An Agnostic Query


Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
I'm agnostic so dont think i'm having a go at all you atheists, this is merely an observation.

My observation is that how should humans be able to base the lack of existence of god on ANY evidence that we have put forward.
I think it is very big headed of us as humans that just because we are the biggest baddest species on our planet. That we think our logic and experience is viable throughout the whole universe.

I find it very annoying when people say things like Aliens can't exist on Mars, there isnt any water. Sure, aliens may not exist on Mars but does it really matter that there isnt any water? Can we really be that narrow minded to say "on earth every living thing needs water and thus everything throughout the whole universe needs it to. And don't tell me that anything would need it to carry out whatever processes because at the end of the day it doesnt prove shit. there could be biological systems of a nature we can't even imagine. there may be aliens on mars but we can't see them through satellites because they have some wierd thing going on. and in the same vein, this applies to the existence of god.

God cannot be real because there must of been something before him - in our earthly experience we have decided that there must always be a moment before a moment. But can this apply throughout the universe considering we have only experienced one of 100000000000000000000000s of planets? Please don't be specific on that particualr "god cant exist because" this is merely an example.

So, while i'm not condoning theism or disregarding atheism I wonder if i can really be one of you narrow minded atheists that takes your experience in this tiny tiny tiny tiny corner of the galaxy, and your not even omniscient of this tiny tiny portion - and then apply what you've seen here to the rest of the universe and the natural order of it. Its a froday night so sorry if its a bit jumbled.
All I say as an atheist is that as of right now God's existence is unknowable and there's nothing that convinces me he exists. The possibility of God existing is still open.

In that regard, you're an atheist too aren't you?
no I'm an agnostic, I am undecided, what you are isnt an atheist. Atheists are against the existence of god. You are saying your are still open to its existence. Therefore you arent really an atheist.
Atheists are against the existence of god

I don't think we are "against" Gods existence, we just don't think that there

ever was such a thing and is only a "myth". That means God exists to those

that believe in myths and they have as much right to believe that as we

have the right not to believe in that myth. :)
I find it much easier to believe there was an intitial mover, a force that started the universe moving than in believing it simply happened. I find it more logical to think there was something before the universe that created the universe rather than the universe simple appeared from nothingness. I also find it easier and more logical to think there is an architect of the universe directing the course of events rather than events simply happening haphazardly.
The link you supplied actually supports my position as an atheist. :confused:

From your link:

Here is how the OED defines atheism:

atheism Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a god.

disbelieve 1. trans. Not to believe or credit; to refuse credence to: a. a statement or (alleged) fact: To reject the truth or reality of.
because you said "right now the existence of god is unknowable" this is a word that links directly to undecidedness, it may just be your word choice that has let you down.
because you said "right now the existence of god is unknowable" this is a word that links directly to undecidedness, it may just be your word choice that has let you down.

Yes but I also said that as of right now nothing convinces me of God's existence. Thus, I don't believe in him. Thus, I'm an atheist.