Allah is alone without companion

I should note hereby that none of us including me is obliged here to explain our own personal aptitudes or behaviors to anyone.

Any explaining I do will be done because I choose to do it, rather than to fulfill someone else's expectations.

I hope this will stop making such demands! Those who still insist on arguing about it, will have to do it alone.
If you are interested, you can visit my other threads I have just started about Sufis and Sufism!
spidergoat said:
I like the idea of non-duality, but is this concept you describe part of Islam? What is Sufi?
sufi is a female surfer, but like everything religious, it down hold water.
Sufi said:
you cannot be god. b'cause there is no god

you are doomed to be only you, regardless of whatever name appeals to you to have
huh? this sounds budhists or zen-like?
Sufi said:
Islam (not peoples' Muslimisms) is completely based on understanding the non-duality, which is known as the 'oneness of Allah' and clarifying the believers mind from the duality (shirk).

What is Sufi, is up to you

explaim, still sounds zen
Randolfo said:
huh? this sounds budhists or zen-like?

It seems you are still confusing Islam with peoples' Muslimisms.

Islam is about the intelligent system that is unfragmented and is whole and operates at every point of and rules the entire universe.

Nothing is amiss, nothing is outside of that intelligent system. It involves all.

Each and every one in this system fulfills the purpose for which it was created. However, everyone will receive the return or his/her thoughts, beliefs, understandigs, deeds and achievements, forever. This is their servitude.

There are a lot we can learn from all other teachings of far lands. We do not need to worship a god to get a justificaiton as there is no god to confirm our beliefs. It is only ours and we will receive its return. So take any path you like knowing that you are building your tomorrow with all that you do today.

Mohammed (pbuh) said, "Go and get the wisdom (science) even if it is in China".
mario said:
Define "intelligent system".

An "Intelligent System". Our friend tells you what he means -- "is unfragmented and is whole and operates at every point of and rules the entire universe". The rest is implicit in the words. You do know English, don't you. Intelligent means that it is perceptive and responsive. System means that it is organized.

Really, why don't you just use your head and think about what's being said instead of getting bogged down in words. Afterall, words are not 'real' -- the Nominalists won that argument centuries ago. If the words selected can present a sketch of a concept, then you should know enough to give an intelligent reply, without using ancient procedures of an obsolete philosophy to be merely obstructive.

Your only rebuttal is to claim you are not 'playing' dumb.
Nay mr volont. I'm only trying to get sufi to explain the unexplainable, which you have done so well for me.

By saying..."Intelligent means that it is perceptive and responsive"...then you are directly contradicting sufi's model of allah. Perceptive and responsive qualites indicate a living "contained" entity that has awareness of it's surroundings. Does it not? And if this is so then allah cannot be a bubbling, boiling hodgepodge of everything and nothing. He perceives. He responds. He separates himself from us.

Thank you mr volont.
Leo Volont said:
An "Intelligent System". Our friend tells you what he means --
not really, this is a new concept on this board, I've never met a 'sufi' or heard their point of view, sounds very unislamic to me

Really, why don't you just use your head and think about what's being said instead of getting bogged down in words.
sciforums is basically a written format, words are all we have here, except for a few graphics here & there, how else to get across concepts?

Afterall, words are not 'real' -- the Nominalists won that argument centuries ago. If the words selected can present a sketch of a concept, then you should know enough to give an intelligent reply,
too philosophical, concepts? need definations first, not everybody is playing by the same rules, or using the words in the same way

without using ancient procedures of an obsolete philosophy to be merely obstructive.
like? questions?

Your only rebuttal is to claim you are not 'playing' dumb.
clarification & questionings are the only way to make sure you understand new or difficult concepts