An anti-thesis to "evil aliens"?

That's not confusing, and I believe you as God created everything. It's inherent in the concept of free will. He does not perpetuate it though. He saves us from it.

God loves you and so do I!
Lori-Okay, I admit I've been eavesdropping. I just fell off the roof, though. Now I'm all dizzy and confused on the evil-not evil thing. If " not of God", but God created everything (evil included, if by everything we mean everything) how can it not be of God if He created it?

(Holding my head and wondering if I heard you correctly) :)

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited November 22, 1999).]
That's funny. I'm sorry I made your head hurt Oxygen. I'm not trying to talk in circles, it just comes out that way sometimes. Ok, let's see if I can say this without getting all tongue tied....

God created everything, including Satan. Before Satan's fall (in which he CHOSE to disobey God and to try to take His place with us), the universe, and all those in it were basically perfect. What I mean by perfect is the ideal state of balance regarding everything natural and physical in the universe. Evil is anything that deviates from that ideal state, which Satan now perpetuates deviation through us. So, in review (for my own benefit), God created a perfect ideal state of existence based upon physical and spiritual laws, and evil (sin) is the act of deviating from those laws and that ideal. If we had no option to deviate from the ideal, then there would exist no free will. So, there is an ideal that exists (in the beginning, and now only in theory), but there are alternative states of existence as well that deviate from the ideal due to our own choices. We are living in one of the many possible alternative states right now. Can you see the ideal? Can you see the deviations when you look around you? I can, and the Holy Spirit makes it soooooo obvious to me. More and more everyday. Does that help at all??

God loves you and so do I!
Lori-Ah! Okay! Now it's all clear and my head isn't hurting anymore. :)Thank you.

There is a Taoist belief that everything created itself out of Tao and that it falls into one of three categories: 1)Heaven, 2)Earth, or 3) Humanity. You could relate those to the Spiritual, Physical, and Mental realms of existence. Man, the creature, must attain a balance of all three, tending to his spiritual, physical, and mental needs before he can ascend to the next level. Perhaps the imbalances or imperfections of the world as a whole can be attributed to people paying too much attention to only one or two of the three?