An interview with Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss!!

Do You Agrre With Zionism?

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    Votes: 7 41.2%
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    Votes: 10 58.8%

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Looks like religionists fighting among themselves again.

Can't say I care much for either side.

Nope nor do I agree with militant islam or militant christianity.
Katazia said:
Looks like religionists fighting among themselves again.

Can't say I care much for either side.


Stalin, your atheist friend, was fighting other atheists as well, any comments on that ?? :rolleyes:
He was an evil man and he had an ideology that was his religion, Communism.

Stalin, your atheist friend, was fighting other atheists as well, any comments on that ??
Did he fight them because they were atheists or because of their political views?

I’m not aware of any battle or war fought in the name of atheism or for atheism. However, there are extensive records of Muslims and Christians persecuting, torturing, and murdering atheists. Do you have any comment on the immoral behavior of your fellow murderers?

Katazia said:

Did he fight them because they were atheists or because of their political views?

I’m not aware of any battle or war fought in the name of atheism or for atheism. However, there are extensive records of Muslims and Christians persecuting, torturing, and murdering atheists. Do you have any comment on the immoral behavior of your fellow murderers?


Oh really ? so when an atheist kill, he kills for politics but when muslims or christians kill, they kill for God !!

You are really pathetic.
Proud Muslim,

Oh really ? so when an atheist kill, he kills for politics but when muslims or christians kill, they kill for God !!

You are really pathetic.
I think you have forgotten the point of your own argument here, although it is not clear that you had any valid point.

Let me simplify things for you –

Muslims and Christians have fought each other and among themselves purely because of their religious beliefs.

There is no record of atheists killing anyone purely because of atheism.

Now what was your point?

Proud_Muslim said:
Oh really ? so when an atheist kill, he kills for politics but when muslims or christians kill, they kill for God !!

See, you're not so stupid after all - simply backward and vile. So, what do you think of Samira? I wonder what she'd think of you. :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
Stalin, your atheist friend, was fighting other atheists as well, any comments on that ?? :rolleyes:
Stalin was a dictator who's main reason for killing anyone who disagreed with him was to remain in power.

whether he was atheist or not,you or me or anyone else here have absolutely no way of knowing(unless you known him personaly which I doubt) ;)

and I sure havent seen any books or statements writen by him proclaiming his atheism.
Katazia said:
Proud Muslim,

I think you have forgotten the point of your own argument here, although it is not clear that you had any valid point.

Let me simplify things for you –

Muslims and Christians have fought each other and among themselves purely because of their religious beliefs.

There is no record of atheists killing anyone purely because of atheism.

Now what was your point?


My point is that your point about Muslims killing christians for religion is BULLSHIT.
Why do muslims kill christians then if not for religion?

edit - and I think this is more a discussion on politics than religion to be honest.
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Proud_Muslim said:
My point is that your point about Muslims killing christians for religion is BULLSHIT.
Actually, my vile little antisemite, I was more interested in your point of view concerning Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi and Samira Bellil.
ProudMuslim said:
Stalin, your atheist friend, was fighting other atheists as well, any comments on
that ??

Oh hey, I was under the impression that Muslims weren't exactly "unified". Thanks for clearing that up with your objective analysis of Atheist behavior.

ProudMuslim said:
Oh really ? so when an atheist kill, he kills for politics but when muslims or christians kill, they kill for God !!

Any "god" that requires of it's people that they take other human lives isn't worth worshipping. Politics (relations between people) are more significant and respectable that a petty, murdering "god" any day of the week.

ProudMuslim said:
You are really pathetic.

This, from someone who stares hypocracy in the pace every time they look in the mirror.
Walker said:
Oh hey, I was under the impression that Muslims weren't exactly "unified". Thanks for clearing that up with your objective analysis of Atheist behavior.

For Muslims, ALL atheists will go to hell, the are the devil associates, this must be very clear to you and to all atheists here.

Any "god" that requires of it's people that they take other human lives isn't worth worshipping.

I agree with you, that is why I do worship my merciful God, Allah Almighty.

This, from someone who stares hypocracy in the pace every time they look in the mirror.

''Be hypocritical, be cautious, be Not what you seem but always what you see. ''
Author: Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)
Proud_Muslim said:
For Muslims, ALL atheists will go to hell, the are the devil associates, this must be very clear to you and to all atheists here.
So you say, my imponent little antisemite, but lets get back to the thread. What do you think of Sheikh Abdul Hadi Palazzi? Do you support Samira Bellil's fight against gang-raping Islamic punks?
For Muslims, ALL atheists will go to hell, the are the devil associates, this must be very clear to you and to all atheists here.

As if we didn't know. But my comment was to point out the fact that Muslims fight other Muslims. By your own logic, you can't point an accusatory finger at anyone who squabbles within their own faith, or absence of faith.

I agree with you, that is why I do worship my merciful God, Allah Almighty.

Need I point out that you used the words "when Muslims or Christians kill, they kill for God !!" You're not as evasive as you'd like to think, you little snake. Muslims and Christians kill for God, but you'll find that most Atheists don't really want to kill.

''Be hypocritical, be cautious, be Not what you seem but always what you see. ''
Author: Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)

Is this some kind of glorification of hypocracy? If it is, it's pretty fuckin' stupid, since you refer to others as hypocrites right and left. I think I've decided that you aren't competant to maintain these arguments. That's probably why most of us don't find your comments worthwhile.
Proud_Muslim said:
Stalin, your atheist friend, was fighting other atheists as well, any comments on that ?? :rolleyes:

Stalin, your oxygen-breathing friend, was fighting other oxygen-breathers as well, any comments on that ?? :rolleyes:

Proud_Muslim said:
''Be hypocritical, be cautious, be Not what you seem but always what you see. ''
Author: Lord Byron

I see you're continuing to have a heyday with the quotation archive, but, soon enough, the newness will fade.
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