Another Savage Beating at McDonalds


Morning in America
Registered Senior Member
This video has gone viral. It shows two women getting into an argument with a McDonalds employee. The women end up jumping the counter and the male employee then proceeds to beat them with a metal rod to the point that one of them suffers a fractured skull.

The employee was already on parole for manslaughter.
McDonald’s beating has gone completely viral and everyone is talking about the horrific video that YouTube has made accessible to everyone on Thursday. Late Thursday a McDonald’s (NYSE:MCD) customer uploaded a video of a 31 year old McDonald’s Employee holding a long slender metal rod and beating an aggressive customer that had jumped the counter. The video has since reached over 622,000 views and is one of the most popular videos on the Internet.
There have been more detailed reports of the situation with the most in depth report being released by The Smoking Gun. The altercation happened in a Manhattan, NY McDonalds. You can hear on the video as two women start harassing the McDonald’s employee telling him to, “Do something” repeatedly while calling the employee vulgar names. The employees name was Rayon McIntosh.
After verbally harassing Rayon, the two women jumped the McDonalds counter and the situation got progressively worse. As the women chased the man to the side of the counter he grabbed a long pole and started hitting one of the women. Rayon continued to beat the woman in the head while another customer screamed, “Woah”… “Stop, Stop, Stop” and shreaked to him to, “Stop it and get off her.” The woman then proceeded to tell everyone in the store to call the cops.
The story continues to unfold as investigations have found that Rayon McIntosh has a previous criminal record & had also served prison time. Mr. McIntosh had just recently been put on parole after he had spent nearly 10 years in prison. The crime for his prison sentence was a shooting of one of McIntosh’s 17 year old friends. Once people found this information out they have started to express no sympathy for McIntosh after he fractured the McDonald’s customer’s skull and broke her bones. The other woman also sustained injuries with major cuts and damage to her body from the beating.
I don't have a problem with that. She came behind the counter to attack him. You attack someone, expect to get beaten with a rod.
I don't know...maybe at first...but when the guy went back for seconds and thirds on the beating, after the two women were down, and after a fellow employee put his hand on his shoulder to get him to stop...that's where it went from self-defense to assault.
I don't know...maybe at first...but when the guy went back for seconds and thirds on the beating, after the two women were down, and after a fellow employee put his hand on his shoulder to get him to stop...that's where it went from self-defense to assault.

Pro Tip: when fending off counter-jumping McDonald's attackers, make sure that your first blow is fatal. That way you don't risk an assault charge for beating them while they're down.

Not sure what the backstory is here, but if it was at all typical of your average interaction between McDonald's customers and employees, this guy probably deserves a medal. It's absolutely staggering how condescending and entitled people are when ordering at McDonald's. If there were any justice in the world, it would be not only legal but mandatory for McDonald's employees to bitch-slap anyone who refuses to speak to them in complete sentences.

On a related note, I've never understood the thinking of people who go around antagonizing and belittling the people handling their food. Even if they are shiftless dumbasses - all it's going to get you is colder, slower food with more spit and bugs inside.
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The incident started when the clerk questioned the $50 bill that the woman was attempting to pay with. (for the non-Americans...standard procedure for virtually all retailers with any bill over $20)
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I'm shocked McDonalds customers could get over a counter. Fair play to them for that.

They should all be up on assault charges though. If only the employee had stopped he would have had a justified case of self-defense.
The only problem is using a rod, that could be considered a deadly weapon. I think he probably would have done OK with his fists and the charge would be less severe, but he will probably lose the trial anyway due to his record.
Doesn't matter, you don't get physical no matter how offensive someone is. Talk to the manager an get him fired.

They Attacked and he could easily argue he just got amped up defending himself. In Canada he'd be fucked, but I'm sure in most states even a public defender could get him off.
Doesn't matter, you don't get physical no matter how offensive someone is. Talk to the manager an get him fired.

They Attacked and he could easily argue he just got amped up defending himself. In Canada he'd be fucked, but I'm sure in most states even a public defender could get him off.

I think most people would have called for the manager, and let them deal with the problem customer. One thing that may have influenced his behavior is that he spent the last 10 years in the pen..and only got out less than a year ago...a place where backing down is not really an option.
That was painful to watch. I do not understand how or why people get the idea that people working at mcDonalds, walmart, gas stations, etc deserve to be treated with such disrespect, let alone the audacity to strike someone behind a counter.

I do not understand why the girls are not also charged with assault. Both of them.

That was a LOT of rage he inflicted on those girls. He had several opportunities to stop, but chose to continue beating them. Reading over the smoking gun article, its almost exactly what put him in prison in the first place. He does deserve a felony assault charge.

I would also like to know if the $50 was legit or fake.
Too bad he didn't pull a Rorschach (from Watchmen). You know that scene where he overturns a pot of boiling oil on someone?
I would also like to know if the $50 was legit or fake.

I was discussing this with my sister..and we both wondered the same thing...I can't find any info on the matter. I'm just guessing..but I would bet it was real...and she just took undue offense to him questioning the bill.
I'm kind of shocked at how most people think it's OK to beat a woman IN THE HEAD, CRACKING HER SKULL after she's been knocked down. TTYTT I seriously doubt most people have been in situations like this. I have, and I say a swift punch to the gut and/or neck and/or maybe nose ONCE EACH would have ended the situation. Or, maybe a tasser if you're a panzy. What you do not do is continue to pummel her in the head repeatedly wit a metal rod trying to crack her skull open to see the brainy bits ooze out. THAT is SICK in the HEAD talk. It's no surprise this man just got out of 10 years of prison.
I was discussing this with my sister..and we both wondered the same thing...I can't find any info on the matter. I'm just guessing..but I would bet it was real...and she just took undue offense to him questioning the bill.

Your probably right.