An Open Letter To Atheists, etc...


Registered Senior Member
Okay, I have been reading these posts for some weeks now, and I've come to some conclusions. You probably won't like or agree with them, and I really don't care.

Everyday, in this world, Christians die for their faith. They are executed in the Islamic countries for converting to Christianity, for refusing to convert to Islam, for even spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

When was the last time an atheist was executed for his faith (or should I say, lack thereof)? They're not. Why? Because when it comes down to the crunch, an atheist will get down on his knees and kiss Allah's hairy little ass, or lick Buddha's sweaty little sack, or whatever it may take to keep the axe off his own neck. They are selfish, amoral, cowardly people. A Christian will die before he rejects his creator; an atheist, having selfishly decided they are their own God, has no problem with denying his deity to save his own ass. This is why you never hear of atheists in Muslim countries, but the little scumbags are coming out of the walls here, where they know they can run everyone else down and get away with it.

I have respect for Muslims, for the most part. They at least take a stand for their God, even if I don't agree with them. Yes, some of them die for their God (if you can call blowing up a busload of little kids just to get your own heavenly harem "Dying for God").

Anyone ever wonder why most homosexuals claim to be Atheist?
Because they want to do something, God tells them it's not allowed, and so they choose not to believe in him.
Ha, like that is going to affect whether God's Law still applies to them. Atheists are, without exception, people who don't like the rules, and therefor decide the rules don't apply to them, as long as they reject the RuleMaker.

And every last one of them goes into Christian chatrooms and message boards trying to pick fights. They know they're wrong, so they go around trying to justify themselves...since christians don't go into Atheist chatrooms, the mountain must come to Mohammed....

So, don't think you're fooling anyone. You are your own little god, and your own little idol. You only reject God because you don't like the way he does business, and you don't like His rules.
Well, guess what: those rules aren't going to change. God is not going to change. You can stand on your little soapbox all day long and preach about how there is no God and therefor his rules don't apply to you, but the ending of the story remains the same.
I can spout off at the mouth all day about how trains don't really exist, and call everyone who disagrees a liar and a fool, but when I get on those tracks, the train doesn't care whether I believe in it or not, it will still run me over.

Atheists are cowards and liars, and I guarantee, if you are on a plane that's about to crash, you'll be praying right alongside the muslims and christians and hindus on that plane. Because when it really counts for something, like when your ass is on the line, you're not an atheist, are you. Only when you want to have your fun and not suffer the consequences for it.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

A prime example of the Christian ideals of acceptance, tolerance, love and non-judgement.

Thank you.

a prime example of atheists knowing they have no real reply to the truth, just act smugly superior to cover up the fact that THERE IS NO COMEBACK TO THE TRUTH
Re: re:examples

Originally posted by crazydanny
a prime example of atheists knowing they have no real reply to the truth, just act smugly superior to cover up the fact that THERE IS NO COMEBACK TO THE TRUTH

No actually I was pointing out the truth.

You are an arrogant, judgemental, close minded, intolerant half-wit who justifies his bigotry and other deplorable behavior with half-assed arguments based on Fundamental Christianty.
Originally posted by crazydanny
And every last one of them goes into Christian chatrooms and message boards trying to pick fights. They know they're wrong, so they go around trying to justify themselves...since christians don't go into Atheist chatrooms, the mountain must come to Mohammed....
As I said in my reply to your confrontational private message:

This is not a Christian forum.
This is a Religion forum on a Science Forums Web Site.
Therefore, it is widely used by people inclined to Scientific research and endeavors.
Because of this, you are MUCH more likely to find Atheists (of which I am not) here than Christians.
So wouldn't this be more an example of a Christian trying to pick a fight with Atheists than the other way around?

if you look at the original post, I included muslims and hindus, as well....
everyone separates out the one says a word to a muslim, hindu, buddhist or anyone else praying in their school, workplace, or in public, yet you constantly hear about how christians are singled out, being fired for wearing a cross, suspended for saying grace over their lunch, etc.

the freedom of religion in this country is for everyone but the christians, and once you leave this country, it becomes outright persecution....

I stand behind my original statement....

Mark this, will be within the next few years, Christians will be executed in this country for refusing to disavow their God, and all of you who claim we are what's wrong with the world will be the one's who are doing it.

Funny though, it's the christians who are against child porn, the murder of millions of unborn babies every year, etc. etc., which means we're being persecuted because we try to stop these perversions from going on...

The Lord told us the world would Hate us, because of Him, and everything said and done in this site proves that, over and over...

Hate me all you'll eventually get the opportunity to murder me and many like me....doesn't change a thing: God is right and you are wrong.
Hahaha thats quiet poetic how your username links with your words,CRAZY.

Your post wouldnt be half bad if it didnt contridict itself:

"Okay, I have been reading these posts for some weeks now, and I've come to some conclusions. You probably won't like or agree with them, and I really don't care."

If you dont care why bother?

"And every last one of them goes into Christian chatrooms and message boards trying to pick fights. They know they're wrong, so they go around trying to justify themselves...since christians don't go into Atheist chatrooms, the mountain must come to Mohammed.... "

Isnt this what youre doing,technically,remember overall this is not a christian chat room,or board,it is a science forum full of what i would say very intelligent and logically minded people,and just so happens to be moderated by atheists,technically this is a atheist (mostly) board which religous people have flocked to.

I think youll find the religion part of this board is an ideal way to keep religion OUT of the other forum areas.

"Atheists are cowards and liars, and I guarantee, if you are on a plane that's about to crash, you'll be praying right alongside the muslims and christians and hindus on that plane. Because when it really counts for something, like when your ass is on the line, you're not an atheist, are you. Only when you want to have your fun and not suffer the consequences for it."

Different form of prayer,id hope the plane dont crash but id not be praying to god,im technically an agnostic,although agnostic/atheist??? dont matter as far as youre concerned.

Now the bit that pisses me off about your whole post is tarnishing everyone with the same fucking brush,who the FUCK do you think you are anyway?
i dont come in your house and shit on your carpet,thats what your doing here,i dont go to religous boards cos i couldnt give a toss,youve steriotyped everyone who dont believe in god basically based on your own limited fucking experience,the internet is not hands down life experience,maybe people act like that on the web,everyone acts a little different on the internet,cos its not face to face.

LOOK im not gonna throw any "is there a god,isnt there"
at you cos youve obviously been round this block many times and are gonna stick to your guns,but realise that in many cases a 100% devout atheist can be just a flipside to what you are.
Not a good/evil way,dont work that way,just more of "i dont believe but you do"
Re: well?

Originally posted by crazydanny
name an atheist executed for his faith, then

I'm waiting....

Honestly, I can't answer that question.
Simply because I don't know how many of the millions of people brutally tortured and executed for not believing in the Christian God were, in actaulity, Atheists.

Perhaps Torquemada and Constantine kept an inventory.
Ya think?
I think i might try and invent a bomb that blows all religous people up but leaves non believers standing lol :D
Originally posted by crazydanny
Okay, I have been reading these posts for some weeks now, and I've come to some conclusions. You probably won't like or agree with them, and I really don't care.

You don't care, we don't care, thanks for posting:)

Everyday, in this world, Christians die for their faith. They are executed in the Islamic countries for converting to Christianity, for refusing to convert to Islam, for even spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So? People are fools, that is all you are saying, its foolish to kill people for what they believe and it's foolish to die for what you believe, what good are you doing for your God if you are dead? Simply, stay out of the countries where they execute Christians, Muslims, whatever. IMO, you are pulling the trigger to the gun you are holding to your own head. I don't feel sorry for you people that go into these countries and end up dead. You create Holy Wars and get the United States bombed [WTC]:p

When was the last time an atheist was executed for his faith (or should I say, lack thereof)? They're not. Why? Because when it comes down to the crunch, an atheist will get down on his knees and kiss Allah's hairy little ass, or lick Buddha's sweaty little sack, or whatever it may take to keep the axe off his own neck. They are selfish, amoral, cowardly people. A Christian will die before he rejects his creator; an atheist, having selfishly decided they are their own God, has no problem with denying his deity to save his own ass. This is why you never hear of atheists in Muslim countries, but the little scumbags are coming out of the walls here, where they know they can run everyone else down and get away with it.

Why would an atheist be killed?! You cannot kill someone for not believing, that is crazy and a stupid argument. We aren't stupid enough to go into countries that execute atheists, so we are at fault? Also, how does the choices of others affect our integrity? I've never heard of a country or religion that executes atheists. If there was, I'm sure atheists wouldn't be foolish enough to enter it and profess their [non]beliefs.

I have respect for Muslims, for the most part. They at least take a stand for their God, even if I don't agree with them. Yes, some of them die for their God (if you can call blowing up a busload of little kids just to get your own heavenly harem "Dying for God").

You respect these murders of innocent children?!!!

Anyone ever wonder why most homosexuals claim to be Atheist?
Because they want to do something, God tells them it's not allowed, and so they choose not to believe in him.
Ha, like that is going to affect whether God's Law still applies to them. Atheists are, without exception, people who don't like the rules, and therefor decide the rules don't apply to them, as long as they reject the RuleMaker.

Anybody wonder why mosts homosexuals claim to be christian? I think I just disproved this statement. Both of our conjectures are without proof, so mine is as good as yours, no point in arguing something that isn't correct, or proved to be at least, to begin with.

And every last one of them goes into Christian chatrooms and message boards trying to pick fights. They know they're wrong, so they go around trying to justify themselves...since christians don't go into Atheist chatrooms, the mountain must come to Mohammed....

Exactly as one_raven said, you are doing exactly this.

So, don't think you're fooling anyone. You are your own little god, and your own little idol. You only reject God because you don't like the way he does business, and you don't like His rules.
Well, guess what: those rules aren't going to change. God is not going to change. You can stand on your little soapbox all day long and preach about how there is no God and therefor his rules don't apply to you, but the ending of the story remains the same.
I can spout off at the mouth all day about how trains don't really exist, and call everyone who disagrees a liar and a fool, but when I get on those tracks, the train doesn't care whether I believe in it or not, it will still run me over.

Atheists do not believe in ANY god(s). Relegious nuts don't seem to understand this concept! Atheism is not a pantheistic 'religion'. There is no NEED for god, so why would we all be our own gods?! If you mean we are self-governing, sure, we are, if that is god to you, so be it, but you are terribly wrong in this assumption.

Atheists are cowards and liars, and I guarantee, if you are on a plane that's about to crash, you'll be praying right alongside the muslims and christians and hindus on that plane. Because when it really counts for something, like when your ass is on the line, you're not an atheist, are you. Only when you want to have your fun and not suffer the consequences for it.

I could give you an example, a personal example, that you are wrong. I was in the hospital with a spontaneous pneumothorax and there was severe complications, the bleeding would not go down and there was something on my lung. I was told I might die, I went into surgery and not once did I ever consider praying, because, if you truely are an atheist, you would never pray. I think who you discuss in your little "letter" is people who are on the fence.

if you look at the original post, I included muslims and hindus, as well....
everyone separates out the one says a word to a muslim, hindu, buddhist or anyone else praying in their school, workplace, or in public, yet you constantly hear about how christians are singled out, being fired for wearing a cross, suspended for saying grace over their lunch, etc.

You included them, but you only said you had respect for murders of children, and converting converting to Christianity. You approached this from a Christian point-of-view, you are going to get attacked from the same view, nobody targetted you, you opened yourself to critizism, like all Christians do, you can't keep your damn mouths shut and believe on your own.

Mark this, will be within the next few years, Christians will be executed in this country for refusing to disavow their God, and all of you who claim we are what's wrong with the world will be the one's who are doing it.

Crackpot ideas, why would anybody mark those words? I bet you will still be bitching about all the heat Christians take in those specified few years, and you will keep saying this until you die, of natural causes at an old age.

Funny though, it's the christians who are against child porn, the murder of millions of unborn babies every year, etc. etc., which means we're being persecuted because we try to stop these perversions from going on...

Funny, I always thought it was the law makers and authorities that stopped these, despite their religious preference, they will still stop them. I must have been terribly wrong:rolleyes:.

The Lord told us the world would Hate us, because of Him, and everything said and done in this site proves that, over and over...

Hate me all you'll eventually get the opportunity to murder me and many like me....doesn't change a thing: God is right and you are wrong.

The Lord never told you anything, that book you wrote [called the Bible] told you these things. We don't hate you, we just don't accept your foolish ideals and rationale. But why would anybody want to kill you? Seems like your a fatalist, like you are just itching to die for your God, much like those murders blowing up busses:bugeye:
It was not atheists who burned witches at the stake and ran the inquisition. It is not atheists who claim that god is on their side when advocating a war. There were no atheists who hijacked planes and flew them into the WTC. Atheists do not allow their children to die because they do not believe in certain medical procedures.

My girl friend (not an atheist) has asthma. I saw her almost die from an unexpected attack in the middle of the night. I had to rush her to the hospital, while she turned blue. When I later read about a child who died of an asthma attack due to parents who did not believe in modern medicine, my opinion of such believers is
They could watch their child suffer, but if those ba**ards could not breathe, they would run to a doctor. They should be tried and executed by having a plastic bag put over their heads.
No atheist would allow anybody to die for lack of readily available medical care.

BTW: I do not believe in capital punishment, but I would advocate it for those parents.

While some atheists are out picking fights with believers, most of us are not trying to convert anybody. Evangelism tends to be a religious avocation.

I am not willing to die for my atheist beliefs. Neither will I kill for them. If you were convinced that god wanted me dead, you probably would be willing to kill me. I suppose you approve of those who have killed doctors who perform abortions.

Most atheists do not make nasty remarks about believers, although I sometimes cannot resist teasing some of them, especially when they try to convert me.

Might your invective be due to having a few doubts about the strength of your faith? Perhaps you are picking on us to help prop up your own beliefs. My religious friends and I get along quite well. They do not need to insult me. although we have some heated arguments at the card table.

Believers have a smug satisfaction in expecting to be able to say “I told you so” to atheists and those who believed in other religions. My main regret is that the believers will never know that they are wrong. I often wished I could believe in life after death. I would dearly love to laugh at some of the religious types who would end up in hell if there were such a place.

Er yeah but he can argue that hitler was an atheist which is true and he killed many,so its not a good idea to use that argument.

Although the rest of what you say is quiet true
- crazydanny -

Why do you insult these people? Does not God's Word say to act in love? Are not the fruits of the Spirit :

", joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, " (Galatians 5:22)

As a Christian one should act in love, love according to the bible is:

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. " (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

For against such love there is no law. And when discussing this topic remember:

"Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them." (Ephesians 4:29)

God loves everyone, remember if you are a Christian, you were saved by God's grace through Christ Jesus. So you have no right to boast.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-- not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. " (Ephesians 2:8-10)

I can understand why people would turn from what you tell them, for bad news doesn't come across so badly when spoken gently, in the same way good news doesn't come across well when spoken harshly. You cannot convince an atheist or an agnostic or a muslim to believe in God/Jesus Christ. That person will be convicted personally and will make the choice personally, you can talk about it but God will do the convincing. What you can do is be gentle and be an example so that they will see something special in you, that makes them wonder about what you have that they don't. A priest once said:

"Preach the good news - if necessary use words"
St Francis of Assisi
Hi Crazy,

Everyday, in this world, Christians die for their faith. They are executed in the Islamic countries for converting to Christianity, for refusing to convert to Islam, for even spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
You imply this is a good thing. Why would anyone die over a myth? Isn’t this rather foolish?

When was the last time an atheist was executed for his faith (or should I say, lack thereof)? They're not. Why?
Why would anyone want to die for not believing something? It seems atheists should be commended for their logical thinking.

Because when it comes down to the crunch, an atheist will get down on his knees and kiss Allah's hairy little ass, or lick Buddha's sweaty little sack, or whatever it may take to keep the axe off his own neck.
Sounds like a powerful survival instinct. In the meantime the Christians are dying out like flies because of their irrational behavior and beliefs. Cleaning up the gene pool this way sounds like a good thing. Of course if the world was full of atheists then there would be likely no wars to die for. To many atheists life is the most precious commodity possible. Theists seem to want to gladly allow themselves to die in wars since they imagine they will somehow survive death in an imaginary afterlife. Once we can eliminate these silly ideas then we can put an end to war, and all the suicide bombers will disappear as well.

They are selfish, amoral, cowardly people.
And somehow there is value to seeking non-existence? But I agree that some atheists are amoral, are rapists, are murderers, and the scum of the earth, on the other hand many leading scientists are atheists, many philosophers are atheists, many philanthropists are atheists, etc. The problem with your assumptions is that it is not possible to group all atheists into any single classification apart from a disbelief in a god or gods. An atheist could be the worst of life and another may have standards way above any religious doctrine.

A Christian will die before he rejects his creator;
Correction – imagined creator. There is nothing that indicates that a creator exists. Christians are dying because of their fantasies, and nothing more.

an atheist, having selfishly decided they are their own God,
Hmm not quite. Atheists don’t believe in gods so they’d hardly call themselves gods would they now?

has no problem with denying his deity to save his own ass.
Why would someone deny something that doesn’t exist? Your statement implies that atheists believe a god exists and then denies it. You don’t seem to comprehend what atheism means yet.

This is why you never hear of atheists in Muslim countries, but the little scumbags are coming out of the walls here, where they know they can run everyone else down and get away with it.
Ah yes, this is called freedom. Atheists are still very heavily persecuted in Islamic countries as they have been for many centuries under Christian domination. As democracy, science and reason become more dominant then atheists naturally becomes more prevalent.

I have respect for Muslims, for the most part. They at least take a stand for their God, even if I don't agree with them. Yes, some of them die for their God (if you can call blowing up a busload of little kids just to get your own heavenly harem "Dying for God").
Dying for a myth, attracts your respect? And you respect someone for murder because it is done in the name of theism, right? And somehow here you are criticizing atheists for not supporting murder then?

Anyone ever wonder why most homosexuals claim to be Atheist?
And your evidence is? But when Christianity intolerantly and viciously persecutes others for not being the same then why wouldn’t such people rebel?

Because they want to do something, God tells them it's not allowed, and so they choose not to believe in him.
Nonsense, God does not exist so he can’t tell anyone anything. Unless you have proof of God?

Atheists are, without exception, people who don't like the rules, and therefor decide the rules don't apply to them, as long as they reject the RuleMaker.
What rules are you talking about?

And every last one of them goes into Christian chatrooms and message boards trying to pick fights.
Leading scientists spend their time in Christian chat rooms? Please please tell me which ones?

They know they're wrong, so they go around trying to justify themselves.
And someone who knows he is right would not try to justify himself? Wouldn’t someone who knows he is wrong tend to stay quiet? Isn’t it more likely that atheists, being in a significant minority, speak up because they have the courage to stand up for their philosophical perspective against overwhelming persecution and opposition?

..since christians don't go into Atheist chatrooms, the mountain must come to Mohammed....
So is that because Christians are cowards or they know that they cannot compete with reason and logic?

So, don't think you're fooling anyone.
No problem.

You are your own little god, and your own little idol.
You are out of touch, the latest gossip is that gods don’t exist.

You only reject God because you don't like the way he does business, and you don't like His rules.
Don’t be silly, there is no such thing as God. One cannot reject something that doesn’t exist.

Well, guess what: those rules aren't going to change.
That’s fine, as science progresses and human knowledge increases then the irrelevance of theistic irrationality will continue to increase.

God is not going to change.
Same old non-existence then, OK, no problem.

You can stand on your little soapbox all day long and preach about how there is no God and therefore his rules don't apply to you, but the ending of the story remains the same.
Yup, and the same for you as well; non-existence, unless we can use science to achieve real life and longevity rather than this fiction theists call an afterlife.

I can spout off at the mouth all day about how trains don't really exist, and call everyone who disagrees a liar and a fool, but when I get on those tracks, the train doesn't care whether I believe in it or not, it will still run me over.
Yes you would indeed be a fool in spite of all the evidence for the existence of trains. What you can’t claim is any evidence for the existence of gods, afterlife, or souls.

Atheists are cowards and liars,
You mean like Bertrand Russell, Carl Sagan, Thomas Paine, Friedrich Nietzsche, David Hume, A.J. Ayer, etc., etc, Just some of the greatest thinkers of our time.

and I guarantee, if you are on a plane that's about to crash, you'll be praying right alongside the muslims and christians and hindus on that plane.
Why? Why would I pray to something that doesn’t exist? I’d be spending all my time thinking of ways to survive rather than talking to a fantasy of someone else’s imagination. What you illustrate so well is the defeatism and fatalism of theistic thinking. Rather than fight for survival in a tough life the theist dreams that there must be something better. There is nothing that says that life is easy, fair or just. Death means you cease to exist. Theists need to have the courage to face this rather obvious reality and deal with it.

Because when it really counts for something, like when your ass is on the line, you're not an atheist, are you.
You demonstrate the basic arrogance and intolerance of the theist mind that cannot conceive that others might actually see the reality beyond the theistic paradigm.

Only when you want to have your fun and not suffer the consequences for it.
There is no value in dying (ceasing to exist) only the theist believes such idiotic nonsense.
I just wanted to ask Crazydanny a question:

How many athiests and people of various religions including christianity have been slaughtered, tortured, enslaved, brutalised, singled out and excluded to name but a few, by Christian governments, kingdoms, armies, groups, factions, churches etc all in the name of your God throughout our planets history for various reasons, including non comformity with your bible and christian interests?

btw: who taught you to hate non christians so much, and is that anger you feel towards us really the warm glow jesus inspires?.:bugeye:

' RazZ sits back with a bowl of popcorn.' :p :m:
Plenty of athiests have died for their beliefs. Whether it be for the one they love, or for people in general, or for what they feel is right... Being an athiest doesn't mean you're not willing to die for anything, just not for an imaginary friend...