An interesting Idea on the Evolution Of Humans


Leave your World Behind
Valued Senior Member
Please, bear with me on this one. You have to be slightly open-minded however its not a fiary tale (not saying that its true).

Ok, evolution has be proven to happen. If you doubt it, you might as well doubt gravity. No problem there.

Here we go...

Say we did evolove from something else. Aliens to be more specific. Now I know its a little stretch here....Aliens! Aliens!?

But I look at it like this and Im putting it in a story form..

An alien race, capable of interstellar travel, is forced off of their homeworld for any number of reasons. Soon they find earth, and with their greatest hopes for continuing their species, land and do whatever they can to survive. But what if this was a ship with only 50 people. And what if they were just every day joes. And from what we understand, humans evolved from something else millions of years ago. Isn't it possible that this small population evolved into us. Or maybe there were all ready humanoid creatures here and interbreeding took place.

My point is this, and it was hard to find a good place for this post since it belongs multiple places, Is it possible that we could have evolved from something else?

Think about it, if they were only 50 regular joes with just one little space ship, how could they perpetuate their race through a million years? Do you know how to build a car with a hammer or maybe a screw driver and some raw steel? Or program an operating system like windows? Any knowledge that they possesed would be lost with time... any inventions, lost with time. What if there was noone that had an advanced understanding of math? Then anything they would have achieved would be irrelevant considering no one would know how to maintain or create it.....and after thousands and thousands of year, any concrete, physical evidence would just disappear.

So with this fantastic thought, Ill post something else in earth science related.

It's always possible... and is a fairly common idea in sci-fi. X-Files being the most recent movie about it, but there are others (can't remember the names though).

There is also a theory that life arrived here from microbes inside an asteroid.

no, it's not possible. the reason is that we're too similar to the extant apes (genetically and morphologically). look at, for example, the differences between new world primates (south and central america) and old world primates (asia and africa). And they're only separated by a few thousand miles! extraterrestrial organisms might not even have dna based genetic material.
Re: reply

Originally posted by paulsamuel
no, it's not possible.
I thoguht what he was saying was what if those original aliens actually evolved into EVERYTHING else... including apes, humans, fish, etc.

As far as I know there isn't any proof for where the first cells came/appeared from. Saying that it is from aliens is only slightly more provable then saying they are from god.

So these interstellar travellers came to earth and evolved into a bacterium? Talk about several trillion steps backwards. Or a fish? Why would they sacrifice their obvious technological capabilites for a life of swimming, eating and breeding?
Re: Persol

Originally posted by Idle Mind
So these interstellar travellers came to earth and evolved into a bacterium? Talk about several trillion steps backwards. Or a fish? Why would they sacrifice their obvious technological capabilites for a life of swimming, eating and breeding?
The more scientific theory is that they were on another planet and were blasted into space on a rock and that rock landed on earth.... still far-fetched though. Then it just begs the question of what created the alien life.

The Sci-Fi theory says that it's easier to send billions of single celled organisms to a planet then 1 multi-celled organism. All the small organisms are slightly different so that some would survive whatever habitat they land in. Since aliens are just so damn smart they are able to predict what these organisms would turn into.
Perhaps it were no avergae joes but little kids , and they had to do everything on their own and from scratch ....having absolutely no knowledge of everything .
No we did not come from aliens how come we are related to apes???

You been playing Homeworld haven't you?
You been playing Homeworld haven't you?


Tristy, no. Think about all the transitional fossils of primates, from the prosimians to the austrailopiticines (sp?) to modern homo sapiens. And our genetic resemblence to other terran life.


(Scroll down to near the bottom, to "The Case for Seeding from Extraterrestrial Sources")

I don't agree with the theory, but you might find it interesting.
No we did not come from aliens how come we are related to apes???
Actually I was playing with a really funky idea in my head a while back. Its a bit outlandish, maybe a good scifi story....

Basciallly, 4th dimensional beings travel to our 3rd dimension. Since they can not be perfectly represented, (3d to 2d for example), they have to live in something. So they prick the ass of an ape, genetically modify the DNA so its a bit more advanced and hop inside. Thus humans are created. Related to apes, with "missing link".

Kinda wierd but wierd is good.

You been playing Homeworld haven't you?
Actually, homeworld sucks compared to a game called Hegemonia. Absolutley stunning graphics.... I got really tired of playing it after it took 6hrs to complete one mission... then I failed and forgot to save thus having to restart.... very time consuming....

Awesome game though... you can raise and lower taxes on colonized planets to gain money, colonize planets, build ships, spy, travel to different solar systems via wormholes.... pretty cool shit.

I don't agree with the theory, but you might find it interesting.
Very much so.:) :)

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Everyone knows the Golgafrinchans Ark "B" landed and wiped out the early humanoids with diseases, then took over and evolved into what we are today.
Re: reply

Originally posted by paulsamuel
no, it's not possible.

I really think hes saying "what if", and i think its a little wierd more people arent open minded. Its entiely possible that aliens could have seeded us, what if they sent a research team here to "play" with the potential of early primates? What if they were careful and left no traces? Is possible to do that, theres no law saying that aliens couldnt have come to our planet and spliced us into being. "oh why did they leave" (hypothetical reply) because they felt like watching us develope on our own? they had a flu outbreak back home and didnt like feeling threatened by a new lifeform? (see cure thread, gotta hand it to the squids) What if humanoids such as ourselves are the only form of intelligent lide possible in the universe, and the DNA strand that we earth creatures posses optimum, such that everywhere life starts it eventually ends up with humans, but humans with different behairvioral patterns? Our vessels are pretty much as complete as their going to get, theres not too many places our bodies are going t evolve to. It may be humbrous (sp) but there could be an intelligence constant, an optimal path, and we may be the end of it, so what if interbreeding and the similarities are possible. Heh, we could always think in the "Hitch Hikers Guide" way and presume the planet was created that way, with all the fake evidence :p
Ok some of those Hypothesis are at lest Hypothetically possible in that there is no evidence against them... but the is also no evidence for them either.
more of a philosophy thing, but there may be some circumstantial evidence, like the whole thing about the ruins that look like something from the sky, look like runways,t hey may be the only remnants of our ancestry
Yes but occam's razor come in and what is more believable that we evolved from primates or that aliens some how made us from primates?
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Yes but occam's razor come in and what is more believable that we evolved from primates or that aliens some how made us from primates?

Theres no direct evidence that we did, theres a suggestion that we may have, and the general public (not those god nuts mind you) believe that we did, but thats based on popular scientists saying that we did. maybe that is the missing link
The evidence supports evolution... if you can squeeze in there a hypothesis that the evidence does not go against then it becomes are realm of occam's razor and you have to contend with the simple likelihood of your hypothesis verse the standard Theory.
if you use occams razor, then most of the world believes that some devine being created us out of dust
Lending creedance to the extra-terristrial source of life in no way damages evolution. If we dropped simply life forms on a planet similar to earth we would expect that life to evolve over millions of years. With more knowledge then we have, the evolutionary path may be able to be 'planned' to produce a specific outcome.

The point is that this doesn't really break any of the existing ideas. It's just pointing out another possibility, although no proof of it exists.