An openly homosexual Imam visits Norway

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Who'da thunk it I was unaware they even existed but apparently Imam Daayiee Abdullah is one of the 2 existing homosexual Imams on planet earth and he just visited Norway. From his Progressive Islams website.
Muslims for Progressive Values (MPV) is an inclusive community rooted in the traditional Qur’anic ideals of human dignity and social justice. We welcome all who are interested in discussing, promoting and working for the implementation of progressive values — human rights, freedom of expression, and separation of church and state* — as well as inclusive and tolerant understandings of Islam.


I say this is encouraging what say you.

He looks like a guy you can talk to.
This makes sense. Everything we in the West have went through, conservative Muslim nations are now entering only with the www and information, doing so much quicker. There will be backlash of course, as traditional values are superseded by what outwardly appear to be Western decadence (that's not really true) but, shouting incantations at the water isn't going to turn this tide back :)
I don't think there are any people who would pray as he leads the prayer. He is not an Imam in my eyes. Not in the eyes of millions of Muslims either.
can't we all just get along? for god's sake! we identify more with our religions, sexualities, nationalities, political parties, agendas, race, class, and so many other THINGS than we do with each other. WE'RE ALL PEOPLE, PEOPLE!
Not in the eyes of millions of Muslims either.

Stop talking on behalf of millions. There are gay groups in Muslim communities everywhere. They have imams. They live in secret to avoid fascists like you and the others.
can't we all just get along? for god's sake! we identify more with our religions, sexualities, nationalities, political parties, agendas, race, class, and so many other THINGS than we do with each other. WE'RE ALL PEOPLE, PEOPLE!

People are getting along more than people think. Because, it's again the same problem that people can't imagine other people -well, they being the other- can get along with exactly the same problems.
I have not said that he is less human than me. You can see that if you re-read what I said. He is not going to lead prayer for most Muslims. A sinner of this type cannot do that. It is not me who dislikes a person engaging in that sort of activity, it is God. Even if the man has biological disposition to do that then he needs to understand that it can be a manner God is testing him by. He has to turn away from that God forbids.
I have not said that he is less human than me. You can see that if you re-read what I said. He is not going to lead prayer for most Muslims. A sinner of this type cannot do that. It is not me who dislikes a person engaging in that sort of activity, it is God. Even if the man has biological disposition to do that then he needs to understand that it can be a manner God is testing him by. He has to turn away from that God forbids.

everyone is a sinner yosef. everyone, even you, and even imams. for example, you hold yourself in higher regard then others, judge people, condemn people, and find 87 reasons a day to disassociate and/or hate people, and that is a sin. :shrug:
Stop talking on behalf of millions. There are gay groups in Muslim communities everywhere. They have imams. They live in secret to avoid fascists like you and the others.

oh yes he does.
if there were gay muslims everywhere they wouldn'tve had to live in secret.

islam is very clear on its position from homosexuality.
a homosexual imam kind of an incoherent term.. it's like a patriotic traitor, an imam literally means religious leader, you can't be a religious leader if you're the least religious. or more like anti religious.
yosef said:
It is not me who dislikes a person engaging in that sort of activity, it is God. Even if the man has biological disposition to do that then he needs to understand that it can be a manner God is testing him by. He has to turn away from that God forbids.
It is you, not God. Palming off your psychiatric problems on your God is cowardice.
scifes said:
if there were gay muslims everywhere they wouldn'tve had to live in secret.
There are gay Muslims everywhere. Gay men in the British upper class used to travel to Islamic countries partly to find sex partners - almost any Islamic country would do.

Whether or not they actually live "in secret" I don't know - I have seen so many Muslims deny their existence that I think quite a bit of discretion must be common.
I'm glad Imam Abudabah speaks out -- I hope he survives long enough to prove there is gay people in Iran.

iceaura, discretion is very common in Muslim countries -- not just for gays. Heterosexuals who are looking to engage in the more 'earthly delights' of simple dating or copulation have to make hidden their behavior.
Heterosexuals who are looking to engage in the more 'earthly delights' of simple dating or copulation have to make hidden their behavior.
no we allow simple and complex dating.
same with copulation.
just as long as you're married.

wanna date your mother? couple with your daughter or sister? marry your dog? make love with your cat? well sorry, such "earthly delights" are not on islam's menu..don't worry though, i'm sure atheism offers it:)
no we allow simple and complex dating.
same with copulation.
just as long as you're married.

wanna date your mother? couple with your daughter or sister? marry your dog? make love with your cat? well sorry, such "earthly delights" are not on islam's menu..don't worry though, i'm sure atheism offers it:)

It's not forbidden according to Ayatollah Khomeni just strictly regulated.

Islamic Teachings on sex with infants:

"A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

The complete Persian text of this saying can be found in "Ayatollah Khomeini in Tahrirolvasyleh, Fourth Edition, Darol Elm, Qom"

Islamic Teachings on sex with animals:

"The meat of horses, mules, or donkeys is not recommended. It is strictly forbidden if the animal was sodomized while alive by a man. In that case, the animal must be taken outside the city and sold."

Editor's notes: I wonder if it is OK to sodomize a dead animal? What happens if the buyer brings the poor animal back into the city?

"If one commits an act of sodomy with a cow, a ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed as quickly as possible and burned, and the price of it paid to its owner by him who sodomized it."

Editor's note: The poor animal first is sodomized and then killed and burned. What an Islamic justice towards animals? Where are the animal
rights group?

"It is forbidden to consume the excrement of animals or their nasal secretions. But if such are mixed in minute proportions into other foods their consumption is not forbidden."

"If a man (God protect him from it!) fornicates with an animal and ejaculates, ablution is necessary."

It is however illegal and punishable by law in the secular/atheist world ;)
no we allow simple and complex dating.
same with copulation. just as long as you're married.

That's the point. If you want to enjoy those things and not go through the obligations and duties of marriage, including restrictions that often discriminate heavily against women (and can cause problems for the men too), then you have to keep it hidden, secret. When two consenting adults choose to have a relationship in whatever form they want it, why should it be anyone else's business?

wanna date your mother? couple with your daughter or sister? marry your dog? make love with your cat? well sorry, such "earthly delights" are not on islam's menu..don't worry though, i'm sure atheism offers it:)

Do you know any atheists who married their cat, dog or mother? I can't seem to recall any off the top of my head. Atheistic societies tend to look down on deviant breeding habits anyhow, it's not good for the gene pool and not exactly fair on their deformed offspring either. On the other hand, I haven't seen religion stop people from doing some pretty twisted things, though.
no we allow simple and complex dating.
same with copulation.
just as long as you're married.

wanna date your mother? couple with your daughter or sister? marry your dog? make love with your cat? well sorry, such "earthly delights" are not on islam's menu..don't worry though, i'm sure atheism offers it:)

Saudi Arabia sure doesn't.