
Originally posted by willson13
And another problem I have, juvenille arthritis. I have to take more medicine for that.

I may have that.......i go in for xrays tonight to find out if thats what truly is wrong with my arm/shoulder....what kind of meds do you take? do you hafta take it for the rest of your life????
That is why we switched to ceramic tile flooring...
i wish i could get my parents to rip the carpeting out of my room, or have the moeny to do it myself. even if it wasn't awful to vaccum, carpet is just so dirty.. no matter what you do.. there is no wy to really clean it effectively.. that bothers me.
You can do it yourself - tiles are cheap, but make sure to get non-gloss tiles and wipe off any liquid spill quickly so as not to cause any slips. You can even take up ceramics as a hobby and do some of the design tiles is fun and useful.
corticosteroids have to be taken about 3-4 days to notice the 1st results.. you can decide if it works for you after 8 days.

immunotherapy is ok, but very heavy for the body. you will feel tired!
i dont think id work well with tiling. lol. it has cracks and crevases. (sp??). I like the look of a wood floor that is very waxed, high shine, and absolutley smooth. ain't no germies gettin past that now!
New Life, my arthritis has gotten a lot better. When I first had it, I couldn't even move, but if it really hurts, move it a LOT. I know it hurts like hell to do it, but trust me, after a little bit it won't hurt as much. Now I take one Indomethacin every morning with breakfast. I used to take three a day, then moved to two, and now one. And another I take before bed is some natural anti-inflammatory. It also helps me sleep a lot better, and I think it's helping the arthritis. And to answer your question, I don't think I will have to take it the rest of my life. Since I'm only 14, the doctor says I have a huge chance of actually outgrowing the arthritis, because that is what most often happens. Arthritis is really treatable, and I still live my life the same way I did before I had it.
Are you too clean?

If you suffer from allergies, do you ever notice they seem to go away when you're sick with something else? I do.
The most dramatic example happened this fall, the time of year when my house dust allergies usually hit their peak. In late October I underwent abdominal surgery, a major operation, and spent a week in hospital. Since I arrived home, my allergies have hardly raised a sneeze or a sniffle. Every night I go peacefully to sleep without my usual attack of hacking coughs.
Apparently my body is busy doing what it's supposed to do: fighting off infection. There's some serious healing go on. My immune system is too preoccupied to make the usual petty fuss over dust mites and dander from my tabby.
It's just speculation, but it makes sense to me. Our bodies are finely tuned to nature. Evolution has brought us to a delicate balance with our environment. We have an elaborate mechanism for eliminating real threats like harmful bacteria and toxins. But in the absence of those, it overreacts to benign intruders like pollen and protein-rich foods.
Humanity has a way of tampering with the natural course of things. Many of us see nature as a threat. We push away the woods and wildlife, death, darkness and dirt, all to our detriment.
Now it seems we're living too cleanly. The incidence of childhood asthma and allergies in North America has more than doubled in the past two decades. This phenomenon is evident throughout the West, but not in developing countries. We also know that children who live on farms, who attend day care in early childhood, or have two or more siblings are less likely to develop asthma.
Recent research gives credence to the hygiene hypothesis, which suggests that our obsession with cleanliness may actually be responsible for the problem. One study focused on endotoxin, a cell wall compound found in bacteria that inhabit the intestines of livestock and pets. In high doses, this substance causes an adverse reaction. But researchers measured the relatively small quantities found in bed linen. They found that children exposed to especially low quantities of the protein were more likely to suffer from asthma and allergies than children with dirtier sheets. City children are more likely than farm children to have clean sheets and asthma.
This is the first clear evidence to explain why farms are a healthier place for children to grow up, in terms of allergies. But scientists think other factors will come to light. Perhaps the usual childhood infections from outdoor scrapes and bruises have a way of stimulating a healthy immune system, rather than a hypersensitive one.
What I haven't found so far is any research indicating viral or bacterial infection can actually suppress adult allergies. So maybe it's just my imagination, but I think not.
The way we're living is far removed from the day-to-day confrontation with nature the way our ancestors experienced it. We're out of touch with the Earth, too safe and protected. We don't have enough cuts and bruises, or dirt under our fingernails.