"allah" the stone god!

Dear Vega,

Please capitalize words such as "Arabian" or "Allah", otherwise it is sending a disrespectful message, at least to me.

And thank you for that rather.......enlightening message:)
Dear Vega,

Please capitalize words such as "Arabian" or "Allah", otherwise it is sending a disrespectful message, at least to me.

And thank you for that rather.......enlightening message:)
No problem! When you reply to me next time I would like to be addressed as "Lord Vega" otherwise it would be disrespectful to me.

thank you:)
According to Zweemer, author of The Origins of Religion, the oldest traditions were of one supreme God and other beliefs came later.

I will check out this persons work.

I do know that in ancient Egypt the supreme being was identified as the "Neter" or manisfested in the Goddess Neitheru (sorry unsure of spelling) or also known as Goddess Net "the divine cow who gave birth to Ra".
She was the primordial form of the later Goddess Aset (Isis)

Despite the pantheon of several Gods and Goddesses they simply represented various aspects of the one God...the source.
I will check out this persons work.

I do know that in ancient Egypt the supreme being was identified as the "Neter" or manisfested in the Goddess Neitheru (sorry unsure of spelling) or also known as Goddess Net "the divine cow who gave birth to Ra".
She was the primordial form of the later Goddess Aset (Isis)

Despite the pantheon of several Gods and Goddesses they simply represented various aspects of the one God...the source.


Be interesting to see the results.
All false religion began in ancient Sumer with Nimrod. All archaeologists now agree that the first civilization was in the Fertile Crescent particularly at Shinar, where is Shinar? Shinar is the Biblical name for Iraq,

Allah is AL-ILAH, which is related to Enlil, Baal, Baili, and to many other false gods. So Allah contrary to popular belief was not invented by Muhammad the Muslim prophet but in fact existed before his birth. Muhammad's father's name was Abdullah, abd in the Arabic language can refer to a slave/servant therefore Abdullah means servant of Allah. In an allegory, a poem was written centred on Gilgamesh, this is another name for Nimrod. The goddess is addressed and scolded for trying to kill Gilgamesh

The pre-Islamic Arabs believed in a host of other terms to signify gods, such as Hubal and al-Lāt, al-`Uzzah, and Manah. Pre-Islamic Jews referred to their supreme creator as Yahweh (Jehovah) or Elohim.

Allah's root is is LIL, shortened to IL from Enlil. So Allah really evolved from Enlil to Lil and then IL. Remember the name used in the Bible Baal, is the Hebrew Ba'il meaning "the god", in Arabic it would be Al-Ilah and in Aramaic Alaha.

There is an inscription in stone from Al-Ula in Northern Arabia, circa 500 BC, just 1000 years before Muhammad was born. In the same Semitic language dialect, and in the same time frame, are two other names of the gods- Mar-Allah, meaning Lord-god, and Adar'IL, a Sardonic contraction using the root form of the name for god from Sumer, LIL.

The god allah was exported by Nabonidus into Northern Arabia in the 6th century BC.

At the time of Muhammad Allah was the chief god with three daughters Allat, Manat and Al-Uzza. Manat seems to be worshipped in Saudi Arabia earlier then Al-Uzza and Allat. You can read about these three daughters of Allah in Sura 53.19-20

It may be interesting for you to know that Muhammad in the early Meccan period never spoke about Abraham or the God of Abraham Yahweh. Muslims in desperation try to point out that Abraham is mentioned during the Meccan period but the Suras they present as evidence are disputed to be later Suras revealed in Medina.

It may come as a surprise to the listeners that it was Nimrod who was deified and later became Molech, Baal and Allah, it was often the custom of pagans to kiss their deities statues thus we read in the Bible

Allah can be found in the Bible in 2 Chronicles 26:7 And God helped him against the Philistines, and against the Arabians that dwelt in Gurbaal, and the Mehunims.

Notice Gur-Baal is the name of the city named after the deity of Allah.

It will be astonishing to learn that a reference to a King Vikramadity inscription was found in the Ka'ba temple in Mecca, proving beyond doubt that the Arabian peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire", so it is quite possible that this was indeed a Hindu Temple as you know Hindus worship many deities and the Ka'ba pre-Muhammad's time did house at least 360 deities.

Reproduced by Muslim Digest, July to Oct. 1986 pages. 23-24) (Article written by Mr P.N. Oak at N-128, Greater Kailas 1, New Delhi 14, India and distributed from Durban, South Africa)

"The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as "Sayar-ul-Okul" treasured in the Makhtab-e-sultania (library) in Istanbul, Turkey." (IBID)

It might come as a stunning revelation to many that the word "ALLAH" could possibly be derived from the Sanskrit language. In Sanskrit Allah, Akka and Amba are synonyms. They signify a goddess. The term Allah forms part of Sanskrit chants invoking goddess Durga, also known as Bhavani, Chandi and Mahishasuramardini. The Islamic word Allah for God is therefore could possibly be ancient Sanskrit appellation retained and continued by Islam. The word Allah could mean in ancient sanskrit mother goddess." (IBID)

Also, there are inscriptions found near oases, Allah and Allat appear with no descriptive attachments, either in appeals for help in travel, or as part of the signature of the suppliant (like Abdallah-- IL root in name!). What does this mean? This means that IL and Allah shared the reverence of the ancient Sumerians, circa 3000 BC, and the northern Arab tribes in 500 BC. Survival time-- 2500 years. (Winnett, F V, and Reed, W L, Ancient Records From North Arabia, Univ. of Toronto, 1970 pg. 79,126-127 / 245,253b. Winnett has done some excellent work in recent work in inscription interpretation.)

Muhammad did indeed cleaned the Ka'ba of several gods but took the god allah for the choice of worshipping him. This in itself is the concept of not only creating a religion but a god that does not actually exist.

Muslim pilgrims visiting the Ka'ba temple go around it seven times. This custom is not preserved in any Mosque. Hindus also circum-ambulate around their deities. This is yet another proof that the Ka'ba shrine could be a pre-Islamic Indian Shiva temple where the Hindu practise of circumambulation is still meticulously observed.
Thank you for that, Lord Vega.

However, so long as it is in the Qu'ran, Bible, or Torah, it is right by the believers' eyes.
Thank you for that, Lord Vega.

However, so long as it is in the Qu'ran, Bible, or Torah, it is right by the believers' eyes.

Please highlight or bold when using the words Bible or Torah as it is a sign of respect to the believers as well.

thank you!
Please highlight or bold when using the words Bible or Torah as it is a sign of respect to the believers as well.

thank you!

No problem and you might as well throw the Qu'ran in there as well.
What is quite certain is that the Pagan Arabs in Mecca worshipped a moon god called Hubal at the Kabah. Hubal was the Lord of the Kabah, being the highest ranking god of the 360 gods worshipped in the Kabah. Now here is the amazing thing. Allah was also worshipped as the Lord of the Kabah. Yet, Allah was never represented by any idol of physical nature.

To suggest the polytheistic Arabs never created an idol to represent Allah is simply unreasonable and unbelievable. We suggest rather, that Hubal was who the Pagan Arabs addressed their prayers to Allah through. In other words, Allah was Hubal. Muhammad came along and smashed the idol of Hubal and now the Arabs had no idol of Allah to pray through any more and Hubal was forgotten.

There are stories in the Sira of pagan Meccan praying to Allah while standing beside the image of Hubal. (Muhammad's Mecca, W. Montgomery Watt, Chapter 3: Religion In Pre-Islamic Arabia, p26-45) It is believed that Arabs stood beside Hubal and prayed to him, referring to him as Allah.

The earliest mention of the name Hubal occurs in a Nabataean inscription (CIS, ii, 198), in which it appears as an associate of Manawat. According to al-Azraki (73), its cult was the best organized in the Ka'ba: a hadjib guarded the idol; he received the offerings and sacrifices that were brought; he shook the arrows of divination before it. When a Meccan returned from travelling, he used to go to give thanks to the god before going to his own home.

In the field of popular piety at least, it eclipsed the other deities in the Meccan pantheon, to such an extent that there has been some speculation whether the unanimity regarding this cult did not help to prepare the way for Allah. (The Encyclopaedia Of Islam, New Edition, Edited By B. Lewis, V. L. Menage, Ch. Pellat And J. Schacht, 1971, HUBAL page 536)
All false religion began in ancient Sumer with Nimrod. All archaeologists now agree that the first civilization was in the Fertile Crescent particularly at Shinar, where is Shinar? Shinar is the Biblical name for Iraq,

Could you cite a source that supports either your "all archaeologists" claim or the "first civilization" claim?
Could you cite a source that supports either your "all archaeologists" claim or the "first civilization" claim?
History can only go so far until it becomes absolute myth!

The development of a Biblical chronology beginning with Adam is interesting, but will it hold up when compared with the known facts of secular history? To ascertain this, the earliest civilization of antiquity will be examined to determine its localization and the time of its emergence.

The threshold of history appears to be located in the area of the present-day nation of Iraq.

Archaeological research has established that there is no focus of civilization in the earth that can begin to compete in antiquity and activity with the basin of the Eastern Mediterranean and the region immediately to the east of it . . . The Obeidan is the earliest clearly defined culture of Babylonia, where we find its remains underlying nearly all the oldest cities of the country, such as Ur, Erech, Lagash, Eridu, etc. This proves that the occupation of the marshlands of Babylonia by human settlers cam rather late in history of the irrigation culture, probably not far from 3700 B.C.


Archaeological evidence appears to indicate that prior to about 3700 B.C., there was no substantial culture anywhere in the world. About 3700-3500 B.C. the first great civilization began to be formed in the plains of Sumer in the land of Babylon, Erech, Ur, etc
Unless you consider the civilizations of Catalhouyouk, the Harapan, the Natufian, several Asian civilizations, etc.

Discounting these -and depending on how you define "great civilization"- I suppose I can agree.
History can only go so far until it becomes absolute myth!

The development of a Biblical chronology beginning with Adam is interesting, but will it hold up when compared with the known facts of secular history? To ascertain this, the earliest civilization of antiquity will be examined to determine its localization and the time of its emergence.

The threshold of history appears to be located in the area of the present-day nation of Iraq.

Archaeological research has established that there is no focus of civilization in the earth that can begin to compete in antiquity and activity with the basin of the Eastern Mediterranean and the region immediately to the east of it . . . The Obeidan is the earliest clearly defined culture of Babylonia, where we find its remains underlying nearly all the oldest cities of the country, such as Ur, Erech, Lagash, Eridu, etc. This proves that the occupation of the marshlands of Babylonia by human settlers cam rather late in history of the irrigation culture, probably not far from 3700 B.C.


Archaeological evidence appears to indicate that prior to about 3700 B.C., there was no substantial culture anywhere in the world. About 3700-3500 B.C. the first great civilization began to be formed in the plains of Sumer in the land of Babylon, Erech, Ur, etc

Actually, doesn't the Egyptian Sphinx represent something of a problem here. It was already an Ancient Ruin when Egypt was first becoming Civilized. It had already been there.

What may have happened was that the first River Valley Civilizations had been in the Mediterranean Basin at a time when the Pillars of Hercules joining Spain to Africa was still intact, keeping out the waters of the ocean, but allowing that the shallow basin of the future sea would be the drain for both the Danube and Nile Rivers. This would have been a perfect environ... better than the measly Tigress and Euphrates... for a River Valley Civilization. But when the Pillars of Hercules ruptured (and we can see even today the erosion zones from the incoming flood of the Atlantic Waters) we had this First Civilization almost entirely washed out. Leaving the Sphinx off on its southern edge.

And we have the Flood Legend.

We have the Atlantis Legend.

We also have what we suppose to be our earliest Civilizations seeming to know a great deal about Civilization although there had never been one before. What is easier to suppose is that those on the Barbarian Edge of this Mediteranean Basin Civilization had learned something about it, as the French came out of the ashes of Rome, or as China expanded so much beyond just the Yellow River Valley, being a cultural triumph.
Gentleman! please the topic is about the origins of "Allah" The stone god not the origins of civilization!