an analogy that makes a point

Ladies, Gentlemen...

Please let's not have a slanging match.
It's getting a little like 'The House of Evil' here :(

Someone mentioned at the beginning of the thread logic.

Logic cannot allow us to perceive any intrinsic quality of a person, object or phenomenon, as 'evil'.

Evil is an intellectual construct and therefore that which occurs without thought cannot be evil.

Originally Posted by ~The_Chosen~

That's what you get for being frivolous.

Frivolity is for those who can afford it.
Judge not else be considered jealous.
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Originally posted by Ekimklaw
Is fire evil?

"Yes." says the burning man
"No." says the freezing man

Now I ask you... is God evil?
If god is as brainless as fire, anyone with a brain will not call it evil.

Evil is an intellectual construct and therefore that which occurs without thought cannot be evil.
This is a great point. In fact, without an intellect to perceive something, it cannot be evil, either. Good and evil are artificial standards. This is, of course, a point we're exploring in other topics as a peripheral issue, but I would be remiss to let such an astute point slip by unnoticed.

Tiassa :cool:
Geeze you all missed the point of this little thing...

Evil is in the eye of the beholder (to state of the obvious analogy)

I always wonder why atheists--even those who employ devices such as sarcasm and humor--read the words of others with a literalist bender that would inspire the hardest of Bible thumpers.

Well if they are "inslpred by god" the idiots wouldn't be able to blend the words.

Athiest are the truth. How can you honstly beleive something as silly and childish as christainty. Actually read the bible, look at the stories. Now go read the Hobbit, the hobbit is crazy, dragons, and wizards.

However an Athiest would say, look at the bible, Johna eatn by a "big fish" and after 3 days not even partially digested. Look at Jesus for gods sake, he died and then came back to life??? What the heck. Moses Parted the red sea... Noah got every species of Amimal on the boat, but eveloution didn't occour... Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt... a flood came and distroyed the whole earth...

Yeah either it was all God... Or it never happened. If you never heard of God you would believe the later.