No I cannot. But I believe that a God is there. God is a concept, as I've pointed out, removed from any other.
God is a concept brought about from ignorance.
The concept cannot be compaired to that of an invisible pink unicorn, for reasons I've pointed out.
Can't you relate, "it's invisible yet pink" How would anyone know of it's exists or not and know it's pink when it's invisible? I'ts a mocking toward your god, you claim that it exists, yet you define god as "incomprehensible". If it's incomprehensible, then how can anyone claim that it exist or not?
We, as humans, are presented with an idea that by nature we can never have hope of understanding - that is, eternal.
We know what "eternal" means, though we can't fathom what eternal feels like, one simple word. is Forever.
The concept of eternal is never beginning, never ending - no time. We exist within time, so I hope you can understand why we cannot comprehend it.
I just explained above. Eternal is forever. Though our minds can't contemplate what forever feels like, cause we don't exist forever, nor does anything else that is known to us, exist forever. Even gods!.
If humans had no consciousness, the concept of god, would be non-existent. If humans suddenly aquired consciousness, like 3000 years ago, then sudenly question arise, that can't be answered, thus gods "our own consciousness voices" became our gods, quiding us, and in time these voices became silent as our consciousness evolved, to perceive reality as is, and not as we "wish it were". Ever heard of Dr. Julian Jaynes? In "The Break Down of the Bicameral Mind".
The only idea that we as humans can conjure up as "always being," logically, is something we can never have hope of understanding because it exists outside of time
Do you even know the origin of such a concept as "outside of time"?
There's no such BS, time exists, nothing escapes it, at least in this universe, It is not created, nor can it be destroyed. Time is only in your mind. If you were not conscious of your own enviorenment, and existed in a black box, time would be non-existent to you. However your physical body would decay because of time, but your mind would be unaware of time passing. (Outside of time) was a concept thought out by Augustine of Hippo who wrote:"that time exists only within the created universe, so that God exists outside of time; for God there is no past or future, but only an eternal present".
Very famous apolegetic really. But I don't buy the BS, because there's NO EVIDENCE! for such a concept to exist.
Eternal...the elusive concept that we can only graze with our human minds...never beginning, never ending....something must be there, that something exists outside our our is not physical, it is not something we can ever understand, and we humans are aware of it...and we are somehow a result of whatever "it" is, as we lie within whatever "it" is.
True! then why buy the BS, that one who worships an "incomprehinsible invisible deity" will exist in another realm, eternally in bliss?. It's Bull shit, only meant to manipulate the ignorance of the masses. Thus when people got "enlightened" it really meant EDUCATED!.
You have either two concepts that human beings can fathom as being eternal. God, or nothing.
Wrong, you only really have one choice. And that is Nothing!. If you create another being, such as god, with no explanation of what it is, but that it is incomprehesible, and we are suppose to follow those whom seem to be enlightened by it's wisdom, then you create more problems. How is one suppose to "know" that these so called leaders are "wise" of god, when It is INCOMPREHENSIBLE?