has allowed him to reconsider his views.

Listen to your friend - he's telling you something important :)

Yeah he is telling me that actions speak louder than words.

Is there a reason you moved from one country with reservations to another country with reservations?

Both of which were established by monotheists who destroyed a polytheistic way of life?
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