An interview with Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss!!

Do You Agrre With Zionism?

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    Votes: 7 41.2%
  • No

    Votes: 10 58.8%

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an·ti-Sem·ite (nt-smt, nt-)
One who discriminates against or who is hostile toward or prejudiced against Jews

I think it is perfectly acceptable to use this term in the sense it was used. It is the common definition.

You are just diverting the attention from the real issue.

"Anti-Semitism" - that's a "dirty" word today. Anyone who indulges in it is a terrible person! It's a word to stop all criticism of a certain group. One must never be "Anti-Semitic: One can talk about a variety of subjects (in fact all subjects), but one must never talk against the "Semites," whoever they are! But here's a strange thing: no one really knows what "Anti-Semitism is. Do you know? Well, let's look at the word.

Let's take the word "Anti." There's not much doubt about that word, it means "opposed to" or "against." One could be "Anti-pornography," which means that one is against pornography. One could be" Anti-abortion," which means that one is against abortion. " Anti-America" means to be against our country " America. : We can all agree that" Anti" means "against." But "Semitism" is a different matter. Let's examine it.

"Semitism" comes from the name of a character in the Bible, whose name was Shem. If you will remember, Noah had three sons who were named Ham, Shem and Japeth. Those who came from Ham were called "Hamites," those who came from Shem were called "Shemites," or "Semites," and those who were descended from Japheth were called "Japhethites." Therefore, anyone who is against the descendants of Shem, would be "Anti-Semitic.: Is that so? Well, let's follow it out a little further.

A great-grandson of Shem was born and was named Eber, of Heber. You will find that in Genesis 11:14. Heber had descendants who were called "Hebrews," and his most notable descendant was a man named Abraham, who is called a "Hebrew." (Genesis 14:13) The descendants of Abram (or Abraham) were called Hebrews, especially when the Children of Israel were in Egypt, and the Egyptians called them by that name, "Hebrews." Remember, all the descendants of Abraham were, and are, Hebrews.

Abraham had two sons. The first-born son was named Ishmael. His mother was Hagar, an Egyptian. Because Ishmael was not the son of Abraham's wife, he was not given the blessings, which were promised to Abraham, but was to head up a different race of people. The Arabs of today are the descendants of Ishmael. The Arabs are a Hebrew people, because they came from Abraham, who was a Hebrew. The Arabs are also a Semitic people because they came from Shem, the son of Noah. As the Arabs are Semitic, then, anyone who is against the Arabs are" Anti-Semitic."

So, if the Jews today are fighting the Arabs, the Jews are" Anti-Semitic," because the Arabs are Semites Therefore, if the Jews are against the Arabs they are" Anti-Semitic" and should be charge with "Anti-Semitism." Abraham's other son was Isaac, and so Isaac was a Hebrew, because Abraham was, and he was a Semite, because he was descended from Shem. Therefore all the descendants of Isaac were Hebrews and Semites. All of Jacob's sons are Semites. All are Sak-son's or Saxons!

Isaac had twin sons. One was named Esau, and the other, Jacob. Like their father, they were both Hebrews and Semites, as would be all of their descendants. Later his name was changed to Edam. Isaac's other son was named Jacob, which means a "supplanter," because when the twins were born, Jacob grabbed his brother's heel and tried to be born first. When Jacob grew up and married, he had twelve sons, and after an experience with the Lord, Jacob's name was changed to Israel and his twelve sons were called, "The Children of Israel.” Because Jacob was their father, these twelve sons were Israelites and Semites. So today, wherever the descendants of these twelve sons are, they are Hebrew, Semites and Israelites.

The twelve sons of Jacob-Israel developed into a strong kingdom, but after the death of Solomon, was divided into the ten-tribed, "House of Israel," and the two-tribed (Judah and Benjamin) "House of Judah." In 721 B.C., the House of Israel with 4/5 of the House of Judah were carried into Assyrian captivity. In 586 B.C. King Nebuchadnezzar took the balance of Judah, with Benjamin, into Babylonian captivity.

After a period of 70 years, the House of Judah came back to the "Land" under Ezra and Nehemiah, and were known as "Jews." When they came back, they intermarried with the "people of the land," who were Edomites, Hittites, Canaanites, etc., in disobedience to the commandments of God, Who forbade mixed marriages. This caused Ezra great distress, and called upon them to repent. (Ezra 9:1,2).

These "Jews" who came back from Babylon had not only married the "people of the land," but also brought back with them from Babylon, the religion of Babylon, which is contained in the "Babylonian Talmud." These were called the "traditions" and were the accumulated writings of the rabbis and other Jewish leaders. These " Jews" were in the land when Jesus came, and disputed with Him on spiritual and moral questions. These "Jews" were partly "Israel" and partly "Esau" because of their intermarriages. In Jesus' time, the ruler was Herod who was an Edomite, or from Esau. Esau had intermarried with the Canaanites, and so the" Jews" were in reality a "mixed race." Also, in the time of Esther, "Many people of the land (of Persia) became Jews, for fear of the Jews." (Esther 8:17)

The Tribe of Benjamin who also came back with Judah, settled in Galilee, and became known as the Galileans. They were Israelites, Hebrews, and Semites. When Jerusalem was besieged, they escaped, wandered across Europe, and were known as the "Normans," finally entering into the Isles in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. The Normans, therefore, are Semitic, Hebrews, and are lost Israelites!

Because of their rejection of Christ, the Jews were scattered after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and have wandered from one country to another, many times being driven out of countries due to their way of life, and their attempts to control the countries. As the Arabs have opposed the Jews, the Arabs could not be classed as" Anti-Semitic" because they are Semites; instead they could be called, " Anti-Jewish, because they are against the Jews. They are not against all of the other descendants of Shem ! As the Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian and kindred people are the descendants of the lost Tribes of Israel, they could not be called "Anti-Semitic," because they (or we) are Semites, through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel and their descendants.

After being driven out of Asia, the Khazars, and Turko-Mongolian people settled north of the Caspian Sea. Having a spoken language, but not a written one and no religion, in 740 A.D., the Khazars adopted the Jewish religion. These Khazars were the descendants of Japheth, the son of Noah, from their ancestor Ashkenan, who was a grandson of Japheth. (Gen. 10:1-3) The Khazars were later to be known as "Ashkenazim Jews," and later settled in Poland and Western Russia. They adopted the Hebrew characters for their language, which is known today as "Yiddish." Koestler, a Jewish historian, tells in his book, The Thirteenth Tribe, about the Khazars becoming Jews. No where does he state that the Ashkenazim Jews are descendants of Israel.

The Jews today, who protest the loudest about "Anti-Semitism," are not even Semites themselves, but are "Japhethites." Today, about 90% of the Jews are in reality "Ashkenazim (Khazar) Jews," and the people who make up the nation of "Israel," are really the Ashkenazim-Khazar Jews! The people who are being accused of "Anti-Semitism," like the Arabs, and the Anglo-Saxon-Israel people are the real "Semites."

Very few of the present day Jews follow the Old Testament teachings, but rather follow the Babylonian Talmud. "Anti-Semitism" is the cry that the Jews raise today in order to stop people from investigating the Jewish incursion into the affairs of nations. This historical essay, might be considered "Anti-Semitic" by some groups, but is it? Let's make a stand for truth! Truth helps to bring understanding and reconciliation between honest people and people of good faith.

Enjoy !! :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:

How typical, Proud_Muslim, that you would quote definitive sources like America's Promise Ministries whose racist 'Pastor' writes of America's greatness:
It didn't come from the blacks. It didn't come from the Asians, and it certainly didn't come from the Jews. They wanted to become a part of our nation because of the light. Now, they want it because of greed.

- see Pastor Dave Barley

So yes, that is what racism and antisemitism really is, and the two of you make predictable bed-fellows.

But why sush cowardly evasion, my racist little antisemite? Why not drag yourself out of bed with the good Pastor and share your views on Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi and Samira Bellil?
According to who ???
My quote was from Webster's dictionary. Although Arabs are typically considered Semites, as decendent of Shem, the term Anti-Semitic always refers to Jews.
Well, this is about to change now, we arabs wont allow our semitic race to be hijacked by the jews.
Proud_Muslim said:
Well, this is about to change now, ...
Through the cojoined weapons of bigotry and terrorism no doubt. But, my impotent little antisemite, set aside your blood-letting fantasies and white racist bedfellows for the moment and tell us what you think about Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi and Samira Bellil. Is it not shameful that, even with your powerful Allah behind you, you should demonstrate such grovelling cowardice when faced with such questions?
Zionism resulted in the Jewish state. There was no central authority called "zionism", the dream of returning to Israel was kept alive in the minds of individual Jews ever since their exile. It is no longer Zionism that is creating problems for Arabs, it has evolved into a more complex set of problems. There are stereotypes, bigotry, and terrorism on both sides, hightened by religious, cultural, and economic differences. A pluralistic society such as exists in the US is totally foriegn to middle eastern politics, a single state for Arabs and Jews as equals was never possible.

About the term "semetic". It
"...was coined in 1781 by the German Scholar A.L. von Schlözer to identify a family of related languages, including Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, and others. He derived the word from Shem, one of Noah's three sons, giving the unintended impression that all those who spoke Semetic languages shared a common ancestry, and thereby setting in motion a process of labeling that may have distorted biblical history and anthropology. "
(from Arab and Jew by David K. Shipler)
The notion of semitism gradully broadened into race in 19th century Europe. Conventional "anti-semitism" started among Christians, but was later adopted by Arabs as a term to imply being anti-Jewish.
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ConsequentAtheist said:
Finally, And then there's a remarkable Arab woman, Samira Bellil, who is exposing the vile and vicious consequences of Islamic fundamentalist bigotry and backwardness.
these are hypocrictical Muslims 9and many of them actuallty work for MI-5 and the CIA!!) (and many are sent to spy on other Muslims!)

anyway, this guy is very well respected rabbai in his area and has 60,000 Jews who agree with him.

those people are either CIA workers or just normal hypocritical Muslims but this is a rabbai. also any Jew who does not believe in Zionism is still a jew and he is not disobeying his religion but a Muslim who does not want a Palastine is not a Muslim as it is specifically disobeying a command of Allah, so these Muslims are misguided from their religion and not following it while Jews who dont believe in Zionism are still following their religion and not disobeying anything.
Preacher_X said:
these are hypocrictical Muslims 9and many of them actuallty work for MI-5 and the CIA!!) (and many are sent to spy on other Muslims!)

anyway, this guy is very well respected rabbai in his area and has 60,000 Jews who agree with him.

those people are either CIA workers or just normal hypocritical Muslims but this is a rabbai. .

No my little preacher friend Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss!! IS a hypocritical jew and he actually works for Al Quaida and is sent to spy on other jews. He is respected by noone of the jewish faith. This rabbi is either an Al Quaida worker or just a normal hypocritical jew. These are real muslims ;)
The Tribe of Benjamin who also came back with Judah, settled in Galilee, and became known as the Galileans. They were Israelites, Hebrews, and Semites. When Jerusalem was besieged, they escaped, wandered across Europe, and were known as the "Normans," finally entering into the Isles in 1066 at the Battle of Hastings. The Normans, therefore, are Semitic, Hebrews, and are lost Israelites!

Because of their rejection of Christ, the Jews were scattered after the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and have wandered from one country to another, many times being driven out of countries due to their way of life, and their attempts to control the countries. As the Arabs have opposed the Jews, the Arabs could not be classed as" Anti-Semitic" because they are Semites; instead they could be called, " Anti-Jewish, because they are against the Jews. They are not against all of the other descendants of Shem ! As the Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian and kindred people are the descendants of the lost Tribes of Israel, they could not be called "Anti-Semitic," because they (or we) are Semites, through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob-Israel and their descendants.

Err PM, I don’t know where you got this rubbish from but the Normans are the descendants of Vikings who captured part of France and became French. The name Norman means men from the north.
Anglo Saxons are also true Europeans not Jewish refugees. People did live in Europe at the time of the Bible stories.
Jews where brought to Britain by the Normans to act as money lenders as it had been forbidden by the pope for Christians to be money lenders.

I hope the rest of the article isn’t so bad.
Preacher_X said:
these are hypocrictical Muslims 9and many of them actuallty work for MI-5 and the CIA!!) (and many are sent to spy on other Muslims!).
Do you truly believe that Samira Bellil is MI-5/CIA while the rapists are good little Islam boys? What a sick little idiot you are. :D
ConsequentAtheist said:
Do you truly believe that Samira Bellil is MI-5/CIA while the rapists are good little Islam boys? What a sick little idiot you are. :D

what a jackass.

i originally said that anyone Jew who does not believ in Zionism, that does not make him a hypocrite. ANYONE, who tries to modify or does not believe in ANY verse of the Quran is a hypocrite.

not following a verse of the Quran means you are doing an act of disbelief
but not following it becasue you do not believe in it or try to modify it means you are a DISBELIEVING HYPOCRITE.

and yes many do work for MI-5. my cousin works as an mI-5 agent to track down mujahdeen in the UK (but only as a fake spy :D , he'll never actually report anything!)

anyway, i dont get what you mean by those rapists. Christians, jews, athesists rape. its got nothing to do with their religion so those Muslims who rape are just simply people who are sinning, thy're not raping beacause they think it is a good deed.

and no, i never said Samira Bellil is an mI5 agent. she might be who knows (as many writers and campaigners do work for mI-5) but thats not the point. she is a hypocrite non the less as CLEARLY defined in the Quran and sunnah.