Another Savage Beating at McDonalds

On a related note, I've never understood the thinking of people who go around antagonizing and belittling the people handling their food. Even if they are shiftless dumbasses - all it's going to get you is colder, slower food with more spit and bugs inside.
Among others, there are four rules I live by.

Don't annoy the people that handle your food.
Don't annoy the people that handle your money.
Don't annoy the people that handle your records.
Don't annoy the people that manage your health.

If I want to send a message to a chef, I will either compliment him by sending my plate back clean, or insult him by sending back leftovers.
I'm kind of shocked at how most people think it's OK to beat a woman IN THE HEAD, CRACKING HER SKULL after she's been knocked down.

To be fair, we can't really see what's going on behind the counter once they've been dropped. For all we know, they're hunched down biting at his ankles or pulling knives out of their boots. Probably not, since the other employee is trying to cool him down, but point is that all we see is a dude swinging a rod at something obscured by a counter. We don't even know for sure that he was actually making contact with them on those later swings, or that they caused any serious damage - it's entirely possible that the skull got cracked while she was still up and attacking, or that she hit her head on something when falling down and cracked it then.

TTYTT I seriously doubt most people have been in situations like this. I have, and I say a swift punch to the gut and/or neck and/or maybe nose ONCE EACH would have ended the situation.

I don't think anyone is in a position to dictate exactly what level of force is appropriate to use against multiple attackers, especially from watching a short, grainy video clip. The big issue here seems to be continued violence after the attackers were (apparently) subdued and no longer posing a threat. Dude has considerable leeway before that point, though.

Or, maybe a tasser if you're a panzy.

I'd bet good money that McDonald's does not allow its customers to be armed while on the job.
If I want to send a message to a chef, I will either compliment him by sending my plate back clean, or insult him by sending back leftovers.

To be clear, I don't see any problem with offending someone after they handle your food. Provided you don't intend to eat food that they've handled again in the future, that is. What's shocking is how offensive people will be right off the bat, when initially ordering the food. They're just begging for their meal to be tampered with in unappetizing ways.

But having worked behind a counter at McDonald's and knowing how shitty most customers are, I always treat fast food employees like human beings - make eye contact, smile, speak in complete sentences, generally address them as an equal and not some toady you deign to order around. And, unsurprisingly, I never have any issues with the service. The only exceptions are places staffed by insufferable hipster idiots (food trucks, mostly) who don't even try to do an efficient, reasonable job. But even then I don't hassle them - I just leave the line and eat elsewhere.
I'd bet good money that McDonald's does not allow its customers to be armed while on the job.

I'm sure you meant employees. :) There is a McDonald's next to my bus stop in downtown Dallas...such incidents are so common place, that the owners of the franchise have 2 onsite security guards on location at all times.
To be clear, I don't see any problem with offending someone after they handle your food. Provided you don't intend to eat food that they've handled again in the future, that is. What's shocking is how offensive people will be right off the bat, when initially ordering the food. They're just begging for their meal to be tampered with in unappetizing ways.

But having worked behind a counter at McDonald's and knowing how shitty most customers are, I always treat fast food employees like human beings - make eye contact, smile, speak in complete sentences, generally address them as an equal and not some toady you deign to order around. And, unsurprisingly, I never have any issues with the service. The only exceptions are places staffed by insufferable hipster idiots (food trucks, mostly) who don't even try to do an efficient, reasonable job. But even then I don't hassle them - I just leave the line and eat elsewhere.

Seconded (Although I have managed to avoid working for Mc Donalds, I have worked both on counter and as a kitchen hand at a fast food place in a food court).
I'm kind of shocked at how most people think it's OK to beat a woman IN THE HEAD, CRACKING HER SKULL after she's been knocked down. TTYTT I seriously doubt most people have been in situations like this. I have, and I say a swift punch to the gut and/or neck and/or maybe nose ONCE EACH would have ended the situation. Or, maybe a tasser if you're a panzy. What you do not do is continue to pummel her in the head repeatedly wit a metal rod trying to crack her skull open to see the brainy bits ooze out. THAT is SICK in the HEAD talk. It's no surprise this man just got out of 10 years of prison.

I'm not shocked at all, it's mcdonalds ffs and it looks like probably a bad neighborhood. I'm shocked, that your shocked lol
I worked short-order cook at a Hooters. That was a god damn great job. Hot Hooter chicks to work with and free beer after 12:00 if you're doing clean up :) Never had a problem once (although I wonder how I drove home a few times :S

I also worked as a bar tender and while I had my share of ass hold costumers, never a physical provocation.
If a police officer is attacked in any way, it often is interpreted as a hostile life threatening situation and then guns come out. To think that a civilian could not interpret an attack in the same way is just stupid. Lesson learned, if you attack someone you might get badly injured or die.
When you roll the dice on someone, be prepared for any outcome.
Two X chromosomes should never exempt anyone from their responsibility and accountability for threatening, attacking and/or murdering anyone.

Too bad he didn't pull a Rorschach (from Watchmen). You know that scene where he overturns a pot of boiling oil on someone?
McDonald's probably teaches their employees about the dangers in their work area (hot fryolator oil, sharp grill scrapers, broom handles, cleaning chemicals, knives, scissors, etc) to which these two women, who double-teamed the employee, had made themselves available.

Both women's conduct were abnormal reactions to a normal situation. They became unreasonably confrontational, they made statements of some nature (perhaps threatening the employee), they jumped/circumvented the counter and thereby committed criminal trespass, they continued to close on the employee after he brandished the rod, and they did not retreat after the employee began counterattacking/defending himself.

The reason why any potential weapons available to the assailants behind the counter and/or their actions behind the counter are not visible on the video is because they had, knowingly and willfully and with criminal intent, gone behind the counter, which they knew would partial or fully conceal their criminal actions from the public view and the public's video(s).

The only thing that has saved the assailants so far is the employee's prior violent felony conviction. The other employee(s) who tried to intervene did not have the same view of these assailants/trespassers as did the employee.
This is an honest question, so please don't take it out of context and call me racist..

But why is it that in every McDonalds fight like this, it's always black people involved? I haven't seen one yet where there is an asian or white person getting confrontational in a McDonalds.
This is an honest question, so please don't take it out of context and call me racist..

But why is it that in every McDonalds fight like this, it's always black people involved? I haven't seen one yet where there is an asian or white person getting confrontational in a McDonalds.

I took a look at youtube videos and found a white person going nuts in mcdonald's and two asian kids fighting; however, all the other videos I saw involved black people exlusively. It could be that black people eat at McDonalds more so more antics involving black people are caught on tape. It could also be a result of agressive behavior due to cultural upgringing.
I took a look at youtube videos and found a white person going nuts in mcdonald's and two asian kids fighting; however, all the other videos I saw involved black people exlusively. It could be that black people eat at McDonalds more so more antics involving black people are caught on tape. It could also be a result of agressive behavior due to cultural upgringing.

I took a look at youtube videos and found a white person going nuts in mcdonald's and two asian kids fighting; however, all the other videos I saw involved black people exlusively. It could be that black people eat at McDonalds more so more antics involving black people are caught on tape. It could also be a result of agressive behavior due to cultural upgringing.

Or it could be that due to institutional racism, black people are over-represented in certain socio-economic groups which are more likely to be subjected to social and economic stressors as a result of inflation or economic recession, which naturally (but proportionately) leads to them being over-represented in violent crime statistics.

Or it could be that through any one of a number of mechanisms your sample of videos on youtube was biased, or simply even a statistical anomaly.
If a police officer is attacked in any way, it often is interpreted as a hostile life threatening situation and then guns come out. To think that a civilian could not interpret an attack in the same way is just stupid. Lesson learned, if you attack someone you might get badly injured or die.
I think there is a confusion here. Of course if you start a fight, you may end up badly. You can't whine to God, that is always a risk.

But that does not mean we want people out there thinking they can do anything if they are attacked or think they are. If someone pushes me to the ground do I get to shoot them or stab them? Some people think yeah, that's fair.

I don't and generally the law does not support violent responses like that.

Even for police.

If I slap a police officer in the face and he shoots me dead and it's on film, he's going to have legal problems. If an old lady kicks him, even really hard, in the leg and he shoots her in the face, he is going to have legal problems.

And setting aside the law: ethically. Someone is down, they fought you with their bare hands, you have a weapon, you are safe
and you beat them in the head cracking their skull.
That's fucked up.

They pull a knife while lying down, OK, beat them unconscious.
Or it could be that due to institutional racism, black people are over-represented in certain socio-economic groups which are more likely to be subjected to social and economic stressors as a result of inflation or economic recession, which naturally (but proportionately) leads to them being over-represented in violent crime statistics.

Or it could be that through any one of a number of mechanisms your sample of videos on youtube was biased, or simply even a statistical anomaly.
