An openly homosexual Imam visits Norway


It is not me who dislikes a person engaging in that sort of activity, it is God.

So you do not also dislike those whom your god dislikes? Seemingly you disagree with your god on who to like or dislike. On what basis is that disagreement formed?
oh yes he does.
if there were gay muslims everywhere they wouldn'tve had to live in secret.
With attitudes displayed by some Muslims in this thread, one cannot be surprised if they feel they need to live in secret. Frankly, those who do come out should be praised for standing up to what can only be tantamount to religious bullying and threats:

"All sects mandate capital punishment, he argued, although others differ. "Sunni, Shiite, they all agree that they have to be killed. But who does it? Not me or you, only by law."


a homosexual imam kind of an incoherent term.. it's like a patriotic traitor, an imam literally means religious leader, you can't be a religious leader if you're the least religious. or more like anti religious.
In other words, one's religiousness is based on who they sleep with?

What makes one a religious leader, in your opinion? Is sex that important in the equation? Or would their ability to be compassionate, empathetic and sympathetic, have the ability to not judge and be welcoming to all be also important? I mean, I'd take that above their sexual orientation personally.

wanna date your mother? couple with your daughter or sister? marry your dog? make love with your cat? well sorry, such "earthly delights" are not on islam's menu..don't worry though, i'm sure atheism offers it
Do you know many atheists who do any of the above?

Marrying one's mother, daughter, sister, pets is not on the menu of people, regardless of whether they are theist or not. In fact, people who rape their daughters, mothers, sisters, pets, etc tend to be thrown a jail, because you know.. it is deemed a crime in civilised societies. Civilised societies also consider abusing children and raping and marrying children against their consent and will to be crimes also. Not to mention we view public flaying of men, women and children to as being horrid and against one's fundamental basic human rights. And we also hold the view that homosexuals should not be killed because of their sexual orientation. Probably a strange concept to you, but hey, it's the 21st century and maybe it's time you dragged yourself into it instead of clinging to the dark ages.

But it would seem as a secular and/or atheist society, we find incest abhorrent and bestiality abhorrent. Now, you seem to feel that we have sex with our family members and partake in bestiality and went so far as to term it an "earthly delight", which begs the question.. are you confusing atheists with yourself or your own society when it comes to incest and bestiality?
Maybe Christians and Jews do not care about following the word of God but it is the will of God to reveal the Holy Quran and to send His last messenger to humanity so the followers of Islam should practice the religion of God. I mean truly practice it.

A man having sex with another man cannot and should not and will not be an Imam. He is misguided and I hope that he will realize that.

I have just read about a 14 years old boy. He was born without hands and legs. It is God's will that he / his family should live with that disability. The man with homosexual tendencies (if it is biological) needs also to respect God's orders of not engaging in sexual activity with other men.

It is not healthy. It can cause diseases and in fact the Prophet Muhammad (God's blessings and peace be upon Him) warned that heterosexual married couples should not engage in anal sex.

There is no compromise regarding this. That man is not an Imam. Maybe he is that but that is only in western misleading and Satan-ruled media.


Me and millions of other Muslim men don't hit our mothers, rape our sisters or kill our daughters. Stop this ridiculous claims based on selective instances. Your media spreads all of this in order to support a certain unjust regime in the world. A far away caries that is going to bring destruction upon you.
Maybe Christians and Jews do not care about following the word of God but it is the will of God to reveal the Holy Quran and to send His last messenger to humanity so the followers of Islam should practice the religion of God. I mean truly practice it.

How do you know that's really God you have on the phone there?

A man having sex with another man cannot and should not and will not be an Imam. He is misguided and I hope that he will realize that.

He can call himself Der Reichsfuhrer if that's what he wants. No one's making you go to his mosque, you've got your own people you go to.

I have just read about a 14 years old boy. He was born without hands and legs. It is God's will that he / his family should live with that disability. The man with homosexual tendencies (if it is biological) needs also to respect God's orders of not engaging in sexual activity with other men.

Once again, the question is begged, what makes you think you or any of your friends or ancestors ever spoke with or on behalf of this guy you call "God"? Numerology and poorly misused arithmetic?

It is not healthy. It can cause diseases and in fact the Prophet Muhammad (God's blessings and peace be upon Him) warned that heterosexual married couples should not engage in anal sex.

If two undiseased partners have sex, no disease is created or spread between them, whether it's a man and a woman, a man and another man, or a man and a goat. So if it's for such a glorious cause, to protect the innocent and all, why not just outright ban sex for anyone with an STD, and leave it at that?

There is no compromise regarding this.

That's right. You preach, and no one listens. A fair and uncompromisable deal if ever there was one.

That man is not an Imam. Maybe he is that but that is only in western misleading and Satan-ruled media.

What if you're the one being Satan-ruled and he's the real Muslim?

Me and millions of other Muslim men don't hit our mothers, rape our sisters or kill our daughters. Stop this ridiculous claims based on selective instances. Your media spreads all of this in order to support a certain unjust regime in the world. A far away caries that is going to bring destruction upon you.

I know of lots of good people from the Middle East, and I also hear tons of horror stories. It goes both ways, your societies are far from perfect, unless you're just comparing yourselves to North Korea.
Educated people everywhere are increasingly incapable of believing in a creator of the universe that is concerned with how people get their jollies. If a religion cannot adapt its dogma, it will be left behind, just as many thousands of other religions have in history. Enjoy your irrelevance.
Once again, the question is begged, what makes you think you or any of your friends or ancestors ever spoke with or on behalf of this guy you call "God"? Numerology and poorly misused arithmetic?

I want to answer this and say that it is MUCH more than that. It is the love and joy that fills the heart. No earthy thing can match closeness to the Lord. All understanding is incomplete without reference to God and to His revelations.

As to the Holy Quran. I have become less interested in the numbers. The beauty and the divine challenge is there each time I bring my heart to the text. There is no doubt in my mind that it is sent down from God. I am talking about tears filling the eyes and a humble heart that glorifies the Lord. I am referring to the most authentic moments a human being can have.

In the same manner that a simple electric button needs a designer, a walking, taking, sensing and loving body needs a magnificent designer. It is not only a body that can do things, it's a spirit that reflects upon itself.
Word of the day: hypocrisy.
This legal and public condemnation notwithstanding, the kingdom leaves considerable space for homosexual behavior. As long as gays and lesbians maintain a public front of obeisance to Wahhabist norms, they are left to do what they want in private. Vibrant communities of men who enjoy sex with other men can be found in cosmopolitan cities like Jeddah and Riyadh. They meet in schools, in cafés, in the streets, and on the Internet. “You can be cruised anywhere in Saudi Arabia, any time of the day,” said Radwan, a 42-year-old gay Saudi American who grew up in various Western cities and now lives in Jeddah. “They’re quite shameless about it.” Talal, a Syrian who moved to Riyadh in 2000, calls the Saudi capital a “gay heaven.”

The Kingdom in the Closet

I had a good friend who was Egyptian. He and his family briefly lived in Saudi Arabia before coming to the U.S. He wouldn't say much about it, except that he had attended a private school there, and he hated it. When I asked him why he hated it, he said, "Let me put it this way; I'm not gay." And he would say no more. Not that he needed to.
Ever heard of the "dancing boys" where only men are allowed to attend? Apparently it is a firmly established tradition in some parts. So I wouldn't say that Christians and Jews are especially fond of disobeying God's word.
oh my, people over here have twisted their own fantasies and misconceptions into facts, where should i start?
It's not forbidden according to Ayatollah Khomeni just strictly regulated.
unless i'm pretty mistaken, that guy says it's ok to "rent" your wife to your neighbor.
not all who call themselves muslim are.

It is however illegal and punishable by law in the secular/atheist world
yeah, abusing children is.
it's not unimaginable one of these days to see a 5 year old suing the government for her right to have sex with her 40 year old father, and winning.
in a secular/atheist world.

That's the point. If you want to enjoy those things and not go through the obligations and duties of marriage,
then it's deemed by society that your actions are irresponsible, and lead to more harm than good.

including restrictions that often discriminate heavily against women (and can cause problems for the men too),
never heard of them.
give me some.
then you have to keep it hidden, secret. When two consenting adults choose to have a relationship in whatever form they want it, why should it be anyone else's business?
indeed, if one decides to build a nuclear bomb in his house,why should it be anyone else's business.

Do you know any atheists who married their cat, dog or mother? I can't seem to recall any off the top of my head.
i remember a women who married her dog.
besides, it happening isn't the case here, but if it were to happen nobody can say no to it.

Saudi Arabia sure doesn't.

With attitudes displayed by some Muslims in this thread, one cannot be surprised if they feel they need to live in secret. Frankly, those who do come out should be praised for standing up to what can only be tantamount to religious bullying and threats:

"All sects mandate capital punishment, he argued, although others differ. "Sunni, Shiite, they all agree that they have to be killed. But who does it? Not me or you, only by law."

well of course they should do it in hiding, that's how breaking the law is usually done.

In other words, one's religiousness is based on who they sleep with?
if he slept with a 4 year old who really liked and enjoyed him, would you say the same?
What makes one a religious leader, in your opinion? Is sex that important in the equation? Or would their ability to be compassionate, empathetic and sympathetic, have the ability to not judge and be welcoming to all be also important? I mean, I'd take that above their sexual orientation personally.

Do you know many atheists who do any of the above?
i know none who can object to the above.

Marrying one's mother, daughter, sister, pets is not on the menu of people, regardless of whether they are theist or not. In fact, people who rape their daughters, mothers, sisters, pets, etc tend to be thrown a jail, because you know.. it is deemed a crime in civilised societies. Civilised societies also consider abusing children and raping and marrying children against their consent and will to be crimes also. Not to mention we view public flaying of men, women and children to as being horrid and against one's fundamental basic human rights. And we also hold the view that homosexuals should not be killed because of their sexual orientation. Probably a strange concept to you, but hey, it's the 21st century and maybe it's time you dragged yourself into it instead of clinging to the dark ages.
no one said anything about rape,you just brought it in.

bells, if a mother enjoyed her son, and the son enjoyed his mother, would you as an atheist be able to tell him it's wrong? it's right according to your POV right? as long as they both enjoy it, what's the problem, eh?​
well of course they should do it in hiding, that's how breaking the law is usually done.

So you think it should be illegal to be homosexual?

if he slept with a 4 year old who really liked and enjoyed him, would you say the same?
What is this obsession you seem to have with incest and paedophilia?

I said that I don't know any atheist who would find it acceptable. Do you?

i know none who can object to the above.

Are you sure of that now? What is the basis of this ridiculous assumption of yours?

Do you have proof that atheists don't object to having sex with one's relatives and having sex with babies and toddlers and children? Or are you projecting here?

no one said anything about rape,you just brought it in
It was in response to your idiotic and stupid assumptions which came across as an accusation that atheists enjoy and partake in incest and bestiality. My response to you was simple.. We tend to frown and find it illegal to have sex with one's relatives and with animals, not to mention having sex with children. Just as rape and forced marriage of small children is found illegal. Unfortunately, those who partake in your religious beliefs cannot say the same thing. So unless you want to go there, I'd suggest you provide proof of the assumptions you have posted in this thread about atheists in general.

bells, if a mother enjoyed her son, and the son enjoyed his mother, would you as an atheist be able to tell him it's wrong? it's right according to your POV right? as long as they both enjoy it, what's the problem, eh?
Do you have a comprehension problem?

Where did I say it is "right"? Quite the contrary, I have said it is wrong. You are the one harping about "earthly pleasures" and going on and on about parents having sex with their children and fucking animals. Not me.
as much as you think it's wrong for a mother and son to enjoy each other;).
laws are there to enforce right and wrong after all.

So you consider homosexuals and homosexuality to be in the same league as incest and paedophilia?

I think that pretty much says a lot about you.
So you consider homosexuals and homosexuality to be in the same league as incest and paedophilia?

I think that pretty much says a lot about you.

Why should not it be if it was the original cause of HIV ?! What evolutionary value does it have to engage in that sort of activity ?!
Why should not it be if it was the original cause of HIV ?!

False argument. Homosexuality was not the "original cause of HIV".

What you're suggesting of course is that people engaged in homosexual activity and as a result, god - or nothing - created HIV. You must actually love HIV, (being god created or with specific god given intent), or deny your own claim. In either case, the simple fact is that you're wrong. And tragically ignorant to boot.

What evolutionary value does it have to engage in that sort of activity ?!

Glad to have been of assistance in replacing your ignorance with understanding. Accept it or continue with your fantasies. Whatever you think is best for you.


Glad to have been of assistance in replacing your ignorance with understanding. Accept it or continue with your fantasies. Whatever you think is best for you.


I am not going to waste time reading fairy-tales and imagination work that attempts to disregard God the Almighty and explain a deviant behavior like homosexuality. Satan has managed to do much in recent years.

I might read it but only to have a laugh, and I know well what I am talking about :)

(no personal attacks here. I really don't know to what degree you personally believe in evolution thinking)
I am not going to waste time reading fairy-tales and imagination work that attempts to disregard God the Almighty and explain a deviant behavior like homosexuality

I see.

So anything that goes against your pre-formed beliefs you won't even look at? What a tragically sad position - something that is indicative of those who care not for reality but for the baseless delusions that keep them emotionally comfortable.

The fact is of course that you have a problem with what your next door neighbour does with his willy. I think that in itself just shows how truly sad an individual you are - undoubtedly not through any choice of your own but through upbringing. You have my sympathy sir.

However, shoving that aside, I think - as explained - we should sit down and in a rational, logical, coherent manner, work out what we should define as good or bad. Other than ancient mandate from people who couldn't diagnose a headache, do you have any valid reason to assert immorality of homosexuality? I will let you go first so kindly explain it.

(no personal attacks here. I really don't know to what degree you personally believe in evolution thinking)

With respect..

1. I don't have to. You are showing yourself an ignorant fool all by yourself.
2. If such 'attack' happens, it is precisely because of the stupidity of your post. If I were to say that - for instance - the world is only 3,000 years old I will undoubtedly be called an idiot. The argument is made no better by me demanding that people not insult me.
3. Evolution is not a "matter of thinking" but instead a demonstrable reality. I understand it conflicts with the writings of ancient morons - nobody would expect otherwise, but you have no excuse, (other than p|ss poor education).
I know about the whole "Ignorance is bliss" thing..

But, sometimes I see stuff on here, and just want to..:geek:
oh yes he does.
if there were gay muslims everywhere they wouldn'tve had to live in secret.

islam is very clear on its position from homosexuality.
a homosexual imam kind of an incoherent term.. it's like a patriotic traitor, an imam literally means religious leader, you can't be a religious leader if you're the least religious. or more like anti religious.

Oh yes he does. And when he does that he just sounds like an ignorant European or an American talking on a culture on terms of what he learned since 2001 only as some sort of an alien species colourfully demonised.

There are almost 2 billions of muslims on the planet and there are MANY gays upon them. Yes, they have to live in secret. When saying secret, we are not talking about secret cults or clubs. They keep their identity secret. There has been even researches on the subject in which kept again identities secret.

Imam is NOT a "religious leader".

I am living in a muslim country; Türkiye and SURPRIIIISE

-Men and women drink here, you can purchase alcohol everywhere if you are over 18. We actually make good wine and rakı.
-We have gay bars and gay communities in big cities,
-There are sex shops, only they are not in open, visible around. They are mostly in 2nd or 3rd floors not to display items openly.
-People have premarital sex. Live together before marriage, it's just not common.
-As much as I hate it there are brothels in big cities.
-Sexual relationship -adultry according to Islam is sin and crime- is not a crime between two consenting adults.
-There is no dead penalty.
-In south vacation spots people do sun bath in nude and it's nauseating by the way.

And after all that, yes horrible things happen as well as good things over here too, because it happens everywhere.

Almost everyone in this forum fails to understand that culture shapes everything and that people are people everywhere. Mostly because it's a good easy safe way of masturbating on their general twisted world view.

Your aspect on muslim world is based on black and white demonised Western crap.
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So you consider homosexuals and homosexuality to be in the same league as incest and paedophilia?
ohhh this is precious.
please dear bells, enlighten me about the difference between them.
and make it convincing for say, japanese, whose trend of sibling couples and parent/child sexual relationships are slowly not only rising to the surface, but also trying to get "rights" and social and legal acceptance.
i mean, if a man can marry a man, then why can't a man marry his mother or his sister?
this guy married his nintendo DS.:)
why can't i marry my sister?
heh, why even bother with marriage, why not just have sex? if we both don't mind, what's wrong with it?
you say it's wrong, so please tell me what exactly is wrong with it.
most people see men making love to men like men making love to their mothers.
athiest and their lot step in and talk their evolution crap and say "why not?"
so a mother having sex with her child bells...
...why not?
I think that pretty much says a lot about you.
no it says a lot about you.
if the bandwagon says homosexuality is fine, you convince yourself its fine.
but when the bandwagon doesn't say anything about bestiality, you fail to see its resemblance to homosexuality, and make the mistake of condemning it.
otherwise, tell me why is homosexuality different from bestiality, they both are free to do in their sexual lives what they want, as long as they're not harming others, you disagree and say bestiality is wrong. why bells?