Another blow against the “homosexual agenda”

I bet they'd give a peadophile a job though.
Why be open and honest?
Just gets peoples backs up that does.
Dee Cee
I think a line can - and usually is - drawn in most workplaces between appropriate and inappropriate discussion of relationships. Referring to sexual acts with one's partners is inappropriate. However, saying that you saw a ballgame with your wife/husband/etc. is safe and inoffensive. The point I'm trying to make is that being openly homosexual just means you're honest about the pronouns you use when describing the person you went to the game with. To reiterate: When a man says "I saw the game with my wife." he's openly heterosexual. This is not forcing his sexuality down anyone's throat, this is common, everyday behavior.

So, to beat this point until it's dead, problems arise from the topics being discussed, not the people mentioned and inferred (or explicitly stated) relationships of those involved in the discussions.
MacPulse said:
It's rarely appropriate in a professional working situation to discuss anything of a sexual nature. That was my point... being 'openly gay' is nothing more than being proud about the type of sex you have.

I hate to be so blunt, but MacPulse, you are a complete idiot. Being openly gay doesn't mean "bragging about the sex you have". First off, you are indeed openly heterosexual, you make no effort to hide it, and certainly anyone who has known you for any measure of time is likely to have heard something that in some way alludes to the fact that that you prefer to have romantic relationships with members of the opposite sex, that's just what being "open" about your sexuality is; It means you don't actively try to hide it.

Being openly gay is the decision to come out of the closet, and stop feeling like you have to hide the fact that you like members of the same sex from friends, family, co-workers, whatever. It's an awful thing to have to lie and keep a thing like that a secret from people you interact with every day, and it certainly doesn't have to involve talking specifically about any sort of sexual act or even any lesser display of affection. It does not involve "Shoving it down" anyone's throat. The only reason that it becomes an issue is because there seem to be so many fuckwits out there who have a problem with homosexuality in general (or those who get wind that someone is gay and doesn't hide it and then they go completely off the handle about it having been shoved don their throat).