Animal Sacrifices in the Bible?

Almost no one questions the beauty of His teachings, and yet, they question that He ever existed on Earth, very strange.

I don't think the same people that question his existence are very much appreciative of his teaching. I also think that Christianity, with it's perversion of the teachings is not representative of the true spirit of Jesus.
Almost no one questions the beauty of His teachings,

His 'teachings' are questioned a lot actually, and his 'teachings' as instructed by his apostles;

For instance - that he permits no woman to teach or have authority over men - something that has been protested and fought over for millennia, only being granted against god recently. There are many examples and I shall do the right thing and point them out if you so choose.

I would ask in the meantime that you refrain from making bold statements that mean nothing, and have zero support.

Of course you're right in saying that very few question whether a man should kill another - they felt the same long before jesus, the jews or the jewish god existed - and thus very few would have issue with them. That is in itself rather meaningless.
Bizarrely enough it's not only meat, but cereal, wine, bread etc.

It just hit me, perhaps this is not really that bizarre at all. I mean, if I were a priest I would want or even need a well rounded complete diet. I would want and need other things to eat besides just the finest meat in the land, wouldn't you? I mean, why quit with just one item, when you have such a magnificent self serving system of fear already set up and working perfectly to bring you the best of virtually everything, even virgins? (Yes they really did do this!) Sky's the limit baby!

(P.S. I could never really treat people this way myself.)

Just my crazy thoughts! But who knows?
It just hit me, perhaps this is not really that bizarre at all. I mean, if I were a priest I would want or even need a well rounded complete diet. I would want and need other things to eat besides just the finest meat in the land, wouldn't you? I mean, why quit with just one item, when you have such a magnificent self serving system of fear already set up and working perfectly to bring you the best of virtually everything, even virgins? (Yes they really did do this!) Sky's the limit baby!

Absolutely, but we're not talking priests here - we're talking god. The very second the religious denigrate the bible as written by greedy men the very second every single mention of god becomes worthless. god inspired, god written - or written by a bunch of greedy mofo's out for their own personal gain? They simply cannot have it both ways, (although they try when caught out). They make a mockery of the text, a mockery of their own god - who seemingly does a good enough job all by itself to not need human intervention.

What bothers me most is that anyone with a modicum of intelligence can see exactly who the bible is written by. Who do you think the food, the gold, the gems, the laws serve? You have rightly pointed out the answer already, and yet the religious lower the very value of their own god by claiming it is him. You point out the fundamental flaws with such a notion and they soon forget the discussion ever existed - unwavering in their daft belief that a god that seeks sacrifice, seeks gold, worship and for you to chop a bit of your willy off is worth caring about in the first place.

So these poor old bastards living life in the desert only to face a god that gives them: the burnt offering, the cereal offering, the sin offering, the reparation opffering, and the communion offering. Fuck, these people barely had time to sleep with all the damn animals they were killing to appease a god that people nowadays claim would want for and need nothing. And we're not even talking your average normal animal but the best of the best.. They weren't even allowed to have bruised testicles.. How over the top is that? "It's a pair of testicles god, get the fuck over it". No siree, these poor buggers annihilating perfectly testicled animals and for what? There is no arguable reason why a god would give two shits about a dead cow and it's bollocks. The religious support it.. it's idiocy.

*end rant* :D

I got the first part about women's authority (or lack thereof), but the rest made no sense

And by the end of tomorrow's English lesson you'll understand the rest.. 0_o
I thought they ended up consuming these animals themselves, kind of a BBQ party for God. In this sense it would be more like the Native American potlatch, that served the function of re-distributing excess wealth.
Leviticus 10:12 goes into the portions given to the priests. Just before that it states that to avoid death nobody, (including all descendants - which would surely mean everyone), are allowed to drink wine. I just had a bottle.. should I be worried?
Why? How does killing a harmless goat equate to justice?

It doesn't. Again intent.

The rebuttal to this is dependant upon how you view jesus. Was jesus god? If you say yes please take into account that no death occured, (unless you are willing to state that for 3 whole days there was no such thing as god). In either case there was still no death given that after 3 days jesus was up and walking. If you knew in 3 days time you would be fine, how much of a sacrifice, (other than none), is dying right now? Man I'd do it as a party trick on weekends. If I knew I'd be up and walking 3 days later, my death right now becomes utterly meaningless. It's not a "sacrifice", it's a joke, a bar-room trick.

Who says He had to stay dead to make it a sacrifice. If I could raise from the dead on command I would do that too. I would also be a one man army.

The only way it is a sacrifice is if, (like your claim concerning animals), there is nothing that lives after, there is nothing that comes back to life.


In this instance the sacrifice of a goat is more meanigful. In line with your way of thinking a goat never comes back to life again, never revives or never finds its way to a heaven. In saying, the sacrifice of a goat is a real sacrifice. No such thing can be said of a being that came back to life 3 days later.

Jesus' body was dead. Again the whole soul thing.

In either case, how would the death of god equate to forgiveness? What does the death of anything accomplish and how?

PUNISHMENT HAD TO BE CARRIED OUT. Else God would be unjust and a liar.

Let's look at the only supportable way: god decided that the only way to forgive people for being the way that he created them to be is to kill things. I'm sorry, someone thinks that's sane?

God did not create us to be evil. Again your view on God.

I hate to be the one to point it out, but "some", "none", or "everything" would be entirely inconsequential to an all-loving, omnipotent being. It would want for nothing and wouldn't frankly give two droplets of rat piss whether you offered it one apple or a gazillion. You need to ask yourself right now what kind of a god would have a go at you for offering less than it wanted. How many apples must you offer? Think about it for a minute.. Are a million apples enough? How do you know? Maybe Cain offered 1 million apples.. you just can't say. So what then? Your entire life is at the mercy of a beings wants? Where is the value in that? If you don't offer enough would you honestly consider yourself as having done wrong? Think about it for a moment.. Think about what your god demands and whether you can perceive any value in it. But, you say to yourself, I am a humble burger cooker on £3 an hour.. can I afford to give it all to the sky being? No... and then you get rebuked for it? Why my friend, a human acted like that I'd beat the ever living shit out of him. You're not a god, you're a human.. who is going to fault you for being human? And if they made you human, who are they to rebuke you?

"Some" indicated quality. Again you said the only crime was fruit. I responded sacrifice is based on intent and obedience.

If god was all loving it wouldnt make the slightest bit of difference. Cain could have offered god a half eaten cookie or king kongs first dump of the day and god would still have a smile on his face. You dare try and rebuke humans for "doing it to get by"? Please..

Your view on God. Well hopefully your wife does not give you dump for a present. Rebuke humans, no, just Cain in this case.

What is he, a fucking woman? My wife "deserves the best", as do my kids.. An all loving being must come second to that... He has no "want" for anything, no "need" for anything..

Again your view on God changes that.

My wife and kids on the other hand need and want a lot. I was "created" to serve need more than anything else. As a result of that, the "needs" of my family outweigh that of a god that "needs" nothing. It has no need for anything, including love or worship or dead animals or fruit, or a weekends prayer... It has no need whatsoever. There is no viable reason that it does anything.. the same cannot be said of humans. We "need" food, we "need" water, we "need" etc etc etc, god does not. If you dispute this, you turn your god nothing more than a human and therefore not worthy of attention.

God does not need anything from us. He wants some things though. Again your view on God.

Now, I don't need my child to kill an animal, (or human/or god), to be forgiven and thus neither does an all loving, omnipotent entity. If it does then I am better than it, I am above and beyond it.

Well atleast you have some moral obligation.

Apologies, I don't understand your question. First you would have to define and show evidence for a soul before asking if animals show evidence of a soul. Duh.

What classification system have animals come up with?

Do take into account that your god wanted you to remain an animal instead of being like [one of them]. Until tempted by the snake you didn't even know you were naked and no, you didn't have any morals, (which is what I'm quite sure is the key in your question). Think about that for a while..

No morals? How so?

There are animals that commit suicide. There are also animals that kill, or try to, kill everything. But while we're on the subject, I bet you couldn't. You'd die to something you can't even see before making good on that bet. Oh you'd beg others to make a gun for you, ah yes, we, like apes, otters etc are a species that use tools. Without them you are weaker than pretty much everything else.

That was sarcasm from a misunderstanding. You would bet? Would you actually risk that, I mean wouldnt you rather have some scientific proof first?

[QUOTE}You made the claim, and even stated it was a fact.. The onus is on you son, not me.[/QUOTE]

Oh ok I figured you would understand that if no evidence is given AGAINST something then that becomes evidence FOR something. One proof is you can not disprove it. Rather than asking me to prove it you would have already disproven it. Unless you want to lead me a certain train of thought.
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Please respond to Post #46 when you have a few minutes.

Sorry to hear about your mono!

Take care of yourself, and get plenty of rest!
Who says He had to stay dead to make it a sacrifice. If I could raise from the dead on command I would do that too. I would also be a one man army.

If I offered to kill myself so that you could live, (having set those rules), while then being god - and thus, (as no theist would dispute), can never ever ever die - not for one nanosecond, the gesture is an empty one. Nothing has been sacrificed, he might as well have just said "you're all forgiven" and be done with it. The farce of pretend suicide is pointless and worthless.


Giving a pointless one word response is not an argument to anything. Try harder.

Jesus' body was dead.

In this instance 'was' would be the operative word. Three days after this supposed sacrifice, that very same dead body was up and walking around. No 'sacrifice' was actually made - the farce of the three day pretend god death was a complete and utter waste of godly effort. Again, better to just say "you're all forgiven" and done with it.. However, here is the problem with that:

People are generally stupid. Humans 'need' to see something in order to believe it - (yes, even then people required evidence). As such some hippy jew saying "you're all forgiven" could never be sufficient. It required a staged sacrifice so humans could accept it. god would have no choice but to put on a show for the people - and that came in the form of a suicide. Had any of these people any reasoning ability they would come to the conclusion that god cannot die and thus the sacrifice must be staged in order to please them and their needs, and isn't a "real" sacrifice of anything. Three days of pretend death should be adequate before god is back up in his home sniffing burning cow flesh.

In either case it comes right back to the conclusion that the sacrifice was not a sacrifice and god never ever ever died.. not for a millionth of a nanosecond.


Punishment for what? Being human? Further to which, how is god pretending to kill himself or the death of cows a punishment?

God did not create us to be evil. Again your view on God.

That's your view on god. We can keep that up all year long if you like, it's pointless. At the end of the day it always comes down to personal views. How about telling me something I don't know?

Everything has a 'nature'. People often talk about god's nature, a tigers nature etc.. This includes humans.. It is in our nature to be what we are etc. We did not create those things within ourselves. The very nature of satan is, according to christians, to be evil, to possess people etc.. It cannot be said that satan created his own nature, but that the god that created him created his nature.

"Some" indicated quality. Again you said the only crime was fruit.

He could have offered a rotten banana or nothing at all.. There is no crime in not giving presents to a sky fairy that has no need of them. What is god going to do with a banana whether it's the tastiest in the world or the most rotten? Bugger all. What value does this banana provide? What is god lacking in his life where he'd even care that mere humans bother with such mundane activity as to give him worldly goods? "Here's £10 god".. What's he gonna do with it? Go on a shopping spree at poundbusters?

Your view on God.


Well hopefully your wife does not give you dump for a present.

What my wife has to do with this I'll never know, but suffice it to say it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if she got me nothing at all, ever. She loves me, I love her.. That's all there is to it. You theists of all people should understand that - how often you talk about material possessions being evil or bad etc etc and that love is where it's at - and yet here you are trying to justify your gods need for material possessions from humans even though he spent all that time bad mouthing material possessions.

I am seemingly one step closer than you are and god is. My wife and I have a bond.. we need for nothing material, just our love for each other. Your god wants a bowl of apples and they best be DAMN good apples or he'll have a go at you. It's pathetic.

Rebuke humans, no, just Cain in this case.

Aww, poor little goddy-woddy, his present wasn't good enough :(

God does not need anything from us. He wants some things though.

To 'want' is to lack. Try to dispute it.

Well atleast you have some moral obligation.

Is this where we thank the snake for tempting man to eat the fruit that gave us those morals?

What classification system have animals come up with?

Of what relevance is that?

No morals? How so?

Read your bible. Until they had eaten from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they had no knowledge of good or evil - and thus can do anything without moral consequence. Adam could have dropped his pants and piddled in god's face without batting an eyelid - because he had no understanding of good and evil. He also would have no way of knowing whether to listen to the snake or to god - it would be meaningless because he wouldn't be able to understand that one is good and one is evil. Without knowing good and evil there can be no morals.

You would bet? Would you actually risk that, I mean wouldnt you rather have some scientific proof first?

There is ample evidence to suggest that a large majority of animals would kill you before you managed to kill them. I'm trying to earn some money in the meantime, is that ok with you?

Oh ok I figured you would understand that if no evidence is given AGAINST something then that becomes evidence FOR something.

Stop being silly. If you came up to me and claimed that leprechauns existed I would naturally ask you to provide evidence. You can't turn round and ask me to provide evidence that they don't, that's blithering idiocy. My lack of evidence against the existence of leprechauns does not even begin to become evidence for their existence. Stop being so bloody naive.

One proof is you can not disprove it.

Again, stop being so bloody naive.

Now.. YOU made a claim, YOU claimed it was a fact. Back up YOUR claims.
If I offered to kill myself so that you could live, (having set those rules), while then being god - and thus, (as no theist would dispute), can never ever ever die - not for one nanosecond, the gesture is an empty one. Nothing has been sacrificed, he might as well have just said "you're all forgiven" and be done with it. The farce of pretend suicide is pointless and worthless.

The body of Jesus(God) was dead. Remember I believe in the incarnation. I believe if no "punishment" then we would have never learned our lesson.

Giving a pointless one word response is not an argument to anything. Try harder.

My purpose in this debate is to explain. I can not help that you do not understand. I am trying and I understand what you are saying.

In this instance 'was' would be the operative word. Three days after this supposed sacrifice, that very same dead body was up and walking around. No 'sacrifice' was actually made - the farce of the three day pretend god death was a complete and utter waste of godly effort. Again, better to just say "you're all forgiven" and done with it.. However, here is the problem with that:

People are generally stupid. Humans 'need' to see something in order to believe it - (yes, even then people required evidence). As such some hippy jew saying "you're all forgiven" could never be sufficient. It required a staged sacrifice so humans could accept it. god would have no choice but to put on a show for the people - and that came in the form of a suicide. Had any of these people any reasoning ability they would come to the conclusion that god cannot die and thus the sacrifice must be staged in order to please them and their needs, and isn't a "real" sacrifice of anything. Three days of pretend death should be adequate before god is back up in his home sniffing burning cow flesh.

In either case it comes right back to the conclusion that the sacrifice was not a sacrifice and god never ever ever died.. not for a millionth of a nanosecond.

How did He not die?

Beng human? Further to which, how is god pretending to kill himself or the death of cows a punishment?

For disobeying God. He created us with "moral choice."

That's your view on god. We can keep that up all year long if you like, it's pointless. At the end of the day it always comes down to personal views. How about telling me something I don't know?

I see God as Saviour and King so of course I am going to obey Him. My view on God makes my actions make sense.

Everything has a 'nature'. People often talk about god's nature, a tigers nature etc.. This includes humans.. It is in our nature to be what we are etc. We did not create those things within ourselves. The very nature of satan is, according to christians, to be evil, to possess people etc.. It cannot be said that satan created his own nature, but that the god that created him created his nature.

Satan chooses to sin. We choose to sin. God's nature doesnt allow Him to sin.

He could have offered a rotten banana or nothing at all.. There is no crime in not giving presents to a sky fairy that has no need of them. What is god going to do with a banana whether it's the tastiest in the world or the most rotten? Bugger all. What value does this banana provide? What is god lacking in his life where he'd even care that mere humans bother with such mundane activity as to give him worldly goods? "Here's £10 god".. What's he gonna do with it? Go on a shopping spree at poundbusters?

You brought it up I just explained. Obviously something was wrong with the offering. It is symbolic. It is how we show our love, or how they did any way.

Giving a pointless one word response is not an argument to anything. Try harder.

What my wife has to do with this I'll never know, but suffice it to say it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if she got me nothing at all, ever. She loves me, I love her.. That's all there is to it. You theists of all people should understand that - how often you talk about material possessions being evil or bad etc etc and that love is where it's at - and yet here you are trying to justify your gods need for material possessions from humans even though he spent all that time bad mouthing material possessions.

You brought her up. How do you know she loves you?

I am seemingly one step closer than you are and god is. My wife and I have a bond.. we need for nothing material, just our love for each other. Your god wants a bowl of apples and they best be DAMN good apples or he'll have a go at you. It's pathetic.

Need and want are different. It was obedience. I am trying to explain.

Aww, poor little goddy-woddy, his present wasn't good enough :(

Finally you see. It wasn't, hence the unacceptance.

To 'want' is to lack. Try to dispute it.

No need to dispute I agree. God doesn't need anything from us. He does want us to love Him.

Is this where we thank the snake for tempting man to eat the fruit that gave us those morals?

No this is where we stop and wonder why we would even want to do good.

Of what relevance is that?

You said.
Apologies, I don't understand your question. First you would have to define and show evidence for a soul before asking if animals show evidence of a soul. Duh.

I restated my question. I asked why doesn't an animal come up with a classification system? Showing a difference between humans and animals.

Read your bible. Until they had eaten from the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they had no knowledge of good or evil - and thus can do anything without moral consequence. Adam could have dropped his pants and piddled in god's face without batting an eyelid - because he had no understanding of good and evil. He also would have no way of knowing whether to listen to the snake or to god - it would be meaningless because he wouldn't be able to understand that one is good and one is evil. Without knowing good and evil there can be no morals.

Oh I am aware of that. They only knew good, because for a while there thats all they did. Me asking doesn't mean I don't know it just helps me in explaining. This whole typing thing loses the actual emphasis that speaking can give.

There is ample evidence to suggest that a large majority of animals would kill you before you managed to kill them. I'm trying to earn some money in the meantime, is that ok with you?

That was a good one.:D

Stop being silly. If you came up to me and claimed that leprechauns existed I would naturally ask you to provide evidence. You can't turn round and ask me to provide evidence that they don't, that's blithering idiocy. My lack of evidence against the existence of leprechauns does not even begin to become evidence for their existence. Stop being so bloody naive.

Just because I say something doesn't mean I am obligated to explain. I see no need in explaining that now. Remember we are talking about sacrifice. I made a post to explain.

Again, stop being so bloody naive.

Make me.

Now.. YOU made a claim, YOU claimed it was a fact. Back up YOUR claims.

Maybe I will, Maybe I won't.

Thank you,
His son,
I appreciate your response, and I know you are a little busy right now, but…

The priests and “all the tribe of Levi” filled their stomachs through the practice of animal sacrifices.

Deuteronomy 18:1-3
1 “The priests, the Levites—all the tribe of Levi—shall have no part nor inheritance with Israel; they shall eat the offerings of the LORD made by fire, and His portion. 2 Therefore they shall have no inheritance among their brethren; the LORD is their inheritance, as He said to them.3 “And this shall be the priest’s due from the people, from those who offer a sacrifice, whether it is bull or sheep: they shall give to the priest the shoulder, the cheeks, and the stomach.

In Leviticus the people were told that their sacrifices were actually an atonement for sin. But then in Hebrews, Paul teaches that these sacrifices were never an atonement for sin, not a single one of them, and that this is why we need Jesus. Was Paul lying or was God? This looks like a clear contradiction to me.

Leviticus 1:2-4
2 “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When any one of you brings an offering to the LORD, you shall bring your offering of the livestock—of the herd and of the flock.3 ‘If his offering is a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish; he shall offer it of his own free will at the door of the tabernacle of meeting before the LORD. 4 Then he shall put his hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on his behalf to make atonement for him.

Leviticus 4:13-35
13 ‘Now if the whole congregation of Israel sins unintentionally, and the thing is hidden from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done something against any of the commandments of the LORD in anything which should not be done, and are guilty; 14 when the sin which they have committed becomes known, then the assembly shall offer a young bull for the sin, and bring it before the tabernacle of meeting. 15 And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the bull before the LORD. Then the bull shall be killed before the LORD. 16 The anointed priest shall bring some of the bull’s blood to the tabernacle of meeting. 17 Then the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle it seven times before the LORD, in front of the veil. 18 And he shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before the LORD, which is in the tabernacle of meeting; and he shall pour the remaining blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. 19 He shall take all the fat from it and burn it on the altar. 20 And he shall do with the bull as he did with the bull as a sin offering; thus he shall do with it. So the priest shall make atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them. 21 Then he shall carry the bull outside the camp, and burn it as he burned the first bull. It is a sin offering for the assembly. 22 ‘When a ruler has sinned, and done something unintentionally against any of the commandments of the LORD his God in anything which should not be done, and is guilty, 23 or if his sin which he has committed comes to his knowledge, he shall bring as his offering a kid of the goats, a male without blemish. 24 And he shall lay his hand on the head of the goat, and kill it at the place where they kill the burnt offering before the LORD. It is a sin offering. 25 The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour its blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering. 26 And he shall burn all its fat on the altar, like the fat of the sacrifice of the peace offering. So the priest shall make atonement for him concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him. 27 ‘If anyone of the common people sins unintentionally by doing something against any of the commandments of the LORD in anything which ought not to be done, and is guilty, 28 or if his sin which he has committed comes to his knowledge, then he shall bring as his offering a kid of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he has committed. 29 And he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering, and kill the sin offering at the place of the burnt offering. 30 Then the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar. 31 He shall remove all its fat, as fat is removed from the sacrifice of the peace offering; and the priest shall burn it on the altar for a sweet aroma to the LORD. So the priest shall make atonement for him, and it shall be forgiven him. 32 ‘If he brings a lamb as his sin offering, he shall bring a female without blemish. 33 Then he shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering, and kill it as a sin offering at the place where they kill the burnt offering. 34 The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar. 35 He shall remove all its fat, as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of the peace offering. Then the priest shall burn it on the altar, according to the offerings made by fire to the LORD. So the priest shall make atonement for his sin that he has committed, and it shall be forgiven him.

In Direct Contrast To…

Hebrews 10:4
4…it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.

Hebrews 10:11
11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins.

I see where it appears to be condradiction. The sacrifices are symbolic of Jesus. The explanation is these were done out of obedience and faith with the understanding that God would reconcile them back to Him.

Here is another contradiction. God clearly commanded the nation of Israel to perform the animal sacrifice, and even loved the smell of the sacrifice. Yet according to other passages He has not desired that they do this at all. In the scriptures I have already provided, even David proclaims that God has not required this. And that is the very reason that David gives for not giving God sacrifices himself. Was David then breaking the Law of Moses here or not? David did not say anything like, God does not desire sacrifice but I will give it anyway. Please read the verse again. Please explain this one to me, my friend.

David didn't give a sacrifice?

Leviticus 8:20-22
20 And he cut the ram into pieces; and Moses burned the head, the pieces, and the fat. 21 Then he washed the entrails and the legs in water. And Moses burned the whole ram on the altar. It was a burnt sacrifice for a sweet aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD, as the LORD had commanded Moses.

Thank You!

This is God delighting in obedience. Lets be honest. We both agree that an animal can't take the weight of sin. This is all symbolic. Like we were debating on sticking to the argument and it was brought up how our minds wander off, well this helped keep their minds on God. Good question though. I really never hashed this out to this extent. Again sorry for the tardiness on responding. This whole mono thing is kicking my tail. Oh and the thing about Paul, I never really noticed that. Here is the explanation of that. Paul said to the Jew I am a Jew and to the Gentile I am a Gentile. It was a cultural thing. Again thanks for your comments and I appreciate your attitude towards my ignorance on some subjects. The others just think that degrading remarks help get their point across. I have to be honest though some of these guys can come up with some awesome comebacks. Sorry I am impressed with that.

Thank you,
His son,
The body of Jesus(God) was dead.

The body was dead? From biblical accounts the 'body' was up and walking about 3 days later. Needless to say, up and walking about do not equal dead.

When god had it as part of his rules to sacrifice animals, did any of those animals get up and walk around 3 days later? It's unlikely..

I believe if no "punishment" then we would have never learned our lesson.

A) You still haven't managed to show how the pretend sacrifice of god is a "punishment"

B) What lesson has man learnt from it exactly?

My purpose in this debate is to explain. I can not help that you do not understand.

While your claim to my lack of understanding is cute, it's also unfounded. Of course it's impossible for you to see what I'm saying due to the blind belief and worship you have for the being we're currently discussing.

How did He not die?

Are you saying that for three days there was no such thing as god?

For disobeying God. He created us with "moral choice."

Naughty naughty, you haven't been reading your bible. He didn't create us with moral choice, we had to get that from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Satan chooses to sin. We choose to sin. God's nature doesnt allow Him to sin.

It's all about perspective.. You can choose to kill a man and then have a world of theists label it a sin. god can kill billions of men and theists try to justify it. They are both the same thing, (sin if you believe killing is a sin, and not sin if you believe killing isn't a sin), you just excuse one. god sinned constantly, you just label it as something else.

Obviously something was wrong with the offering. It is symbolic. It is how we show our love, or how they did any way.

I love when theists can't argue a case that the "it's symbolic, not real" card pops up. However it's not going to make a difference.. To rebuke a person because he's not loving you enough is equally pathetic.

Giving a pointless one word response is not an argument to anything.

Indeed it isn't. "Duh" however was not an argument to begin with..

You brought her up. How do you know she loves you?

I brought my wife up? Not really, no. If you got confused and we're now talking about my daughter then fine. However, whether she loves me or not is her business - and hardly something I can rebuke her for. If I was to get what I 'want', she'd be showering me with kisses and hugs all day long - but the fact that she doesn't is not justification for me to tell her [symbolically] that her fruit offering sucks ass. Nor would I actually "punish" her by suiciding myself thinking that would somehow teach her a lesson. I had a friend that did kill himself because a girl would not reciprocate the love he felt for her. He did not kill himself due to want, but due to need. It is safe to say, given the biblical text, that god does not want, he needs - to an obsessive level, and that is never healthy.

Need and want are different. It was obedience. I am trying to explain.

They are different, as explained above. Killing yourself, rebuking those that don't show you love etc are signs of need, not want. I want my daughter to shower me with hugs and kisses all day long, I don't need her to and thus don't punish her when she doesn't.

Finally you see. It wasn't, hence the unacceptance.

Hence if it was unacceptable then it comes down to need not want. Try and dispute that.

God doesn't need anything from us. He does want us to love Him.

Wrong, as explained above.

No this is where we stop and wonder why we would even want to do good.

From a biblical perspective because god needs us to act as he tells us to or we burn.

From a realistic perspective being good helps yourself, (i.e if you went round telling everyone to drop dead and doing nothing but bad then you wont get very far with your own needs). Being 'good' is self-serving. If you're nice to your wife you get laid. If you're not nice you get the sofa. It's quite simple.

I asked why doesn't an animal come up with a classification system? Showing a difference between humans and animals.

They are unable to write.

But it is of no consequence to anything. From a human classification jesus was an animal, as are we all.

They only knew good

A) This is not supported by biblical text.

B) If they only knew good then any action that was bad wouldn't be their fault, (you cannot argue that given your own statement above). They only know good, they have no idea what bad is - and thus anything they do that is bad isn't bad to them, because they don't even know what bad is - until they eat from the tree that gives them that knowledge by which time it's too late.

Just because I say something doesn't mean I am obligated to explain.

Aww, a convenient escape clause. How sweet.
God's nature doesnt allow Him to sin.


Not true! Yahwehs' actions throughout the bible prove otherwise.
It never ceases to amaze me how people can read of the horrorific atrocities and actions of the god of the bible and actually believe this could be the nature of the god of the universe. Lessons of sin and clean living and righteousness coming from this dark depiction of god are a complete joke.

For so many christians to label other religions as "satanic" or evil is just plain ignorant considering the great majority don't even take the time to research other beliefs. When I heard Franklin Graham once mention in one of his TV crusades that the ancient egyptians had an evil religous system I almost fell off my chair in laughter. I'll bet he has never read any of their mythical stories. I have, and there is nowhere near the level of violence and evil of the bible.

I know, I know...all these actions committed by the god of the bible were for a good reason and because he is god we have no right to question these things...:eek: