amazing photo from 1983

Don H

Registered Senior Member
I love the movie but if he thinks the picture is real then he's a dumbass. A quote unquote *dumb* dumbass.
My birth was uneventful. it was the same day many of people were born on
Folks could we get back to some kind of topic. With bandwidth a problem surely these spaces could be more productive...
You guys ruined a perfectly funny thread with your seriousness.

*sticks out her tounge* MLAH!
Deena and Walker,

Sciforums has just suffered an outage because of bandwidth useage. It is time to be serious...
1.) The name of the forum is "free thoughts". Enough said.
2.) What is the purpose of SciForums if not for fun? What good does bandwidth or having a forum in the first place do if it isn't enjoyable?
3.)Review this thread. I got off topic. But at least I didn't get off topic and call someone a dumbass. I hardly think we were the first ones off topic to begin with.
2.)2.) What is the purpose of SciForums if not for fun? What good does bandwidth or having a forum in the first place do if it isn't enjoyable?

Sciforums is primary for educational purposes

If you say you aren't going to atleast try to be productive - don't be suprised to be bashed at
Normally, neither of you would hear anything from me in Free Thoughts.

Bandwidth has to be purchased and the more users the more expense that Porfiry has to pay. If you have not noticed, the site has been down for a few days because bandwidth increased.

It is not a matter of what is enjoyable, it is a matter of keeping the site open. Between the two, I would rather see the site open. By all means post. But post something of value. Fun can come later after finances are straight. Hence it IS time to be serious...
THIS is for education? Yeah, that's total bullshit.

It's ridiculous that you think this community is a community for any other reason than it's people getting to know eachother. I'm sorry, but you DON'T do that by ALWAYS staying on topic. That's the beauty of a message board community, the threads morph and turn into conversations not just discussions and two-dimensional screen names.

As far as I'm concerned if it's going to take time and ONLY time until this is back up, shut it down until you can afford it. Or whatever. Do what you need to do. Tip-toeing around and only posting when absolutely neccesary is completely useless.

Either issue a statement about what everyone's to do or leave us alone and get the shit together on your own.

We're not responsible for the bandwidth problems. This type of thread isn't the reason we have bandwidth problems. Off topic isn't the reason for the bandwidth problems. Lack of "productivity" isn't even the reason for the bandwidth problems.

Spamming is the problem. Huge graphics is the problem. And general member numbers is the problem. The way to change that is to change the construction of or monetary backing for the site not issue orders about how to post.

Cracking down on us in this petty fashion isn't accomplishing anything.