Allowing bi-sex marriage?


Valued Senior Member
What next. Rise bisexuals... You should rightfully marry whomever and as many as you desire...uhm, love. :D

Sorry, I thought I had seen a larger minority...
bowser out of interest what makes you think that because someone is bi they cant be mahoganious? thats a pritty big assumption
According to Freud the largest part of humans (if not all) are bisexual (even if only unconsciously).
Probably not. Then again, it occurred to me the other day that I can't remember the last time I had a man. Strange. It's not just the drugs, either, but the passing of time. It's 2005 ... it's probably been five years.

I don't worry about it too much. I mean, on the one hand, I'd think the random fellatio would have come up, no pun intended, at some point, but no ....

In the meantime, I have managed a heterosexual infidelity or two in that time. I think just one. Almost another, but ... let's not go there.

I don't expect to date women for a while after this one's finally drawn a suitable conclusion. Nor do I really enjoy the actual pretending of deception.

My partner, on the other hand, is another story. Suffice to say, whatever; my child is mine, and nobody on the face of the Earth would ever suggest otherwise having met her, and beyond that I don't care what she does since it's not mine to care. Hell, we've spent nine years around one another and the one thing we know is that we don't want to actually be married to one another.
Asguard said:
bowser out of interest what makes you think that because someone is bi they cant be mahoganious?

Well said, I've known plenty of bisexual people that were carved out of wood! Asguard, do yourself a favor and spell check!

Bowser said:
What next. Rise bisexuals... You should rightfully marry whomever and as many as you desire...uhm, love. :D

Haha! man oh man, gotta' hand it to you, Bowser, you came up with a really clever observation here! Daaaymn those bisexuals are promiscuous and rudely sexual, aren't they? Now let's go back to our beer commercials full of bouncing titties, and jerk off to lingerie mags like good straight men! Wonder why there aren't entire advertising industries built around the idea of appealing to bisexuals yet. . .Hmm, could be because they spend all of their money on crack cocaine anyhow.

Where are you at, Bowser? We ought to head out ot one of them “Gentleman’s clubs” some time while the wives are at home watching Oprah and Dr. Phill counsel another couple that has a problem with cheating. It'll be my treat, and we talk talk a bit more about your clever observations about how slutty and shameless those damned sexual deviants are.
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Bowser said:
What next. Rise bisexuals... You should rightfully marry whomever and as many as you desire...uhm, love. :D

Sorry, I thought I had seen a larger minority...

Um . . . Ye'r being kinda vague. Please explain yer last sentence.
Hmm, what is bisexuality? Is it love, genetic hard-wire, or something else? If we were to assume that it is a natural condition, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that a group union would be justified. There must be financial rewards for such a thing.

<i>"Daaaymn those bisexuals are promiscuous and rudely sexual, aren't they?"</i>

Darned if I know. Quite honestly, I don't know much about them. I just observed that one of the polls on another thread showed a larger number bisexuals than homersexuals. The question in my mind is how do these two compare...?
What I can't understand is that why don't gay people just live together and make up a will so that anything they want can go to the other person if they should die.

What is the real point of gays getting married after all unless the agenda is to adopt a young child? Marriage is only good for the children that are concieved during the marriage so that they can have proper papers telling them and others who they are and who brought them into this world. It is also to show possesion of material things so if a divorce happens the property will be divided up.

So what's the big deal about just living together wherever the gay couple want to and just not tell anyone for what right is of it of others who is living with whom?
cosmictraveler : even if thats the only reason they want it why shouldnt they be able to adopt?
Enough about the homosexuals. Can we, however, apply the same arguments where Bisexuals are concerned. If it is love...?
Asguard said:
cosmictraveler : even if thats the only reason they want it why shouldnt they be able to adopt?

Who said that they can't adopt. I only stated that the one primary reason would be to adopt a young child and somehow being married seems to make it easier, which it doesn't. You can be single and adopt, it is happening everyday. So that's really not the real reason why the gays want the marriage licence is it?

What is the reason?
yes but if they adoped as singles then only one person can make the desisions for the child cant they?

i mean they cant make legal desisions, sign medical releace forms ect ect
Bisexual tendencies have been observed in many of nature's creatures; most notable of these are male canines and monkeys.
CC are you even following the convo?

he said they could adopt without marrage yet if they did that there would be one "father" and one room mate for all the legal rights that person had over the child
Bowser said:
Hmm, what is bisexuality? Is it love, genetic hard-wire, or something else?

What is homosexuality? What is heterosexuality? I think it's mainly all about love.

Bowser said:
If we were to assume that it is a natural condition, wouldn't it be reasonable to assume that a group union would be justified.

Yes, I think it would be reasonable.

Bowser said:
I just observed that one of the polls on another thread showed a larger number bisexuals than homersexuals.
Emphasis &Acirc;&eth;elwulf's

What's a homersexual? Someone that's sexually attracted to Homer Simpson?

First it was "HS"; now it's "homersexual". Seriously, Bowser, please stop using euphamisms. It's annoying.

Bowser said:
Should bisexual foursums be allowed to adopt children?

Yes. They're no less capable of raising a child than a heterosexual couple. In fact, having four parents would probably be easier for a child. After all, there are more people that can work and be a source of income for the household, and there are more people to stay home and take care of the child. It's like a miniature village, and ya know it takes a village to raise a child.

Something to think about.

cosmictraveler said:
What I can't understand is that why don't gay people just live together and make up a will so that anything they want can go to the other person if they should die.

What is the real point of gays getting married after all unless the agenda is to adopt a young child? Marriage is only good for the children that are concieved during the marriage so that they can have proper papers telling them and others who they are and who brought them into this world. It is also to show possesion of material things so if a divorce happens the property will be divided up.

So what's the big deal about just living together wherever the gay couple want to and just not tell anyone for what right is of it of others who is living with whom?

Using this logic, we can conclude that marriage isn't necessary, and therefore, we can justly take away the right to marry anyone at all.

. . . ;)

I'm sure you wanna marry a girl, even if ya can do all of this and bypass the marriage altogether. You'd agree that getting married to a girl is an easier road than all of what ya described. Why, then, can't homosexuals take the easy road as well? Just kuz ya don't like the idea? Hmm?

CounslerCoffee said:
No, they don't have that right if they're single! If you're single you don't have any rights!


. . . :bugeye:

Please explain yerself, El Presidente.