Americans Executed

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NEWARK, New Jersey (CNN) -- An undocumented immigrant pleaded not guilty Friday to murder and related charges in the execution-style slayings of three college students in a schoolyard.

Illegal aliens murder 12 Americans daily
Death toll in 2006 far overshadows total
U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, Afghanistan
Posted: November 28, 2006

WASHINGTON- Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. If those numbers are correct, it translates to 4,380 Americans murdered annually by illegal aliens. That's 21,900 since Sept. 11, 2001.
Are they Iraqi illegal immigrants? I hear a 1000 of them are being killed every month by the illegal occupation of Iraq.
How many illegals vs how many citizens are killing people in the US? Do you have the numbers?
Cuz I have a whole lot of links to citizens who have killed citizens. Heck, I bet I can find a whole bunch of links about citizens who have killed illegals.

Oh, and I want every illegal out of this country. 50,000 green cards are given away every year for $39 in a lottery. Any spouse and any unmarried children (under 21) can come with the recipient. They will all get their own individual green cards.

If you don't win one, you pay about $400. There are enough immigrants in this country that afford to send that much home for 1 green card. That brings over a whole family, LEGALLY
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So ... is there an ethical, moral, or judicial concept to be explored here, or are we just expected to rip on illegal immigrants?

Here, I'll start: If illegal immigrants are such a problem, there are two specific solutions, and a broader one as well.

Specific solutions:

• American employers should stop hiring illegal immigrants, thus removing a tremendous attractive force for illegal immigration.

• American immigration policy should be restructured in such a manner that reflects our heritage and doesn't insist that immigrants remain disenfranchised and in poverty for so long.

General solution:

• Address poverty in the United States​
So ... is there an ethical, moral, or judicial concept to be explored here, or ...

Or perhaps it was posted just to put things in perspective ...which most of the people at sciforums seem to lack.

Like you, Tiassa, making such a major issue out of an accidental shooting of a little kid by an Oklahoma police officer ....while completely ignoring the thousands of other Americans who are intentionally murdered. Ditto for how people rail against the Iraqi war because of all the American troops being killed, yet can't seem to see that more people are killed in everyday life. Perspective.

Baron Max
Are they Iraqi illegal immigrants? I hear a 1000 of them are being killed every month by the illegal occupation of Iraq.
Hey, I also think trying to help civilize the Iraqi people is a American waste of time and money.
Ultimate solution: install automatic machine guns along the border of United States, shooting down illegal immigrants (not killing them...paralyzing)
Willy said:

• Address poverty in Mexico

Take it up with the Mexican government. And while you're at it, take it up with the Bush administration, who left former President Vicente Fox out in the cold on the issue because the White House decided invading Iraq was more important than protecting our immediate borders.
Baron Max said:

Or perhaps it was posted just to put things in perspective

Well then, some perspective should be offered. I've already put my green hat on to eliminate one extraneous comment, but by your argument I'm thinking I should reconsider.

In the meantime, I'm well aware that your perspective asserts that people in the public trust should have no obligation to that trust. It's part of the reason I don't find you credible.
like a tazer? If it was motion control we might be zapping coyotes, deer, bunnies.

ok than there will be a picture capturing camera which identifies objects as being animals or humans based on thermal sensors, pattern of movements, and shape in general.
Our southern boarders would not need so much protection if the majority of Mexicans were not so violent and unintelligent.

hey I just had an idea...

pass a border intelligence exam with math, science, language, and history calculus and physics...and than you can cross the border...

nifty idea.

than they will be cramming for exams in Mexico.
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