Another book about the fantasy of christianity

Originally Posted by John99
So i guess in 2-3000k years our ancestors will find a copy of Harry Potter and think it is real too. You wouldnt think life worked that way but.....

M*W: Did you mean to use the word "ancestors," or did you mean to say "descendants?" Who knows what they'll think in the future. Hopefully, they will be more intelligent than us. That's expected... but who knows what the future holds? In 2-3k years down the road, technology will be so far advanced that it will make us look like we're in the Dark Ages technologically right now. Harry Potter may be remembered as reality or he may be seen as a mythological hero (a god-man, if you will). By that time, memory will probably be implanted, so they may have it technologically together by then. One thing I can promise you, though, is in 2-3k years more, there will still be no god unless we create one, but there will always be ancient myths and legends.

ha ha, yes i meant descendants but after hitting submit figured i would just let it go as is.

You are making a mistake by assuming our ancestors were just gullible yokels who believed whatever was fed to them, unable to differentiate between a superhero tale and an actual person. That would be like you believing everything you read in a book designed to fill up a few hundred pages which is based on nothing more than assumption and personal opinion with no factual information.

There is no way anyone in the future will read Harry Potter and think he was a real character, which of course is the point of the analogy. I never said everything written about Jesus has to be true but the notion he just never existed is impossible. For that matter no one existed before the advent (guess i did it again :eek: ) of television and the web.
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ha ha, yes i meant descendants but after hitting submit figured i would just let it go as is.

M*W: You should take your postings more seriously.

You are making a mistake by assuming our ancestors were just gullible yokels who believed whatever was fed to them, unable to differentiate between a superhero tale and an actual person. That would be like you believing everything you read in a book designed to fill up a few hundred pages which is based on nothing more than assumption and personal opinion with no factual information.

M*W: I am not "assuming" that our ancestors were illiterate yokels, but I am assuming that as we have evolved, we have become more knowledgeable. I don't like the word "gullible" to describe our ancestors. I believe they had no choice in what they could believe. So, it wasn't so much as them being "gullible." They were threatened by the sword as to what was the acceptable belief.

There is no way anyone in the future will read Harry Potter and think he was a real character, which of course is the point of the analogy. I never said everything written about Jesus has to be true but the notion he just never existed is impossible. For that matter no one existed before the advent of television and the web.

M*W: That depends on how far to go into the future. A few hundred years down the road, I think folks will still believe Harry Potter is fiction. Two-three thousand years down the road, they may believe he was real. I think that's based on how far evolved our race becomes. Who knows if we will be able to fly on our own then? I doubt it, but I cannot predict what the future holds in technological advances.

People did exist before TV and the web. We just didn't exist as fully as we do now. The future holds more promise about our existence.
M*W: I've picked that book up from time to time, read through it, but put it back on the shelf. Since you recommend it, I will look at it more seriously. In fact, I'm going to B&N today. Did you find that it was an easy read or more complicated? I don't mind taking the time to really read the material, and as I said, that book kept jumping off the shelf into my hands! Thanks!

The first time I read it, I did so in a sitting.

I've gone back through it with my computer, a Bible, and other resources handy, and it was even more rewarding. But that first time, it was like reading a juicy novel.
The first time I read it, I did so in a sitting.

I've gone back through it with my computer, a Bible, and other resources handy, and it was even more rewarding. But that first time, it was like reading a juicy novel.

M*W: Thanks! You've whetted my appetite for it! I had one massive collection of religious antiquity, then the floods came, and I lost so many prized works, even some I had just purchased. It was so hard to throw them out!
So who do you think wrote the Gospels, Med Woman, the Flavians?

M*W: One theory is the Flavians. Another theory is the NT was commissioned by the Roman emperors. Another theory is that the NT was a parody of Julius Caesar's life. I have not formed a definite opinion about who may have written the gospels, but I don't believe MML&J existed as who the NT said they were. I tend to think of MML&J as sky or star beings, perhaps signs of the zodiac like Lucifer/Lucian/Luke and Mark/Mars and John/JtB/MM as the Sign of Aquarius. Matthew is a combination name of Ma'at-Theo. They were probably false gods.
The world when this was written was a different place then now also, we have global comunication, technology, and social programs. A lot of things may not apply to us now, I know just like you that some of the things are not corect or are wrong, I just pick out the best things I can, The bible has a lot of different things in it.
The world when this was written was a different place then now also, we have global comunication, technology, and social programs. A lot of things may not apply to us now, I know just like you that some of the things are not corect or are wrong, I just pick out the best things I can, The bible has a lot of different things in it.

M*W: Yes, it does, and most are contradicting.
I choose the truth from what I have seen, what I feel, a lot of it I can not even make sence out of, I am not overly religious, but I have learned a lot from the bible. I am just giving my opinion and some times I get defensive sorry. I also have way to much time on my hands.
I choose the truth from what I have seen, what I feel, a lot of it I can not even make sence out of, I am not overly religious, but I have learned a lot from the bible. I am just giving my opinion and some times I get defensive sorry. I also have way to much time on my hands.

Well, I believe the bible shares a lot of common good with other religions so if that's the part you focus on and it makes your life better...thats great!;)
So what is the "common good part" nova900?

Sure, you know it.
Help those in need, help the poor, love your neighbour,respect your family and loved ones,etc.Positive actions that contribute to ones's well being and those around him/her.
Things that believers and non believers alike can aspire to. Kind of hard sometimes,...I know.
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M*W: Did you mean to use the word "ancestors," or did you mean to say "descendants?" Who knows what they'll think in the future. Hopefully, they will be more intelligent than us. That's expected... but who knows what the future holds? In 2-3k years down the road, technology will be so far advanced that it will make us look like we're in the Dark Ages technologically right now. Harry Potter may be remembered as reality or he may be seen as a mythological hero (a god-man, if you will). By that time, memory will probably be implanted, so they may have it technologically together by then. One thing I can promise you, though, is in 2-3k years more, there will still be no god unless we create one, but there will always be ancient myths and legends.

I like your futuristic thinking. Don't you think that God is 100 millions light years in front of us? A magician!
I like your futuristic thinking. Don't you think that God is 100 millions light years in front of us? A magician!

M*W: Thanks, but I don't see god being anywhere at anytime except in the inner dark recesses of the human imagination.
Medicine*Woman said:
- Ra never encouraged peace in the same way as Jesus did

M*W: Can you prove Jesus existed? I don't think so. Then you cannot say that Jesus encouraged peace until you can prove he existed.
Yes you can say that Jesus encouraged peace if he didn't exist. All characters in all stories have characteristics that describe them.
M*W: Technically, the oldest thing in our universe is the sun. The study of the sun and solar system which includes the zodiac was originally called "logos," or "the Word." Then christians came along and said "the Word" was Jesus!
Weren't a lot of things called Logos throughout ancient history? I don't think Heraclitus or the stoics would define Logos as anything that has to do with horoscopes.
Yes you can say that Jesus encouraged peace if he didn't exist. All characters in all stories have characteristics that describe them. Weren't a lot of things called Logos throughout ancient history? I don't think Heraclitus or the stoics would define Logos as anything that has to do with horoscopes.

M*W: Yes, we could also say that Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn gave lessons in friendship or Lolita showed us how young girls should not behave. A story without a moral would be boring.

I don't know how many definitions "logos" had throughout history, but that would be an interesting study. Root words don't differ that much across languages. As far as I know, the word "logos" means "study of."

I don't promote the idea that "logos" has anything to do with "horoscopes." I don't even concern myself with "horoscopes." If there is any truth in "horoscopes," it's not an earth-shattering truth. Just because the constellations have "personas" doesn't mean that we have those same personas because of our dates of birth. We've come to believe in such tripe, but that doesn't make it real, even if it has been time-tested. It's what we've come to believe.

Astro-theology goes so much deeper than simple horoscopes. In fact, reading one's horoscope has nothing to do with astro-theology. I want to make a clear division between the two. One could read their horoscope everyday until hell freezes over, and they would still know nothing about astro-theology.