An Illegal Arrangement

It's when the State has to be called upon to force all people to be State "Certified" in order to sell the service to the public. Well, this is wrong. It's actually insane..
It's because you want to implement the rule non-uniformly. The state is the only instrument as yet that can ensure the rule is actually enforced. Until we as a species are ready for a socialist anarchy, I don't think it should happen. The state is a perfectly fine structure, as long as you know how to use it wisely.
The law was used specifically by florists to ensure only they remained in the trade. Had it been customers who forced Sandy Meadows out of business and she died as a direct result of no income, you would not be batting a single eyelid.You are perfectly fine with people going bust so long as it is driven by the public, you just don't like the idea of people going bust if it is driven by others in the same trade, which is essentially what happened with Sandy Meadows. If the restaurant owners or its staff die due to lack of income in this scenario, you would not care.
What makes you so sure "I" would not be batting a single eyelid?
1. If no one finds value in Sandy's flower-arrangements, and refuses to voluntarily buy her flowers, that may mean she's charging too much (she could lower her price) or she doesn't arrange the flowers nicely (she could look for better training) or she's simply not good at arranging flowers. OK, then she loses her business. Yes, that's exactly what should happen. (of course, if you're a bank, then the State bails you out, but, I digress).
2. In a free-market, without rent-seeking licences, Sandy was able to try her hand at starting a flower business. It didn't work, lucky for her, free-market capitalistic societies are prosperous and so she can work as a laborer as she saves up capital for another go at a business idea. Because in a 'free' society, public schools don't exist (they'd be out-competed by private schools all day long - and are) she's actually been able to put her 12 years of primary education to use and developed the skills needed to get out there and compete with a different business idea. She's not been turned into the weak-willed tax-cattle "Citizen" trapped in hyper-regulated State that we have today. In a Free society it's only be a matter of a year before she was out there trying her hand at something new (supposing she's the type who wanted to start businesses).

I actually WANT to see the Sandy's of the world succeed. I believe in the Sandy's of the World. I care about their civil liberties. I don't think they should pay a tax just to work. I want the State out of their lives. I DO care. Unlike the "I pay me taxes", if you don't like it there's the door, let's sweep the Sandy's all under the rug crap-attitude.

You clearly missed what the actual problem with the law was in the first place. The issue isn't that people had to get a license, the biggest issue is that the people who had taken over testing and who wrote the exam had a vested interest in more people failing, so they made sure just about everyone failed.
Yes, it's called rent-seeking. The very fact there IS a State Licence is the problem. Only the market knows what is a good arrangement of flowers - not some bureaucrat rotting out the inside of the State.

A few florists maintaining a monopoly is the same as forced sterilization?
I did not say that. I said IF Sandy refused to pay her $250 fine, and also refused to be cowed by some bully-bureaucrat leaching off the State licencing scam as a "Public Servant", that eventually someone in a blue monkey suite would pay her a visit. And do so with a gun in hand. And if Sandy refused to comply with the militant arm of the State, she's either be shot dead or dragged away and put in a cage. Right along with the tens of millions of other non-violent offenders.

The "Land of the Free" has more people in prison than any other State in existence.

It was not illegal for them to sell flowers. You clearly did not read up on the articles linked or anything about the law itself. They are free to sell flowers in bunches, just not mixed flowers or 'arranged' flowers. So no, they would not go to jail for selling flowers.
It's because you want to implement the rule non-uniformly. The state is the only instrument as yet that can ensure the rule is actually enforced. Until we as a species are ready for a socialist anarchy, I don't think it should happen. The state is a perfectly fine structure, as long as you know how to use it wisely.
Well we're certainly not going to get to any semblance of a socialist anarchy making flower arranging a State crime!

My position is law that protects body, private property and against fraud, sound money and a free-market will make ANY society (even ours) prosperous. If taken to the extreme, then yes, that is anarchy. I'm not suggesting we *poof* become anarchic. However, we are (to use an analogy) rotting from the inside out. The last 50 years of productivity gains are being stolen by crony-capitalists and their politicians. Further, not only have we normalized to violence (I mean, we're blind to it) - but, we actually expect and want it! I don't think Americans want to be free. Maybe most never did and never will?

I don't think it's possible to pass a Patriot Act in a free and civil society. I don't think it's possible to spy on truly free people. It's not possible to spend/waste $8.5 trillion losing made-up wars and have it be unaccounted for, not in a free society. Free people never stand for it. Free people would never bail out the richest 0.1%. Free people would never allow themselves to be forced to pay a master just to work. They just wouldn't put up with it.
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It's obviously not a crime, since one cannot call the police on an unlicensed florist.
Is there something we disagree to here?
Your fictional, fantasy-derived version of physical and historical and political events strikes me as characteristic of your ideological faction in US politics.

Any cogency or accuracy in your conclusions or argued claims is coincidental, a matter of your skew universe happening to line up temporarily with ordinary reality.

Look at this:
That so many "Free" Citizens of the State who were born as such into our so-called Civil Society now accept and expect government to play a large role in our lives - this suggests that the experiment in 'free democracy' has ended - well and truly ended. It started to unravel in 1913 with the loss of sound money and the amendment to allow the State to tax work (or I should say, taxing the 'transaction' when labor hours are sold) and continued to unravel through the 1930s and WWII. We are now living with the consequences of those people who choose to use force over voluntarism. Our entire society is permeated with State violence. And not unsurprisingly we've never been poorer.
Once the double negatives have been sorted out, the timeline regularized and the logical meanders charted, we can begin to consider exactly how to respond to a poster who regards the imposition of an income tax on prosperous white men a watershed moment in the progress of tyranny, in a country at the time still recently emerging from centuries of slavery, still mired in racial terrorism and the denial of governmental services (police,schools, roads, fire fighting, contract enforcement, even representation) to black people and red people and brown people and yellow people and women in general. How to respond to a poster who designates 1913 as the year in which US citizens first began to be accustomed to government playing a large role in their lives - after the Civil War and Northern administration of the Confederacy, after the Homestead Act and the Indian Wars and the various territorial expansions, after the transcontinental railroad and the Mormon conflicts and the building of the great ports, after the gold rush and the colonization of Hawaii and Alaska and the completion of the Panama Canal, the imposition of an income tax on prosperous white men was the country's introduction to governmental involvement in daily life and a future loss of freedom.

btw: The Ku Klux Klan was a voluntary organization set up again around that time - just after 1913 - to resist the encroachment of the Federal government and restore voluntary local management of local affairs to free and voluntary associations of local citizens - especially the white male ones. You would call them "freedom fighters", in Ronald Reagan's sense of the term.