Animal Mutilations

If I let my imagination run wild I come up with the following theory. What if the aliens were clones? They have been cloning themselves for centuries. Then they realize that there is something inherently wrong with the cloning process. Something they didn't see in the centuries past. And now it has manifested itself and the aliens are dying. Now they are racing against time. They must find a way to correct for this flaw in the cloning process. They must go back to the old ways. But there is a huge gap of biological information that is missing or mangled. They must use other life forms to help fill in this missing information. They must adapt this information into something they can use.

Did you by anychance rent Jurrasic park last night?


When I was at Oxford, one night we went out to a small eating house in the depths of the countryside to clandestinely eat swan. In England, all swans belong to the Queen, and this is strictly illegal. All of which provides a model for these mutilations...

It's the RGCP (Rogue Gourmet Chefs of the Pleiades). Despite strict rules to the contrary, they are popping over here (through private wormholes hidden under their kitchen floors) to bring back "otherwise unobtainable delicacies" to those of their clientele with extravagant tastes and means.

Trust me on this.
I'm on a mailing list that includes a woman who believes missing persons are being turned into food for aliens. She also believes abductees are providing some sort of nourishment to the aliens. I have been wanting to ask her if abductees/missing persons are the main course or just a side dish. Since the woman seems to have had some really bad experiences I've decided to hold my tongue. Hee.
Whoever is taking these ranchers stock must be wanting to use large amounts of blood for something. Otherwise why would these carcasses be drained. It’s all too much trouble. They also must be doing it somewhere else because you’d have blood on the ground around the cow. Inside a saucer perhaps?
I read somewhere on the net that the 21st chromosome of humans is identical to the 21st chromosome of bovines (cows). I wonder if this fact is important to why cattle are being mutilated.
I heard that the US government are testing animalos for radioactivity in the area after the bomb tests in the 50's. They have to keep it covert in case of alarm. Imagine if yiou found that where you lived was radioactive. You would not hang around would you?
Hello everyone,
Don't mind if I join in on this conversation.
It's interesting to read what goes on
here. As for Andromeda, I'll try not
to go blabing around "Crap" as you
call it.

I don't want you to start thinking badly
of me so I'm going to go cautiously along
here as I type. I believe that Ufos do
exist, but as for aliens, I have to
disagree with that.
Although it is a possibility that creatures
may have come here from alternate dimensions
or universes, I find it hard to believe
that an alien civilization is communicating
with our goverment. Although such a race
may have came here through a warpage in
space or something, the odds of a race
of aliens existing in our galaxy with
an appearence similair to ours is unlikely.

As for animal mutilations, I am not
going to try to explain how they happen.
However, I would rather have to think
that these mutilations are moreoverly
based on natural causes than alien

Interesting on what you have to say
there about the goverment keeping
covert about people living in radioactive
areas. Good thing its not happening
anywhere remotely where I live.
I live up near Vancouver, Canada, just
on the border, I don't have to worry.

You have a right to your opinion, but I have to say that I disagree with what you think. How could something naturally occurring leave clean cuts on the animal? Scavengers or predators would leave ragged edges along the "wound" not clean cauterized incisions. What naturally occurring disease would cause the animal to lose all of it's blood? How does a steer or cow die like this by itself? If someone terrestrial kills these animals why are there no footprints? You have a right to your opinion but I ask respectively, can you back it up?
Personally I believe it's just a natural phenomena. Like when it rains frogs.. Cows and other animals get picked up by strong winds, suffer a horrific death from being struck by lightning while in the air (making small laser type holes in them) the blood is lost to the winds, and then they simply drop out of the sky wherever the wind takes them.

I'm leaving now for foreign climates, never to return. I just thought I'd better straighten you all out on this one before I go.

Knife, knife, stein, hah..!
For anyones attention...The Soup Dragon is a full time debunker...He is here simply to throw a spanner in the works. Do not read his postings....His remarks go down like a lead balloon, and he likes nothing more than to shoot his mouth off. Give him enough rope and he will hang himself.
Soup dragon will antagonise people and twist the knife at any oppertunity...He waxes lyrical, and burns both ends of lifes candle.
Do not reply to him, or be goaded by him.
I knew that would trigger a response..! Tied you up in knots with my cutting insight. This thread is getting on your wick I see..

You haven't got a clue..
you misunderstood what I said by
"I would rather think animal mutilations
to be of natural causes rather than
something of alien being."
First off, I believe animal mutilations
to be real. However, my belief is that
it has nothing to do of alien
Most likely it is the U.S. goverment.
Have you ever thought that perhaps
these cows and animals were drained
of blood for experiment perposes?
Even so, the goverment today is hiding
away technology we can't even think
of. Back in the early 1900s, did people
think that there would be such things
as computers common in every household?
At that time, no one thought of the
internet's existence.
The goverment is most likely hiding away
fusion bombs or anti-gravity propulsion
devices. That would mean that the goverment
could have found ways to specially
experiment with cows through mutilation.

As for the existence of Alien Intelligence,
I remain adamant to my opinions standing.
the only reality that I can believe
involving them is that they are from
an alternate reality.

There's lots to think about here.

I'm sorry that I misunderstood your post. However, I still believe the mutilations are being done by aliens. I don't have any solid proof. It's just what I believe. Perhaps the military or black government is involved. I don't know. I read somewhere on the net about a theory that ties in well with your view. One man believes the mutilations are being done by our government to test for Mad Cow disease. It is an interesting theory but I don't agree with it. What do you think?