An Agnostic Query

Then why do you continue to laugh at knowledge you are unfamiliar with?
Because you've shown nothing - zero - in all this time that indicates your "knowledge" is anything but a subjective delusion.

I really is funny. You're trying to argue an issue that, by your very own admission, is unapproachable by any but the most highly trained theistic minds and even then it only results in a subjective "direct perception".

To me, that's very funny.
Because you've shown nothing - zero - in all this time that indicates your "knowledge" is anything but a subjective delusion.

I really is funny. You're trying to argue an issue that, by your very own admission, is unapproachable by any but the most highly trained theistic minds and even then it only results in a subjective "direct perception".

To me, that's very funny.
from my side it is funny how atheists can talk about delusion, etc without offering a definition of reality
from my side it is funny how atheists can talk about delusion, etc without offering a definition of reality
Reality: That which can me measured or directly inferred through a causal chain of events that follow known physical law. Done. Next?
Reality: That which can me measured or directly inferred through a causal chain of events that follow known physical law. Done. Next?
so your mind or self doesn't exist?
similarly a mother crocodile gently massaging her eggs between her teeth that can snap a buffalo's bone does not have a place in reality since it cannot be explained by a known physical law?
so your mind or self doesn't exist?
similarly a mother crocodile gently massaging her eggs between her teeth that can snap a buffalo's bone does not have a place in reality since it cannot be explained by a known physical law?

You throw out these fallacious analogies like they're going out of fashion.

WHAT KNOWN PHYSICAL LAW prevents a mother crocodile from doing what you describe? It is nothing more than the ability to control the muscles in the jaw. It ALL follows physical laws!

You are grasping at straws!!

And how does mind or self not follow the definition of reality given?
The fact that we don't know the precise chain is irrelevant, but we know that the brain operates within the laws of physics. We know this - we know there is a self - that there is a causal chain from one to other is thus inferred.

But again you'll claim "current inability = impossibility" as your prime argument - or some such drivel.

You throw out these fallacious analogies like they're going out of fashion.

WHAT KNOWN PHYSICAL LAW prevents a mother crocodile from doing what you describe? It is nothing more than the ability to control the muscles in the jaw. It ALL follows physical laws!

You are grasping at straws!!
if you think I raised the issue as a simple query of jaw mechanics, I think you missed the point ....

And how does mind or self not follow the definition of reality given?
you explain it yourself
The fact that we don't know the precise chain is irrelevant, but we know that the brain operates within the laws of physics. We know this - we know there is a self - that there is a causal chain from one to other is thus inferred.
so we don't know yet we know - interesting ....

But again you'll claim "current inability = impossibility" as your prime argument - or some such drivel.
more like

current inability = current inability

there are very good reasons why post dated cheques are not very meritorious in either science or commerce