Ancient Civilizations, SETI, and Crop Circles

Kirk Gaulden

Registered Senior Member

The following sites are available for serious studies into the crop circle phenomenon.

According to the bible the references to crop circle coincides with
the advent of the seals in Revelations, also before the flood of the
planet in Genesis at the building of the Egyptian Pyramids, the Mayan cultures, and the mythical Atlantis had far greater technology than we do today.

So who says some of them didn't escape?

I believe that North America is the fabeled Atlantis..., things change in 12,000 yrs.

I hope to have more sites for you later.
I will have to agree. Paranormal phenomenon has it's own area at sciforums. This is not a subject related to Astronomy.
This thread is supposed to relate information about the evolution
concepts of our planet from long ago civilizations before the great flood of contact with other worldly beings and a culture founded on technology greater than all the nations on the planet.

That crop circles are related to the events in the above paragraph
of our ancestors that survived and escaped the great flood to
the stars and are returning to claim their right to the planet.

These aliens are infultrating the governments of the world to educate us about a disaster that created the moon, where 12,000
yrs. ago, life on this planet was different, where the moon was
teaming with aquatic life and species in the area of Australia.

There is evolution though its created by the field effects in our bodies.

The bible and other religious texts explain that a culture shock is
possible, this is the reasoning of our government about the
disinformation about these events. Understandable?

I wiil try to get you some sites for more study for those who can handle it:
The one link was broken... the other was garbage.

All I saw was Silva making broad sweeping hypotheses without any sort of evidence or methodology.

All this over a phenomenon that was admittedly hoaxed?
Wether or not crop circles are a hoax or not is still an open question but again, this needs to be moved to the proper forum. I won't debate it here.
When I found it, this thread was sitting in pseudoscience... never have I seen a better example of pseudoscience than Silva's website, so I'd say it's in the correct forum.
Kirk Gaulden smart choice

People living in Atlantis live in universe right now and Crop Circles are made by God. Our creators God's are Grays and we could see clear massage in crop formations. CC signs are also in The Bible like pyramids, eyes, stars, cross...ET picture is God and picture of a man is Jesus Christ. First massage talks that we have to Believe and another that his son was reborn on planet earth. CC are also connected to Messiah number 7, and right now are happening more that ever before. Some of CC people researchers still believe that we evolve from the apes. Some of them believe that God is in all of us but they are not ET. Today we could clone animals the same as humans. But human body will die because those people thinks that body could live without the spirit. Anyway's I believe that ET could create us for fun. That's my opinion
Pyramids in Egypt are build by God's but Mayan's are build by people. They come here 500 years before Christ - Mormons book. Below is link about pyramids in USA.
Atlantis is know by secrets like crystal pyramid in the Bermuda triangle or crystal skulls. I personally believe that future man will be from crystal skeleton.
Regards Qorl
The connection is SETI...

These alien craft seen at our military bases and population centers are preparing our civilization for contact.

The connection of corp circles and SETI are from the signal sent in
1977 to the Hercules cluster and the first series of crop circles
appeared in 1993, if a group of peple where to mathematically
represent the corp circles to binary mathematics and scan the
information with a binary decoder I am sure there would be a message in it.

I have too many other things going on to involve myself in such a deep program as that.
All a bunch of crap.

Do you believe in this unfounded poppycock because it's what you want to be true, or are you really that ignorant?
Re: Fellow de bunker:

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
Prove to me I'm wrong?
How often does it have to be repeated? You made the claim, you provide the evidence.

Not everyone could see the truth. Some people live in material world to much and they don't know how to think any more. If humanity is so smart why we can't build a pyramid? We can't and we have all kind of technology. Funny!
Why do you think we can't build a pyramid? Only problem is nobody will pay for it. The cost is 30,000 workers for appr. 15 years. Probably considerably cheaper if we use modern equipment. If you raise the funding, I'll manage the building job.


Keep the good stuff coming...

As I understand it, the Pyramids were actually designed as
Earthquake strcutures due to the geological upheavals of the time
in that geography, designed by the son of Ra or star traveler.

The governments were in one society with Atlantis before the flood, where the moon (luna) came into the Earths gravitational field. Evolution was different then because there was no gravitational eddies that governed our growth.

Luna was thriving with sea life and Austrailian creatures that was
transfered to this planet through the great flood.

The technology of that era was stagering, energy was transfered through mass/energy dynamics through inertia from the sun and
distributed through the air.

Technically we the United States is Atlantis, before the contiental drift craked the Atlantic Basin, Alantis 12,000 yrs. ago was from the Mississippi River to California the great volcano is establihed at the area of Yellow Stone National Park.

We had contact with other worlds and flying technology. The trick
was to redevelop man for the task ahead. These individuals were
to develop us for trade, technology to become allies of the great
God Yahweh.
Re: Excellent!

You've got to be kidding.... what a load of crap. I realize that statement offends you, but it is true.

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
As I understand it, the Pyramids were actually designed as
Earthquake strcutures due to the geological upheavals of the time
in that geography, designed by the son of Ra or star traveler.

Cite a reference to that. As a student of Anthropology and Archeology, I've not read this or heard it mentioned by my professors. Could they have missed the current evidence that might suggest what you are saying is true?

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
[BThe governments were in one society with Atlantis before the flood, where the moon (luna) came into the Earths gravitational field. Evolution was different then because there was no gravitational eddies that governed our growth.[/B]

What the hell are you talking about? "Gravitational eddies?" Atlantis is a myth. There has been no evidence to suggest such a place ever existed. The only credible evidence comes from Plato as a hearsay from another person. Even the fact that Plato spoke of this hearsay is hearsay in itself. Hardly evidence.

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
[BLuna was thriving with sea life and Austrailian creatures that was
transfered to this planet through the great flood. [/B]

Okay... for a second I thought you really believed all that, but if you're suggesting that Earth's moon once had an ocean and that lifeforms from it were transferred to Earth during "the great flood" then I realize you are trying to pull everyone's leg.

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
[BThe technology of that era was stagering, energy was transfered through mass/energy dynamics through inertia from the sun and
distributed through the air.[/B]

Ha! Yeah... you forgot to mention the photonic resonance created by the aurora field in the arctic region....

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
[BTechnically we the United States is Atlantis, before the contiental drift craked the Atlantic Basin, Alantis 12,000 yrs. ago was from the Mississippi River to California the great volcano is establihed at the area of Yellow Stone National Park.[/B]

LOL! Quit joking... some of the people here will take you serious.

Originally posted by Kirk Gaulden
[BWe had contact with other worlds and flying technology. The trick
was to redevelop man for the task ahead. These individuals were
to develop us for trade, technology to become allies of the great
God Yahweh. [/B]

Right... and Santa Claus helped develop consumer capitalism, which has empowered the Illuminati ;)
Re: MRC_Hans

Originally posted by Qorl
Egyptian people didn't build pyramids. We try to build a model but we fail, problem is not in money is in knowledge. God's did.

You obviously didn't even bother to read you links.... the theme of the first seemed to be to point out the wonder of our Egyptian ancestors... but when one thinks about it, the Human Genome and its DNA hasn't changed much in 10,000 years... probably more. That would mean that people of 3,000 to 5,000 years ago were every bit as intelligent as the people of today. Their technology was limited, but not their imaginations.

It is untrue that we cannot build pyramids in the manner that the Egyptians did. The problem isn't cannot it is will not. The ancient Egyptians built pyramids by paying their workers in food. There is significant evidence that Egyptian workers were among the first to use the method of "striking" for better wages. The myth that (began an perpetuated by Van Daniken, a capitalist con man) Egyptians did not have access to sufficient ropes and wood is just that: a myth. There is ample evidence that wood was heavily traded with neighboring countries, such as Jordan and rope has been found within the tombs of the pyramids themselves.

All you are doing is restating the thoroughly debunked claims of pseudoarcheologists and pseudoscience.

By the way, your second link was a site that was ridiculing pseudoarcheology. I've a feeling that you didn't really intend that as a supporting reference to your claims wishful thinking.
40 - 40 PROPHECY

From 27th August 2003 until 5th Oct. 003 the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light.
King Jehovah Jesus Christ
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