Angel Orbs

Digital cameras picking up dust partials. The more there is dust in the air the more orbs there are . Only on digital cameras do you get this effect . That is why they didn't start showing up until digital cameras came out. I almost fell for it as I had taken a picture up Nine Mile and had the orbs in the pictures and wondered what was going on . It was freaky enough all the other stuff that happened on the Nine mile road as I would drive to work . My eyes turned black and then blue and stayed that way for about 2 months . I think it was about 2 months . Maybe 3 . They slowly turned back to Hazel . I didn't realize it until my wife asked me what was the matter with my eyes . What do you mean was my reply . She said there blue . Must be the light . Then looked in the mirror and sure enough they were blue . So you can imagine what I though when I saw the orbs in my photo. It was just the one photo . It was the angle the picture was taken coupled with the sun light shining on the dust . Saw dust in this case
Typical TV "touch the screen" money grubbing nonsense.
I was going to say Evangelical, but perhaps that would be unjust.
I don't know. Maybe there are evangelical churches that don't indulge in Charlatanism.
Little churches that don't have accountants and TV channels.
Ones that just pray and help people.


This is Andy Tan, who explains the apparent phenomena with a home made scientific experiment.
He is also a Christian. Of which sect, I know not.
A Christian who doesn't need to believe that motes of dust are Angels to strengthen his faith.
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No ones looking at them. I'd say they can't see them so they aren't there.

I'm for a digital artifact or just a little photo shopping.
Why the frick is this crap being posted in the math and physics section?

Saint wants to know if physics can explain the photo. The answer is yes, insofar as the laws of physics lead to signals in the brain which leads to some guy faking a miracle for profit and manipulation.
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From wiki:
Orb artifact are captured during low-light instances where the camera's flash is used, such as at night or underwater – or where a bright light source is near the camera.

The artifacts are especially common with compact or ultra-compact cameras, where the short distance between the lens and the built-in flash decreases the angle of light reflection to the lens, directly illuminating the aspect of the particles facing the lens and increasing the camera's ability to capture the light reflected off normally sub-visible particles.[1]

The orb artifact can result from retroreflection of light off solid particles (e.g., dust, pollen), liquid particles (water droplets, especially rain) or other foreign material within the camera lens.[1]

The image artifacts usually appear as either white or semi-transparent circles, though may also occur with whole or partial color spectrums, purple fringing or other chromatic aberration. With rain droplets, an image may capture light passing through the droplet creating a small rainbow effect.

In underwater conditions, particles such as sand or small sea life close to the lens, invisible to the diver, reflect light from the flash causing the orb artifact in the image. A strobe flash, which distances the flash from the lens, eliminates the artifacts.
Despite Wiki's explanation I'm not convinced that orb artifacts are the result of retroreflection off of particles. Who HASN'T seen the Discovery Channel clip in space of the sun breaking around the Earth? I see this phenomenon all the time and there isn't a flash involved when it's a video in space.
Has no one heard of lens flare? There is even a special photoshop filter to reproduce the effect often seen in movies.
I think they're the ghosts of soap bubbles from the Lawrence Welk show.

Who are you ? Your propagating Me delusions bub. It is not nice to play with mother natures son . O.K. yeah we watched Lawrence Welk . You got know Idea of the power in the name Lawrence . I tell you that is a name to be blessed with . Yeah buddy .
Has no one heard of lens flare? There is even a special photoshop filter to reproduce the effect often seen in movies.

I bet you know too Spidey cause of your Great Art . Photos are a necessity in me own Art World . The ones that really get Me as do I think most people are the photos that look like paintings . Serial imagery caught on film . Where you look at it and think " Is that real " I am talking about untouched captured imagery . I missed a shot like that 2 years back . There was this Eagle that follow Me up nine mile drainage . So I would get pictures of what I called Me pet eagle at the time . One morning I was thinking " Man I need to lay my camera out so I can get a picture of Brian Me pet eagle . Well log trucks were pulling beetle kill logs out of the woods at the same time I was working up the drainage so I was trying to get a good shot as to show the world how much lumber was coming out of the woods that was beetle kill. Reality check . Not in your pocket stupid . Anyway I was just starting up the nine mile drainage fumbling for Me camera and Fuck nut here comes a log truck and be fucking Me blind the eagle was flying right for my truck in front of the log truck . I am fucking fumbling fuck around swerving all over the road as this log truck is coming at me . I headed for the dirt shoulder and the fucking Brian the Eagle flew right over the cab of my truck with the log truck looking like it was chasing the fucking eagle . This all as I am dropping the now unsheathed camera . Fuck me and My Horse . That shot would have gone National I am positive . Opportunity knocked on my door that day and I fumbled. I could smell it coming a heart beat away just before the event . Part of it was knowing the patterns of the eagle , yes I realize that . What you don't realize as Me and the Eagle made a bond. THe Eagle became tolerant of Me and I became tolerant of the Eagle . The eagle is still there in its happy home last I checked which was about 3 or 4 months ago . That was the last time I saw the get Morris . The guy that keeps your food fresh . He don't work for the government . He is the guy that makes it happen fools . The one in the trenches that you want to take down and assemble some place else . Thank God for the Morrises in the world . They don't listen to the persecution that goes on . He is were I learned the powers that be called to Me by the Me's . I love em . He was one of my last examples of how to be . Funny cause he was called Me. Yeah so fucking weird. His initials were M.E. and every one called him Me. He answered to Me also . Now that is a tongue twister some of you will not understand . I don't blame you if you don't . I still am flabbergasted. A cross roads of some type
Has no one heard of lens flare? There is even a special photoshop filter to reproduce the effect often seen in movies.

But but but... I thought cameras reproduce everything in exact atomic detail, with absolutely no conceivable distortions! :bawl: Ok so maybe this could be a physics issue after all- a physical explanation is required for why the dude decided to fake his photos, or if they're not fake, we must physically explain why he bought a crappy camera for his research.
I would suggest that we still do not fully understand all of the properties of light as it travels through various mediums when we attempt to capture a subject in photography.

Though an amateur, I enjoy taking pictures and digital photography has certainly made this hobby more economical.

Frequently, I am disappointed that the resulting image does not capture certain nuances as my eye sees them.

The subtleties of light, and our attempts to capture it's effects, remain of interest to me, despite the mixed results. :)