Ancient Greeks: Monotheistic?


No. He was charged with heresy for introducing new Gods and disparaging the old.

Too convenient. Wasn't he a strong opposer of the democratic system in place at the time? He denounced the "might is right" and worked to undermine the opinion of the collective, instead proposing an emphasis on truth and justice. No doubt the hegemonies of the time found him inconvenient.

On the other hand, what Gods did he introduce?

Too convenient. Wasn't he a strong opposer of the democratic system in place at the time? He denounced the "might is right" and worked to undermine the opinion of the collective, instead proposing an emphasis on truth and justice. No doubt the hegemonies of the time found him inconvenient.

His protege also betrayed Athens and most of his friends were chums with the tyrants that took over Athens. He was an unpopular guy amongst some of them, yes. Although many of his friends were political masters in the Athenian community. Thus the split jury which convicted him.

On the other hand, what Gods did he introduce?

The daemons. He claimed to have a personal guardian angel (a daemon) which told him to do right and not wrong, pursue truth instead of opinion, et cetera.