All you're logic is a pointless waste of time

to use logic to prove the existance of god is too advanced for us. our brains cannot comprehend some one who omnipotent, and who always existed. since we live in the universe, we base our observations and logic on the laws of piece of matter in the universe always existed. it might always be there but it didnt always exist. but god isnt a product of the universe. the universe is a product of god so theirfore, only through faith you can explain god.
Originally posted by edgar
to use logic to prove the existance of god is too advanced for us.

No, it is too advanced for you, because your primitive brain is locked onto the idea that we live in a world where supernatural forces control us. Any person of average intelligence can tell you that it is possible to use logic, facts, and observations in order to disprove the existence of god.

our brains cannot comprehend some one who omnipotent, and who always existed.

Yes, I think that humans have a problem comprehending something that is omnipotent and eternal, because there is no such thing as god. Infinity is a nice idea, but it is not real, not really in any sense that humans can quantify. It exists only in our heads, much like the fairy tale about god, its only in our heads.

since we live in the universe, we base our observations and logic on the laws of piece of matter in the universe always existed. it might always be there but it didnt always exist.

We do live our lives by the laws of the universe, and for that reason we will never be able to prove or disprove the existence of god, and that is also the reason why god does not exist.

Tell me why no piece of matter in the universe could have always existed? What evidence do you have one way or the other? I'll tell you what, you are brainwashed by your religion into thinking this. This is the reason that only people who are close-minded are ignorant. If you are a clean slate, that is having little previous opinions on the subject, then your opinion is worth more.

but god isnt a product of the universe. the universe is a product of god so theirfore, only through faith you can explain god.

Once again, brainwashing. Come back to this forum when you have grown up and developed your own brain, kid. Your close-minded carbon copy opinions are not welcomed in my species. Your kind is dying out and it is important to know that you are wrong and that your world is dying.

as jesus said "not even the gates of hell shall prevail agaisnt the church". and with the avg intellegence. i took an iq test. even though i dont really believe in their validity, i had 140. i read that the average was 95-110.......
its easy to look at somethign and make a conclusion. anybody can do that. but not all can look past what you see. apparently ur one of those people who are just blinded the maxims of society.
Originally posted by edgar
as jesus said "not even the gates of hell shall prevail agaisnt the church". and with the avg intellegence. i took an iq test. even though i dont really believe in their validity, i had 140. i read that the average was 95-110.......

Nope won't believe that for one second. Unless it was the dumbest I.Q. test ever, or you are just a big liar or you are a big cheater (my guess is that you are just a big fat liar). Become a member of MENSA if you are so damn smart, you are ten points above their minimum I think, you big piece of crap liar.

Instead of lying in your post and quoting the bible without any personal interpretation (synonymous with not having your own opinion and a below-average intelligence) why don't you respond to the genius points that I made or answer my question???

I will tell you why, you are just a little ignorant child that should not post on this forum until you get your head out of your ass and read a book, you ignorant piece of crap.

well lemme see here, personally i dont give about mensa, wow they just solve bunch of problems. if i gave my interpretation; than you would say that the bible didnt say it, it was my interpretation. im just tellin you what the book of truth says. i dont think it needs to be more clear cut then that.
Originally posted by edgar
its easy to look at somethign and make a conclusion. anybody can do that. but not all can look past what you see. apparently ur one of those people who are just blinded the maxims of society.

I am blinded by the maxims of society? If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black! You are just a brainwashed little idiot. I have my own opinions, even thought they vary greatly from those the majority of society accepts as maxims. Learn to insult people correctly if you are going to try to do it, kid.

Originally posted by edgar
well lemme see here, personally i dont give about mensa, wow they just solve bunch of problems. if i gave my interpretation; than you would say that the bible didnt say it, it was my interpretation. im just tellin you what the book of truth says. i dont think it needs to be more clear cut then that.

It is a sign of stupidity to censor yourself on this forum, give YOUR OPINION, not just what you think is right that somebody else said or wrote.
About MENSA, I was just pointing out the fact that you are a liar, and as you did not refute that, I will assume that you admitted your lie.

Go read a book, learn a little, form your own opinion, then come back and post on this forum. You are useless and unwanted until you get your own brain, you are just another sheep in the herd mentality, crapface.

Originally posted by edgar
well lemme see here, personally i dont give about mensa, wow they just solve bunch of problems.
I seriuosly doubt your claimed IQ unless you are very very young. You show no signs of understanding english grammar, spelling, or self-thought.

if i gave my interpretation; than you would say that the bible didnt say it, it was my interpretation.

You are quite capable of taking a setence and saying it means something literally. If you try to explain it as a metaphor, you have to explain why and how you know that section is a metaphor while the rest isn't.

im just tellin you what the book of truth says. i dont think it needs to be more clear cut then that.

If the bible is 'clear cut' then no interpretation would be needed. This is not the case as some parts of the bible say things which are plain wrong when interpreted literally. So now some parts are not literal, but how do you decide that unless you already know if that part is right or wrong? The bible is not a very reliable source for knowledge. Some of it may be true, some of it is false. You can not decide until after the fact, which makes it redundant.
Nope won't believe that for one second. Unless it was the dumbest I.Q. test ever, or you are just a big liar or you are a big cheater (my guess is that you are just a big fat liar). Become a member of MENSA if you are so damn smart, you are ten points above their minimum I think, you big piece of crap liar.

Now folks, play nice. I think edgar is a sexy beefcake. IQ tests
are just a measure of various raw intelligences. I see no reason
why edgar could not have had a 140. I know a Protestant (with a
career of being a Janitor) who pulled off a 140 on a valid IQ test.

Just because a person has a good brain doesn't mean they they
are using it... if you catch my drift.
Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
Now folks, play nice. I think edgar is a sexy beefcake. IQ tests
are just a measure of various raw intelligences. I see no reason
why edgar could not have had a 140. I know a Protestant (with a
career of being a Janitor) who pulled off a 140 on a valid IQ test.

While it is true that complete nincompoops have pulled off a high score on those tests, me included, I think edgar was just lying out of his ass to sound smart and or important, two things he certainly is not.

I would respect edgar a heck of a whole lot more if he came to this forum with an open mind and/or his own opinion and not what he has been told.

Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
Just because a person has a good brain doesn't mean they they are using it... if you catch my drift.

Haha, good one. that was sorta the point I was trying to make also.

Zero Mass

...if he came to this forum with an open mind and/or his own opinion and not what he has been told

Something you have to understand is that edgar's religion is
all about what he has been told. Suicide bombers do what they
do because of what they have been told. The bottom line is
that people have a desire to be a part of a group (much like
all primates that I know of). To accomplish this you have to
have leaders and followers. At a genetic level I would have to
say that the bulk of the population is inclined to follow (blindly
for the most part). edgar is a follower through and thorugh.

Rather than attacking edgar, the 'problem' should be attacked.
What that 'problem' is should be clearly stated so edgar's
expectations are set as to what everyone is trying to accomplish.
Re: Re: Devil's Advocate

Originally posted by ConsequentAtheist
When science speaks of 'theory', it's referring to testable explanations. This is far different from the vernacular use, where the term 'theory' is equivalent to the term 'speculation. Mixing the two is uninformed, sloppy, or disingenuous.

I know of no "Theistic [scientific] theory".
Well that takes care of the 'theory' part then.
Moderator Comment.

Fewer ad hominem attacks on other members please.

Attack the arguments as much as you like but calling another member stupid (or similar or worse), no matter if true or not, does not add value to the debate.


its easy to look at something and make a conclusion. anybody can do that. but not all can look past what you see.
If you see something that isn’t there then that is called a delusion. Or more likely you are merely exercising your imagination and confusing fantasies and reality, otherwise known as theism.

Note that gods and souls have never been seen, detected, observed, or otherwise found to exist in any manner whatsoever. These are pure fantasy concepts dreamt up by human imagination.
First off story if I make a point that has already been posted... I was lazy in reading the replies cuz a lot of the arguments seemed circular, and then people attacking the obvious lol. As someone interested in Acedemic Skepticism, I think that the original arguement used to prove God can't be explained through logic makes sense, but is sort of fallible since it uses logic to make this statement. Now, to those who think since God cannot be logically reasoned proves atheism or proves theism is misled, I've seen logic used to make cases for both (Augustine, Bonaventure, etc.)... now as someone like Eriugena (spelled wrong lol) says, there's two pathways to God (in a 21st century case, two ways to God or atheism), reason (in this "debate" would be termed 'logic') and faith. So in the end taking the either pathway, everyone, atheist and theist gets "evidence" to prove their point... so quite whining, thinking others are ignorant, and be more acceptive of your fellow human being's beliefs. :p
Originally posted by Crunchy Cat
Just because a person has a good brain doesn't mean they they
are using it... if you catch my drift.
:D Ha ha! Another great thought on brains from Crunchy Cat!

Zero Mass, I agree with what Crunchy Cat said. Ad hominem attacks (while sometimes amusing when used in moderation) are not going to strengthen your argument and are not likely to convince the person you are arguing with.
Originally posted by RichRahl20
there's two pathways to God (in a 21st century case, two ways to God or atheism), reason (in this "debate" would be termed 'logic') and faith. So in the end taking the either pathway, everyone, atheist and theist gets "evidence" to prove their point... so quite whining, thinking others are ignorant, and be more acceptive of your fellow human being's beliefs. :p
Reason is superior to faith when it comes to proving points. Those who have faith in something are indeed ignorant. You can accept that they have the right to believe whatever they want, but accepting such ridiculous beliefs is asking too much. ;)
okay i want to see if u can aswera this question.
can false imply true?

can truth imply false?