Anonymous Vs. Scientology

That's not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is if you are going to do a job at least do it properly. Scientology is a crazy cult religion, however ALL other religions are just as full of shit. So why pick on JUST the crazy cult religion, Purge the lot of them.

WAKO's on both teams, both with a late 1970's inauguration, both with bizarre wako related "belief's", Both pulling Tax exemption. So why are the RAELIAN'S ignored with the current attack focused on just Scientology, after all if they were truly being pursued by a "Legion" it could handle more than one front alone.
That's not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is if you are going to do a job at least do it properly. Scientology is a crazy cult religion, however ALL other religions are just as full of shit. So why pick on JUST the crazy cult religion, Purge the lot of them.

Its very simple, regardless of whether you think religion is the answer to everything or complete rubbish, or anywhere in between for that matter, you have a constitutional right to believe this, just as everyone else has just as much a right to believe whatever the hell they want.

The problem is when one group tries to take things too far, e.g., the unfair tax exemption, illegal imprisonment, etc, etc, Ad Nauseam.
WAKO's on both teams, both with a late 1970's inauguration, both with bizarre wako related "belief's", Both pulling Tax exemption. So why are the RAELIAN'S ignored with the current attack focused on just Scientology, after all if they were truly being pursued by a "Legion" it could handle more than one front alone.

probably because the Raelian's are not miltant and aren't a scam for money
Scientology is not a religion, it's an enterprise. There are only 10 countries crazy enough to give it religion status.
They're under gov surveillance in Germany.
Scientology is being attacked because it's one of the only "religions" that actively suppresses dissent in its followers, scams people out of money and sues/stalks/threatens anyone who works against them. And because they pissed off a bunch of internet geeks when they DMCA'd the leaked Tom Cruise video. Most religions are shady in my opinion, but Scientology really is on a different level.

I saw this on /. the other day, sums up the process pretty well I think:

Belief Systems Classified by Time Since Inception

0 - 0.5 years : Eccentricity

0.5 - 10 years : Scam

10 - 100 years : Cult

100 - 5,000 years : Genuine theology that reflects the true nature of being and the foundation of our civilization

5,000 + : Myth

I'm a fan of Anonymous, not so much because they're attacking the CoS, but because they're actually getting people off their asses and into the streets. If it works people will take notice, and maybe we'll finally be on our way to putting an end to the apathy that's been running rampant since the 60's. March 15th was their last protest,

Over 800 people showed up in London

Several hundred in Sydney

And thousands more in cities all over the world. Next one is on April 12th, and you can bet there will be even more.
I'm just wondering about the people who fall for that scientology crap,
you'd have to be braindead to believe it.
I think a good question is to ask if Anonymous its self is a cult? (or because of it's age according to Xelios it would be an more of a "Eccentricity")

I think Anonymous is more of an anti-cult: their is no leader, no order, nothing is being ask of you, you join and leave if you want without reprisal, your not even ask to reveal your identity... is that how the KKK functions too?
I laughed when ABC news reported on the March 15 protests and called it a "war between two area churches", they actually called Anonymous a rival church. :shrug:

They hide their identity because the CoS actively employs private investigators to dig up dirt on anyone who speaks against them, then uses that dirt to sue them or blackmail them or what have you. There's lots of videos on Youtube of Scientologists photographing protestors, following them home, photographing the plates on their cars and so on. Hence the masks.

Not to mention the bomb threats Scientology fabricated to make it look like Anonymous is a bunch of terrorists, something they've been caught doing red handed in the past.

BTW why is this in pseudoscience? Shouldn't it be in world events or free thoughts or something?

the KKK is an openly racist Paramilitary group.

How are the they connected?

just wondering if they are structured the same, although Anonymous is rather racist, with all their "nigger stole my bike!" and "This nigger looks presidential" memes.
Well, the KKK is a paramilitary group, which implies leadership and a more rigid structure.
Whereas Anonymous (as they repeatedly point out) has no leaders and presumably no rigid hierarchy.
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just wondering if they are structured the same, although Anonymous is rather racist, with all their "nigger stole my bike!" and "This nigger looks presidential" memes.

I don't actually think most of the people currently calling themselves anonymous are actually racist. People just like to push boundaries. In the end words like "nigger" are just words. They lose their offensive value if they're constantly used in a satirical manner. "Yankee" was once a word used by the British to insult the colonists in the song Yankee Doodle Dandy, but we all know how that turned out. The meme "This nigger looks presidential" actually comes across as generally supportive.

It is my firm belief that it is not the words used, but the intention behind them which is important.
This message is brought to you on behalf of Anonymous,

The reason why we made this topic is that we want to spread awareness about Anonymous and its fight against Scientology.
This post also is here to inform you about Operation Reconnect, April 12th.

Our Message:

Operation Reconnect:

For more information about Anonymous check out:

Film about Scientology if you are not familiar with it:


What do YOU think of the Church of Scientology?

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
Expect Us.

Good luck. Any religion that forces people to disconnect from families, has to change.

Not saying that scientologists should be persecuted, just that they shouldn't force families apart.
I'm glad Anonymous is doing this. Scientology is a proven scam. L. Ron's own manuscripts on the subject are public domain, so we have the proof that it is nothing more than a money-making enterprise.

There was a sign being held up by a protester at the Sydney rally, and I think it was perfect: "Finding Jesus: $0; Finding Lord Xenu: $159,160; Faith Should Be Free".

No matter what others say about Christianity, no one has to pay a dime to have faith in God. If I wanted to, I could attend church, and even go to Confession, at no cost. More than that, I could decide that Christianity was not the answer, and abandon the religion with no fear of persecution. I could even go on TV and say that Christianity is a sham without fear of a church member following me around trying to discredit me. None of this is true in Scientology.

Even though the Christian/Catholic churches have been guilty of many atrocities in times past, they got with the times and stopped doing those horrible things. They figured out that murdering non-believers isn't the way. Even Islam, which tends to breed hatred among the oppressed and poor, does not teach hatred and murder and the harassment and destruction of those who do not believe. Yes, the blueprints are there, but only the desperate practice those things.

It's time to put an end to Scientology. Having the right to believe what you want is quite different than allowing yourself to be extorted and blackmailed by a money-hungry cult. Persecute the hell out of Scientology, I say.
I've been try to define anonymous for some time now, I think it is something new brought on by this internet generation, just random jack-off-alots who are brought together by their shared internet experience and their shared infection of internet memes, somehow it may be the purest from of anarchism yet: no leader, no order, just a mental virus that is at present focused on an altruistic calling (bring down a cult) but usually strikes at anyone simply for a joy of it.
Should be pointed out that the Anonymous who started this campaign and the Anonymous that're doing it now aren't really the same group of people. The old Anonymous (though its still around) is a group of people from the 4chan message boards with way too much time on their hands who screw around with people for laughs (hacking websites, prank phone calls, black faxes, that sort of thing) and start internet memes.

The new Anonymous is a much bigger group of people who've joined in on the fight against Scientology. These are random people on the internet who show up at the protests partly because they believe Scientology needs to be stopped, and partly because it's fun. Most have no connection to the 'old' Anonymous, they've just adopted the name because it symbolises the movement very well. There are no leaders, there's no core group of people running the show, anyone and everyone can take part and because Scientology forces people to wear masks everyone remains anonymous, so Scientology has nobody to target.
You know, if you bash this Anonymous group, you actually forward Scientology's cause. You're doing their dirty work for them, so to speak.

Regardless of what Anonymous has done in the past, why they came to be, or even what brings folks to the rallies, they're working on the side of good. They may have been brought to action by the Church of Scientology stepping on their self-assumed right to have information, but that doesn't make Anonymous any less just in their cause.