Alleged historical evidence for Jesus

None come close to the Old and New Testaments in scope and detail of accurate ancient history.

I have offered you a challenge before, (which you utterly ignored), but I shall try again. I hereby challenge you to support your claim. I'll give you a day to collect some information regarding your claim and then we can both present our cases. Ok?

So they just decided to martyr themselves for some guy who really didn't do what they thought he did in their lifetime

Many have done it and still do it. Koresh wasn't who his followers thought he was but they still did very stupid things. Ancient Egyptians still went through all the trouble of mummifying corpses/removing organs/burying a boat/building a pyramid and what not for non-existant gods. People do stupid things - even for the sake of the non-existant.

They were dying for Jesus just months after the fact.

Readers note.

IceAgeCivilizations has ONE tactic here, and ONLY ONE -

To preach the stories of the Bible as if they were TRUE.
And then to claim that truth proves the Bible true!

Page after page, he preaches straight from the Gospel, without ANY confirming evidence, and without ANY critical thinking at all.

There is NO evidence that ANYONE "died for Jesus".
Just anonymous MYTHS written long long afterwards.

Time after time, we ask for EVIDENCE, and
IceAgeCivilizations faithfully preaches from the Bible as if it IS evidence.

But actual external, historical evidence?

Put up or shut up, IceAgeCivilizations.

Where is the external, contemporary evidence for Jesus?

That would not be his burden to prove. The believers who claim this mythology is factual have the burden of proof.
Am I on ignore or what?

Iceage: Why is it that you keep making bold statements that I challenge you to support and you just ignore it? That speaks volumes.

It would be far more noble of you to at least accept that you made a statement that you can't support, that you were in fact just making it up in the hopes that it would somehow give a very weak argument some credibility. Ignoring it completely is a sign of cowardice, and says far more about you than you'd probably like it to.
Put up or shut up.

I did.
I showed your arguments were false with direct EVIDENCE of early writers.

You ignored it all, kept on preaching,
then added some insults.

But NO EVIDENCE anywhere !
No-one is convinced by a word you say.
Why do you bother?

Celsus claimed the Gospels were FICTION based on MYTH - the exact opposite of your faithful claim.

You ignored that evdence completely.

Because it proved you wrong.


Iceage: Why is it that you keep making bold statements that I challenge you to support and you just ignore it? That speaks volumes.

it's clear IceAge is here to PREACH.
Nothing more.

Oh well, every time Ice posts, another lurker gives up on Christianity in disgust.


it's clear IceAge is here to PREACH.
Nothing more.

Oh well, every time Ice posts, another lurker gives up on Christianity in disgust.


Oh, man. That's funny.

IceAge, if you knew enough about history to know how difficult it is to "prove" anything in that discipline, you would be too smart to be a theist, so we are in a quandary. History is about best-guesses and the evidence at hand. New facts keep turning up to revise our ideas on entire eras. It is this, ironically, that makes the invention of historical figures so easy to do. Moses, Noah, and Jesus were invented heroes created by the Jewish people. There is a veritable pantheon of such minor deities in the "monotheistic" religion of Christianity, and no proof for any of them.

Can I prove that many of the historical accounts in the Bible are untrue? Well, I can't show you any film, but I'm pretty sure that the walls of Jericho came down at least 200 years before Joshua could have been there. I know that the cities of Sodom and Gamorrah were ancient, even by the time of the Jews. They were already decayed and decrepit at the time of the writing of the OT, and their remains were the stuff of legend that Jewish parents used to scare their children into behaving.

I know if you look at the beginning of two of the gospels in the NT, there are two separate accounts of the lineage of Jesus. They only have a couple of names in common, and don't even have the same number of generations. One of the accounts (at least) are incorrect.

There are three quotes given for Jesus' last words. At least two of these are wrong. There are multiple accounts of what was found at Jesus' tomb afterwards, some of these must be wrong.

The world was not created in 6,000 years, that is a bad bit of history.

The Sun never stopped in its tracks, that would have been recorded by the dozen other literate cultures as well, not to mention having other bad effects (of course, they meant that the Earth stopped rotating, but their almighty GOD wasn't aware of this fact).

In one book of the Bible, the Jews were in captivity for 400 years, in another part, the time was given as 430 years. If we are going to round down over 8%, why should we trust any of the numbers given? Maybe it rained for 43 days?

Speaking of rain, it can be proven that the flood did not exist. We have cultures and cities that existed all over the Earth for over the last 6,000 years, the entire history of the Bible, and taken alltogether, you can show with overlap (and common sense) that they were not all wiped out all at once.

I'm sure you can show, as well, that a man can not live in the belly of a whale.

Seriously, friend. Why are you worshiping a book? And why not pick a decent one, like the Complete Works of Shakespeare? Which has more true history in it, by the way.