An Open Letter To Atheists, etc...

You only reject God because you don't like the way he does business, and you don't like His rules.

Give us a break. Do you know how bad and CRAZY you sound. Wait a how unusual. I reject "god" just like I reject the bunny rabbit and santa claus. It doesnt matter if I dont like how they conduct buisness, because I believe they do not exist.

So what people think is the work of santa claus, I see as the work of their parents.
Originally posted by crazydanny
And every last one of them goes into Christian chatrooms and message boards trying to pick fights. They know they're wrong, so they go around trying to justify themselves...since christians don't go into Atheist chatrooms, the mountain must come to Mohammed....

And yet, somehow I still have mormons and jahovas witnesses on my door step about once a month trying to tell me about their great faith. Somehow the thrid world is full of christian missionaries trying to convert the poor savage native peoples. And for some reason now here you are to tell us how great you are and how terrable and damned we all are.
Athiest die for many the same reasons as Christians do - perhaps saving an innocent from a robber, foiling a bank robber, whatever really. Granted though, Christians also die for belief's in which they have no proof. If I say jump, would you? someone has said 'jump', and with all those translations of the bible i'm not sure who said it first - but I know who didn't. Anyway, there is nothing clever or respectful in dying for beliefs such as those, beliefs that have no proof and are followed either (1) blindly, or (2) falsely. I do not have anything against those that die for beliefs such as these, but I would highly recommend that those that that do not want to die blindly or falsely, continue to live in their present breathing manor - perhaps spending their time looking after loved ones and helping poeple rather than dying for no good reason whatsoever.

Also, I do not reject God and the way he may/may not do business - it's just that i won't support a faceless organisation with a popular mascot.

The Muslim issue, I feel perhaps there are a higher percentage of muslims in or from more developing countries and are so more easily brainwashed. Probably why a higher percentage of Atheists are from the developed world as they have acess to more facts, information and logic. Who knows though.

And yes, I do believe sometimes that Atheists can be a bit harsh on Christians sometimes. There are huge number of atheist and the boards i have frequented usually involves heav=ier personal attacks against Christians than the other way around (not always, but my general feeling is that). Personally I do not mind anyone feelings and I personally am agnostic.
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On Poetry

Doom - a reflection of destiny - then again I don't know, God knows, just my opinion based on extrapolation.
you are a moron

oh man, there is no god, get over it. why should atheists be excuted, we aren't the assholes causing the problems in the world, religious people are. and we won't cave in when threatened like you said at the beginning. that would be you, all of your religious people who do that. there has been times, many times when a religous persons life has been threatened that they have rejected their 'creator' (which by the way is your parents, not god, because there isn't one), a man went into a church with a gun and told everyone to stand standing if they wished to die for their 'god' and to sit if they weren't willing to die and would reject 'him'. 2 people stayed standing and when the gun was pointed at them they sat.

so you are wrong, it is you religious morons who cave, not us.
so kiss my ass.
Where are the good old days of persecuting Christians? Man, you can't live with 'emm, and you can't have 'em fight lions in the coliseum any more. What a drag!

Anyway, in honesty I don't hate Christians, in fact a lot of my friends happen to be Christians, and rather devout, too (it's the strangest thing, but quite a lot of homosexuals end up turning really religious at some point), but I don't hold it against 'em.

Anyway, Crazy, I was just curious about one thing, why do you think that Cristians in America will be excecuted for their faith, any time in the forseeable future? You do realize that the christian lobby is one of the biggest political powers in this country, and that almost all of our laws are based on Christian values, and certainly the large majority of our leaders are all Christian, don't you?

Is it, perhaps, that you've become such a wild fundamentalist and hold such radical values that you've somehow become blind to this fact, and see all acts done in the spirit of Christianity, but not quite with your own personal frothing zeal, to be heretical or evil? In that respect you kind of remind me of Michael Moore calling President Clinton the best "republican" president we've ever had.
Re: well?

Originally posted by crazydanny
name an atheist executed for his faith, then

I'm waiting....

Uhm.. Copernicus?

How about Galilaeo?

There are many men of reason (I'm not sure about those two but how many died?) who died for their SCIENTIFIC assertions that EVIL MEN OF STUPID RELIGIONS decided were heresy and worthy of death.

Oh but wait, your entire premise is stupid. I forgot.

The appropriate response to idiotic bullshit like that which you post is to ignore it, as you'll see some of the wiser members have done. I however, am perpetually drawn to correcting idiots like you Danny, who really can't fathom my response because they are well, in the grips of a mind virus.

So Danny, I'll tell you how you're wrong and you won't even care, because you are so steeped in your stupidity that you think everything else is stupid. Here it is: People that died for their faith are dead people, and people that died... are dead people. There's not a lot of difference. What does "kissing budda's sack" have to do with anything? People are scared to die Danny. Especially christians. Seems like they're willing to make up a whole bunch of shit and acts like condescending idiots to people all in the name of their repressed fear of dying Danny. Everybody dies Danny, it's a shame that you mock the death of a lot of good people. IMO, makes you kind of a piece of shit, you hateful fuck.
i think crazy is not replying to anyone's posts because he is ashamed of his little outburst, i know i would be. anyway, i don't want to die and generally if someone pointed a gun to my head i'd say whatever they wanted me to say, that way i can get them back later for putting my life in danger. religious people may be taught the idea of tolerance but it is human nature to go all or nothing with beliefs and that is why so much persecution happens around the world- people lose the idea of tolerance behind their blinding faith and fanatiscm is born. i also think crazy is the sort of person that causes the problems in the first place, as an atheist life is only chance of living i know of and i would never like to put anyones life in jeopardy (unless defending my own). abortions are unfortunate and i generally don't like to see them happen but people have them and it is not my place to tell them otherwise. also, child pornography!! dude, if i ever caught some sick bastard looking at something like that i would hope that he could be turned from his sick perversions. i have no problem with people or their ideas, its only when people like you spout some crazy (seems to be a reoccuring theme don't ya reckon?) ideas off making a personal attack on perfectly reasonable people.
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You only reject God because you don't like the way he does business, and you don't like His rules.

If you don't approve of God's rules, isn't it your moral responsibility to reject them? Therefore, isn't it God's will for you to defy his will?
they preffer to die for a simple reason: they are affraind of what may happen in the after life... the wraft of god
for atheists there is no after life, so they may wish to preserve this one...

as to the many martyres(sp?) of scientific method, they died for believing and for their own honour...
Originally posted by Voodoo Child
Lol, I think we can safely say that there weren't any. Snicker.

Hehe, yes it's kind of hard for the faithless to be killed for their faith, after all :p
Originally posted by Elbereth
... the wraft of god
for atheists there is no after life, so they may wish to preserve this one...

Seems like you need to bone up on your English a bit, there, champ, that picture was hillarious. Go fock off, haha.
Originally posted by Dinosaur
My main regret is that the believers will never know that they are wrong.
Sometimes I think: how lucky am I to have this agnostic atheistic world view. I look up to the heavens and say “Thank God I don’t believe in You” :)
Adolf Hitler

Originally posted by doom
Er yeah but he can argue that hitler was an atheist which is true and he killed many, so its not a good idea to use that argument.
Where did you get that idea? More likely we'll never know. But if I was to take a guess it’s not atheism that comes to mind when I think of beliefs that tend to promote anti-Semitism. In Christendom jew bashing has historically been the bread and butter, aka: YOU killed OUR god.
Heres a link of Hitler quoted with regards to his Christen belief:
Adolf Hitler
Re: Adolf Hitler

Originally posted by Michael
Where did you get that idea? More likely we'll never know. But if I was to take a guess it’s not atheism that comes to mind when I think of beliefs that tend to promote anti-Semitism. In Christendom jew bashing has historically been the bread and butter, aka: YOU killed OUR god.
Heres a link of Hitler quoted with regards to his Christen belief:
Adolf Hitler
For the ignorant out there, not all self-proclaimed Christians are to be considered Christians - and not all will go to heaven - go figure.
Originally posted by Mystech
Hehe, yes it's kind of hard for the faithless to be killed for their faith, after all :p
All need faith to believe in anything. Atheism is just the christian 'alter-ego'. Faith in reason and logic: then contradicting themselves through their reasoning saying they have no faith.:p

All need faith to believe in anything.
No that is incorrect. Faith is a basis for belief where evidence is absent. One can always insist that they will not believe anything unless there is evidence. I.e. a belief based on faith is irrational, whereas a belief based on evidence is rational. Rationality is inherent from logic where any valid premise has a factual basis. If facts are absent then the belief will be irrational. Hence faith based beliefs are irrational. One can simply always base their beliefs on rational ideas and hence faith is never needed.

Atheism is just the christian 'alter-ego'.
If you mean opposite, e.g. faith versus no faith, then yes that is true.

Faith in reason and logic: then contradicting themselves through their reasoning saying they have no faith.
You seem to be confused about the meaning of the word faith. What you are saying here is ‘I believe in reason and logic because there is no evidence that reason and logic are true’. This is what it would mean to claim a faith in reason and logic. Clearly the statement is untrue since there is abundant evidence that reason and logic do result in truthful conclusions.

The basis for my belief in reason and logic is that there is overwhelming evidence that they have proved themselves capable of showing truth. I.e. faith plays no role in my belief.
Originally posted by Mystech
Seems like you need to bone up on your English a bit, there, champ, that picture was hillarious. Go fock off, haha.

i certainly have, I'm working on it:D english is not my first language

hehe... the pic, I have tons of it
The following is partially true, but misleading.
All need faith to believe in anything. Atheism is just the christian 'alter-ego'. Faith in reason and logic: then contradicting themselves through their reasoning saying they have no faith.
Atheism need not be related to reasoning and logic. It merely denies the existence of a deity. It seems to be a semantic stretch to claim that atheism is based on faith in the same sense that religious beliefs are based on faith.

Those who try to use reasoning and logic actually have some unproven axioms at the core of their belief system. It is impossible for logic to function without some undefined words and some unproven assumptions (Id est: Beliefs). The assumptions of those who use reasoning and logic are very fundamental, analogous to the axioms of plane geometry.

Scientists do not claim to have hard evidence and absolute proofs for everything they consider valid.