An amazing article in regards to Mormonism

Because from the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses shall god establish the truth. So 11 people, it must be true.

Granted 8 of the 11 were from 2 families...
Granted not all of the witnesses even accepted the mormon religion

But, it must be true, cause 11 people saw the plates!
Gnaget said:
Because from the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses shall god establish the truth. So 11 people, it must be true.

Granted 8 of the 11 were from 2 families...
Granted not all of the witnesses even accepted the mormon religion

But, it must be true, cause 11 people saw the plates!

Well thats me totally convinced. Where do i sign? It would'nt be a pack of lies would it? i mean there're church, and god fearing christians would never lie and cheat there followers would they? huh? ;) i mean the mormons taking 10% of YOUR HARD EARNED CASH . they would'nt lie to me , surely not? :eek:
Brutus1964 said:

The Gold Plates were only used for Joseph Smith to translate the Book of Mormon. After he did this the Angel Moroni took them. They are no longer on Earth.

Testimony of 11 whitness who accually saw the Gold Plates.
if my memory serves me right, about 10 of those 11 later recanted, then later some came back to mormonism & said they were only kidding it was true, hahaha, what jokers

check that out for yourselves, "google" it
Brutus1964 said:

The Gold Plates were only used for Joseph Smith to translate the Book of Mormon. After he did this the Angel Moroni took them. They are no longer on Earth.
how convenient, lucky for us, the Egyptian papyrus that Joe Smith used to so-call “translate” the Book of Abraham is still available, until it 'mysteriously' burns some day, hahahaha

Testimony of 11 whitness who accually saw the Gold Plates.
if my memory serves me right, about 10 of those 11 later recanted, then later some came back to mormonism & said they were only kidding 'it was all true', hahaha, what jokers

check that out for yourselves, "google" it

I guess anything you can "google" must be true huh? Even though some of the 11 witness’' left the church non ever recanted.
Gnaget said:
Because from the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses shall god establish the truth. So 11 people, it must be true.

Granted 8 of the 11 were from 2 families...
Granted not all of the witnesses even accepted the mormon religion

But, it must be true, cause 11 people saw the plates!

Go to this website and see what the Mormon church really teaches, and how it contradicts the bible:
Brutus1964 said:

I guess anything you can "google" must be true huh? Even though some of the 11 witness’' left the church non ever recanted.
you're funny, that's not what I meant,
what I'm implying, is for you to get another source, besides me or the LDS, so "google" it