Ancient Giants of America

The difference between what I want to discuss and what you want to discuss is two completely different things

Hence in this thread and the discussion upon this thread , you are actually , irrelevant

Meaning, you aren't interested in the truth. You want to talk in vague terms, refusing to define what actually constitutes a giant, etc..
You have to pay the low low price of $99.99 (+ tax) and allow four to six weeks for delivery of your giant bone samples.

Order your giant bone samples today! Our operators are on duty 28 hours a day

Hey, that's spamming...

Please stop, or I'll tell...someone. OK, maybe not.

It's not just spamming -



And no one can stop me coz I'm doing it with a smile!


Yesterday morning a bobcat was attacking a woodchuck in my back yard which was really pretty cool - the woodchuck survived, he was a bit to ornery and the bobcat went off to look for easier prey. Then this morning I find that a bear apparently tore down some of my bird feeders last night. To top it off I think a bunny got into the house - no damage but he did leave a bunch of candy and eggs. The first 2 incidents are true and for the last incident I only have the tantalizing evidence of the eggs....

Oh yeah, happy Easter! As an atheist I don't believe in that whole son of god thing, but that giant rabbit part is hard to dispute, I've seen the eggs.
Yesterday morning a bobcat was attacking a woodchuck in my back yard which was really pretty cool - the woodchuck survived, he was a bit to ornery and the bobcat went off to look for easier prey. Then this morning I find that a bear apparently tore down some of my bird feeders last night. To top it off I think a bunny got into the house - no damage but he did leave a bunch of candy and eggs. The first 2 incidents are true and for the last incident I only have the tantalizing evidence of the eggs....

Oh yeah, happy Easter! As an atheist I don't believe in that whole son of god thing, but that giant rabbit part is hard to dispute, I've seen the eggs.
Hmm, I'll bet his name is Harvey... Lol. Anyway, I'm agnostic/atheist, but, I wish all a happy easter.

I don't see eye to eye, with many of you... But, people are people. I hope everyone has a great day...
Hmm, I'll bet his name is Harvey... Lol. Anyway, I'm agnostic/atheist, but, I wish all a happy easter.

I don't see eye to eye, with many of you... But, people are people. I hope everyone has a great day...

How many remember the Pooka?
we planted potatoes and flowers yesterday, woke up to the apricot trees in bloom, asparagus is poking it's heads up a couple inches, a turkey is perched in a tree clucking, the chickens are investigating the rototilled soils, frogs and birds are singing
spring has sprung
singing and dancing

resurrection by any other name would smell as sweet
How many remember the Pooka?
we planted potatoes and flowers yesterday, woke up to the apricot trees in bloom, asparagus is poking it's heads up a couple inches, a turkey is perched in a tree clucking, the chickens are investigating the rototilled soils, frogs and birds are singing
spring has sprung
singing and dancing

resurrection by any other name would smell as sweet

Unles you don't live in the Northern hemisphere...
I don't know Pooka. Please explain. However, I do know this:

[in Just-]
BY e. e. cummings

in Just-
spring when the world is mud-
luscious the little
lame balloonman

whistles far and wee

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it's

when the world is puddle-wonderful

the queer
old balloonman whistles
far and wee
and bettyandisbel come dancing

from hop-scotch and jump-rope and




balloonMan whistles
Some trolling.
Back to. Topic. ... Giants that are realllllllly old and are dead. Not put in a museum right. A shizzer load of back alley links. Ok smells fishy. But what are they if not indians um atlantis basket ball players? What's the purpose and time frame? The hunter gather types? Nomads? What's there diet? Big guys eat. Were they the Naphilim of Genisis?? What's your points??
How many remember the Pooka?
we planted potatoes and flowers yesterday, woke up to the apricot trees in bloom, asparagus is poking it's heads up a couple inches, a turkey is perched in a tree clucking, the chickens are investigating the rototilled soils, frogs and birds are singing
spring has sprung
singing and dancing

resurrection by any other name would smell as sweet

OK... Gotta ask... WTF is a pooka? Lol.
I dunno... I have a stuffed Koala bear named Pookie... he helps keep the nightmares away when I'm sick...
It's like you've never used the internet before:rolleyes:úca‎
The púca (Irish for spirit/ghost), pooka, phouka, phooka, phooca or púka is primarily a creature of Irish folklore.
You can't even define the term "giant," so I don't know what you're going on about here.

When people or better yet , when a people who occupied north america are taller than 7ft , that is at the very least a begining of giantism

Many were much taller