Angel Orbs

But but but... I thought cameras reproduce everything in exact atomic detail, with absolutely no conceivable distortions! :bawl: Ok so maybe this could be a physics issue after all- a physical explanation is required for why the dude decided to fake his photos, or if they're not fake, we must physically explain why he bought a crappy camera for his research.

And the red eye effect is evidence of demonic possession.

But but but... I thought cameras reproduce everything in exact atomic detail, with absolutely no conceivable distortions! :bawl: Ok so maybe this could be a physics issue after all- a physical explanation is required for why the dude decided to fake his photos, or if they're not fake, we must physically explain why he bought a crappy camera for his research.

It's not fake, it happened to me many times in photos.
I would have said that the lens was dirty and the specks were catching the light, but that's just me and I'm far from an expert on the subject of photography or optical physics.
No harm done in believing they are truely angel orbs right? It could be light, there might have been a small crystal disco ball hovering at the ceiling, some kids might have been playing with flashlights, or it might be an angel orb. I'll just say it was an angel orb and consider this a closed book. :)
Here in Utah we have ball lightning phenomenon and I have seen it a few times.

The closest I ever got to the ball lightning was when I was a child and it burned a hole through the window screen and came into the room and then it disappeared after it hit into the wall. (where it left a burn mark)

A Christian shows me this:

From the photos, you can see the orbs.
Do they look true?
Or tempering of photos?
Is it possible to temper with the photos?

Saint, as an engineer it should be painfully obvious that it is the result of the lighting in the room and a mediocre camera. I think you know this. If you want to believe that they are angel orbs then just do it because it will make you feel good (you don't have justify how you want to feel... just be honest about your desires).
They forgot to turn of their flash taking this picture. Yeesh.

Flash on:

Flash off:
From the OP's original link:


I was about to state that it looks like dust on the interior of the camera lens... but notice that one of the "orbs" is half-hidden by the man in this image... that wouldn't happen if it were dust on the lens.

Kinda weird actually... if I'm not mistaken, it also sort of rules out the flash doesn't it? Unless the flash is reflecting off something perfectly half-hidden by the guy... but what would it be?

not trying to lean one way or the other here... but damn if that one isn't odd looking to me... what I would love is for someone to section off that area and enhance the image to verify that the "orb" is, in fact, fully behind the person and not simply being blurred by the changing colors and contrasts; if the latter is the case, that would put the final nail in the coffin for me :)