And here LIES the human heart!

I think we agree, Banshee. It's not religion which is the cause of so much trouble in our world. As with your friend, so many people can live and let live, but there are so many other people who can't help but involve their convictions in the lives of others, and you will find those other people not only in religious groups but in other areas of thought.

Well, I need to open my computer and drop another hard drive in it. You guys have a good weekend.
posted by Bowser
so many people can live and let live, but there are so many other people who can't help but involve their convictions in the lives of others, and you will find those other people not only in religious groups but in other areas of thought.

was it in this frame of mind you posted the
"I hate the thought of anal sex how about you?" thread?

Just a thought:)
<i>"was it in this frame of mind you posted the 'I hate the thought of anal sex how about you?'"</i>

Well, I wouldn't whip you with a steel cable or cut off your hands because you probe yourself.<img src = ""> I might, however, express an opinion or take a poll regarding the practice. What's more, when others introduce an idea in a forum, I feel obligated to voice myself, depending on the emotions it provokes within me.

On a side note: I didn't drop the hard drive in my computer, but I did change the oil in both cars, flushed the radiator, replaced the coolant and muffler on my truck. It was a very productive day. The computer will wait till tomorrow. I needed to fix the vehicles while the sun was shining.
Well, as an atheist I don´t think that religions would be absolute necessity. But I can understand the need for it and I think there are a million reasons for people to believe. And we do not know the truth.
Altough it seemes that when we think of religion, immediatly the word christianity pops into our mind. There are other religions out there as well... and even though we ofcourse understand that as a fact, I don´t think we knowledge it in emotional level. Islam is quite similar to christianity (after all, both worship the same God), but for example buddhism and hinduism are quite different from christianity.

The religion in which we have been raised and in which we have lived most of our life is, to us, all the religions of the world.

But to the point... The human heart!

Humanity has always been accused from so much... and thanked from so little... humanity is a very cruel critic for itself. :rolleyes:
When we achieve something good, we thank God(s), higher spirits etc. but when we fail we rarely say "the devil made me do it". :)

I don´t think we admire ourselves enough... of our potential, of what capacity we have and how unique species we are on this planet. Some say "Yeah, we´re really unique, the only species that is its own worst enemy" etc.
Many of us look humanity is a failure, a cancer to this planet... evil and sinful from the beginning of time.
But wars, religious battles, ideological attrocities etc. were bound to happen. I´m sure that almost every single sentient species in the universe has had wars and attrocities.
When we have this kind of potential to understand such complex things and to build civilizations... there will almost certainly also be friction and conflicts.
Perhaps we are gotten too used to this. Consciousness, understanding, emotions, our body feel so common to us. We have lived in this body and in/with these brains for our whole life... we cannot imagine how a bird thinks or a dog, but we know ourselves (atleast some of us :eek: ) and we cannot appriciate that what we already have.
Ofcourse I can preach in here and say that we are wonderful beings, and we may understand it... but can we feel it? No, because we have gotten used to these feelings and thoughts.
No! Your body and Innner Feelings are humans greatest richdom. It is that what humans lost contact with. It should be a real good 'thing' as humans should have some more respect for their body and other humans bodies and Feelings. In stead of poisoning themselves with all the artificial garbage which is added to our food and drinks in the last decades.
I quit with this, it's no use, I repeat myself over and over...:(

Originally posted by Bowser
*On a side note: I didn't drop the hard drive in my computer, but I did change the oil in both cars, flushed the radiator, replaced the coolant and muffler on my truck. It was a very productive day. The computer will wait till tomorrow. I needed to fix the vehicles while the sun was shining.*

Good for you. Enjoy the Sun. A pity that you spoiled it with mentioning the oil. Makes me think of oil-ships, broken in the Seas and leaking all the oil into the water. And the poor birds, drowned in the oil and died in a terrible way. It makes me sad. Perhaps I am just sad...
<i>"A pity that you spoiled it with mentioning the oil."</i>

Yes, but it's at the curb in jugs waiting for the garbage man to pick it up for recycling. That's one less oil spill.
Yes there you are right. :) Guess it is a necessarry evil that comes with vehicles that need oil to do their job right.

How are you doing with your hard drive? Is it installed yet? Have a good Sunday...;)
I am hoping to get that done later today. My son and I have filled one 20 gig drive with games, and now I haven't the space to load my tax software. I need to get started on those taxes, so that drive must be installed today.

So far, I have read the sunday paper and had my first cup of coffee. Oh, I also had some sunday morning whoopy with the wife. Anyway, the day is starting right.

I'm glad I worked on the cars yesterday; it's a bit wet outside today.
Then you should have a look at the weather over here. It is nice and sunny. :) My cat is having a great time outside. He's playing and acting silly as usual, but now he does it outside. Having fun with the neighbour cats also.

Wonderful your Sunday started out that well. May it go on like this...:) :)
:) Good job. What about your taxes? Is it ready to be send? So you can pay what you 'owe' the government? Taxes here, taxes there, a necessarry evil.;)

Have a good time with your son and playing your games. My son is literally 'addicted' to his games. It's hard to get him off the computer when he's gaming, and he games a lot...:bugeye:
I need to load my tax software today. I'm getting to it.

<i>"My son is literally 'addicted' to his games. It's hard to get him off the computer when he's gaming, and he games a lot..."</i>

That sounds like my kid. You wouldn't believe the moan he let loose when he crawled out of bed and saw that I was using the family computer. My wife and I are thinking of placing a password on the system, so we can control the hours he spends playing those games.
Yeah, my son is not happy when I use the computer. He is always waiting in the background for me to come finally off the thing. Sighing very loud, to let me know he wants to game and he wants it NOW! :)

He is playing in a Clan online and has Clan-Wars to play. Oh, terrible! In the weekends and holidays he is almost one with the computer. Then he games till late in the night...Or early in the morning.

Normally, he first has to do his homework. And when I or someone else keep the computer occupied, well, pity for him. He has to wait...:p

I finaly got sick of my parents ALWAYS complaining when i use the computer and built my own (only problem is that the only thing i use it for is to talk to my Girlfriend and be here and the internets conected to my fathers compter so that has to be on to)
:) Oh, I am not complaining. It's my son who is complaining when I used the computer for a little while. Most of the time he is on...;)