Animals would exist without bacteria?


Valued Senior Member

All animal kingdom needs bacteria for digestion?
If so, how can be explained in evolutionary terms?

Animal accidentally ate some while ingesting normal diet of poo for the vitamin K.

Some of them survived and it was like a five-star shit-processing hotel. Like a HoJo's - except coated with glistening shit.
Well, they can't just let animals have it all their own way. I mean, they're living in shit.
Animal accidentally ate some while ingesting normal diet of poo for the vitamin K.

Some of them survived and it was like a five-star shit-processing hotel. Like a HoJo's - except coated with glistening shit.

Unlikely! :rolleyes:

I think of something but I'm not sure,for this I asked.
All animals need bacteria?
Or first appeared in amphibians or reptiles or invertebrates?
Does anyone know?

Which are the animals without the digestive tract
and which are the first animals appeared digestive tract?

Unlikely! :rolleyes:

I think of something but I'm not sure,for this I asked.
All animals need bacteria?
Or first appeared in amphibians or reptiles or invertebrates?
Does anyone know?

Fish. And worms that came before them. Like Monsieur McGillvray says: if it has a gut it has the smut.
All animals need bacteria? Or first appeared in amphibians or reptiles or invertebrates? Does anyone know?
It goes way beyond that. Bacteria live in plants too. I'd be surprised if there are very many species of organisms that don't have bacteria living inside them. Bacteria are everywhere: in the soil, in the water, in the air, inside larger organisms.

There are other types of creatures that have pivotal roles in the ecosystem. Copepods are tiny crustaceans--the largest are only 2mm long. The majority of species are parasitic, living on both the surface and inside the bodies of their hosts. But some species provide a service; for example one eats mosquito larvae and is a major ally in the fight against malaria.

As I said I am agnostic.
Not find any convincing arguments in the existence of a higher intelligent, who created life on earthbut also serious gaps in evolutionary theory.
The thing with bacteria even more confused.
I do not see why "God" would be linked man of bacteria,without which man can not survive,but also evolve when he was a worm with bacteria in his belly, to humans with the bacteria in the stomach.
The bacteria did not evolve?
Fucking bacteria!!
I see what you are saying Emil and agree the way to get the best insight is to go to the root bacteria. The thing is that MacGillvray is correct that bacteria DO evolve. So if we know that new bacteria can and DO evolve then this goes into the evolution slot.
I would bring up two factors for playing devils advocate and were perhaps the basis of the OP:

1. The original bacteria remains.

2. The new bacteria are still bacteria.
I would bring up two factors for playing devils advocate and were perhaps the basis of the OP:

1. The original bacteria remains.

2. The new bacteria are still bacteria.

Yes, that was the idea.
We have evolved from worm to man and bacteria is still bacteria.
And how and why and when it started this "symbiosis"?
I would bring up two factors for playing devils advocate and were perhaps the basis of the OP:

1. The original bacteria remains.

2. The new bacteria are still bacteria.

The new vertebrate is still a vertebrate.

Take a very broad definition and nothing will change.
The interpretation of Evolution suggests that first single celled lifeforms would evolve and eventually evolve into multi-celled organisms which became more and more complex on a cellular level.

It could be suggested that evolution didn't take the single path of just creating complex multicelled organisms, but followed many different paths. One path would be maintaining the single celled organisms, another path would be generating symbiosis between lesser multi-celled organisms to collaborate together. (This is where Enmos's input of the Mutualism link comes into play)

So in some respects you could suggest that it's just one of the many branches of Evolution and obviously a survivor when applied to Divergence.

As for "all animals need bacteria to digest?" that's not actually true. When a person eats food the first thing that occurs is the food enters the stomach, actual digestion occurs there through the food being digested by Gastric Acid (which for the most part is a concentration of Hydrochloric Acid), what is left over that couldn't be digested within an allotted time frame then eventually moves through the body towards the intestines.

While it is indeed true that various nutrients pass from the decomposition state within the intestinal tracks, for the most part this is not so much about fibre and more about extracting nutrients and liquids. Bacteria is helpful in this roll because the body doesn't have to actually do anything to breakdown the waste, the bacteria does it for the body instead. You can guess that evolution in this instance occurred from ergonomics:- why waste excess energy yourself when you can get someone else to do the job.

Occasionally the symbiotic nature can get out of alignment, like for instance if the bacteria overpopulates the bowels. The bodies natural reaction is to "flush" the entire intestine by emptying it, this is the cause of severe diarrhoea and the main reason that if you should suffer from severe diarrhoea you'll find yourself sweating with a higher than normal temperature and having internal convulsions, that's your body trying to re-establish the bacteria's equilibrium and it's also one of the main reasons why it's suggested to drink plenty of liquids to deal with de-hydration.

A rather interesting interpretation would be to apply Conway's life(or Conways game of life) to a Virtual Intestine with ruleset's applied by the container that should overpopulation occur the system should flush and which nutrients to extract and how.

I think a serious analysis of the bacteria contained in stomach of different species or different animal kingdoms,
would provide some significant informations.