An interesting Idea on the Evolution Of Humans


That’s not the way occam's razor works. Look up its definition.


I saying if you can make a hypothesis (like yours) that evidence neither supports nor denies then it becomes a battle of likeliness verse the null theory (Standard Evolution with no intelligent intervention)
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
I saying if you can make a hypothesis (like yours) that evidence neither supports nor denies then it becomes a battle of likeliness verse the null theory (Standard Evolution with no intelligent intervention)
Not my hypothesis, and I wouldn't consider putting it at that level. As an 'idea' however, I think it is an interesting one. I'm not trying to say that this is likely. It could however raise points about what humanity may/should/can do if we have the capability.
Its not a bad theory really, even if the dreaded word "aliens" was used.
We might have inherited our destructive gene from them, they might have evolved in some planet that could handle human progression.
We are similar to an introduced species in many ways when you think about it, I was just watching a documentary about introduced species and how they negatively affect their new environments and it occurred to me that it is not natural that humans would evolve on this planet. Every eco-system was perfect on earth before humans, evolution works out differences and sets them straight until there is a perfectly functioning machine that we call an eco-system. You could argue that we introduced ourselves into environments not ready for us but what environment on earth ever WAS ready for us exactly? There are none.
It makes sense that aliens would choose chimpanzee's to splice their genes with, on account of their "tool user" body type and largish brains.
I think its an excellent theory actually, crazy as it sounds.
Originally posted by Tristan
Please, bear with me on this one. You have to be slightly open-minded however its not a fiary tale (not saying that its true).

Ok, evolution has be proven to happen. If you doubt it, you might as well doubt gravity. No problem there.

Here we go...

Say we did evolove from something else. Aliens to be more specific. Now I know its a little stretch here....Aliens! Aliens!?

But I look at it like this and Im putting it in a story form..

An alien race, capable of interstellar travel, is forced off of their homeworld for any number of reasons. Soon they find earth, and with their greatest hopes for continuing their species, land and do whatever they can to survive. But what if this was a ship with only 50 people. And what if they were just every day joes. And from what we understand, humans evolved from something else millions of years ago. Isn't it possible that this small population evolved into us. Or maybe there were all ready humanoid creatures here and interbreeding took place.

My point is this, and it was hard to find a good place for this post since it belongs multiple places, Is it possible that we could have evolved from something else?

Think about it, if they were only 50 regular joes with just one little space ship, how could they perpetuate their race through a million years? Do you know how to build a car with a hammer or maybe a screw driver and some raw steel? Or program an operating system like windows? Any knowledge that they possesed would be lost with time... any inventions, lost with time. What if there was noone that had an advanced understanding of math? Then anything they would have achieved would be irrelevant considering no one would know how to maintain or create it.....and after thousands and thousands of year, any concrete, physical evidence would just disappear.

So with this fantastic thought, Ill post something else in earth science related.


Let me be the negative component to this thread then.

This is completely unlikely of course, simply because of gene homology. All life on earth are related to each other and we can deduct this from the similarities in there genetic information. There is no sign that there humans contain different genetic material that might have been derived from aliens, or alien interbreeding. Therefore, it might be a nice idea, but it is certainly not based on any scientific data.
Yes there is no denying we are related to everything on earth, but I was thinking the aliens had some undetectable way of putting there genes in chimps, what is that 2% we don't share with them?
I suck at gene science and dna and stuff like that so I undoubtedly sound stupid right now...
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
Yes there is no denying we are related to everything on earth, but I was thinking the aliens had some undetectable way of putting there genes in chimps, what is that 2% we don't share with them?
I suck at gene science and dna and stuff like that so I undoubtedly sound stupid right now...

if it is undetectable then it is on the same scientific level as discussing the merits of divine creation.
No it isn't, because there are indications that it could be the case and there are no real indications of creationism and many indications that oppose it.
It is very likely that aliens could work in ways undetectable to us if they were advanced enough, humans haven't reached the peak of scientific knowledge by any means. The fact that we can monitor animals and alter them without them knowing, means something out there could do something similar to us. Obviously you are right in that we can't be sure of anything like this but I can't ignore that humans go against the grain of natural history, why would absolutely NO other animal disrupt the balance of their natural environment? Its not because they don't have the capability, they do, we know this from introducing them into eco-systems not designed for them. Species don't naturally evolve in environments that can't handle them, it just doesn't happen, humans really do seem like introduced species. Perhaps not but its as good an explanation as any, the mystery remains as to how humans came about.
If we are an introduced species made by alien genetic engineers someone needs to tell them they really dropped the ball on this one.
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
No it isn't, because there are indications that it could be the case and there are no real indications of creationism and many indications that oppose it.
It is very likely that aliens could work in ways undetectable to us if they were advanced enough, humans haven't reached the peak of scientific knowledge by any means. The fact that we can monitor animals and alter them without them knowing, means something out there could do something similar to us.

1. I can assure you that the animals I am studying are aware of me.

2. It could very easily be said for divine creation that we lack the scientific knowledge to see this, but maybe will capable in the future to do so.

3. there is nothing special about humans.

4. There is nothing unnatural about our genome and it seems like a farce to assume that there might be something different, but we can't see it because it is invisible.

5. Why not go for gold and say that aliens modified all species and continue to do so.