All the proof there is

anonymous said:
Here is a link that gives you all of the evidence for the existence of God. Does he exist? You decide!

Here is a link that gives you all of the evidence that the bible is the "word of God". Is it? You decide!

Here is a link that give you all of the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did it Happen? You decide!

"Religionbullshit" doesn't seem to be a trustworthy site. Doesn't seem to respect peoples beliefs either...
"Religionisbullshit" happens to be one of my favorite sites and I think it is very trustworthy. It is filled with reason, logic, intelligence and it makes complete sense. The creator doesn't respect people's beliefs because he is an ex-christian and had the displeasure of following those beliefs until he smartenned up and realized that it was just a bunch a garbage. The creator of that site has written how religion brainwashes people. The creator of that site has written all the prejudice, hatred, violence, intolerance and deaths that have been in the name of religion. Based on all of the things about religion he has described, and being an ex-christian himself, he should not have any respect for religious beliefs. I happen to agree with him.
There are benefits to religion that do not depend on it's essential truth. It is a unifying influence to societies, furthermore, most church groups offer help and protection for their members in times of need. Only family ties are stronger than religious ties. Just compare the slums of Islamic countries to those in Africa. In Turkey, for instance, there is order and little crime in the slums, while those in Africa are just as poor, yet rife with lawlessness, crime, and corruption, the only difference being the influence of Islam. Thinking logically is not necessarily the solution to the problems of society.
The creator doesn't respect people's beliefs because he is an ex-christian and had the displeasure of following those beliefs until he smartenned up and realized that it was just a bunch a garbage.

I find it amusing, yet am not surprised, that the creator of that site is an ex-Christian. Ex-Christians tend to be the most vocal and disgruntled religious people there are and I don't even recall seeing one website or hateful comment that is made by an ex-[insert other religion here]. I'd be curious to see a study done to see how many people are ex-followers of every religion. Ex-Buddhist, ex-Hindu, ex-Moslem, ex this, ex that, and how many are vocal about now being anti-religion.

- N
Neildo said:
Occam's razor, okay, let's see, which is more simple and believable..

We have a non-sentient universe that doesn't know what it's doing which has created all of existance through blind luck of atoms bouncing back and forth with one another through billions and billions of years of more blind luck to finally create something.

Or we have an almighty creator that knows what it's doing and has created all of existance not through billions and billions of years of blind luck.

Gee, which is the more simple explanation?
A non-sentient universe.

Let me explain: Firslty its really: "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" or "plurality should not be posited without necessity."

To think of Occam’s Razor as: “the ‘simplest’ explanation is the best” is fitting but can be misconstrued.

For example, using your reasoning concerning the universe lets take a look at a clock – say one you found while walking along the beach :) There are two options on how is was formed. One, people smelted metals, contrived gear ratios, calculated exact spacing, made machinery that could make parts, etc .. OR maybe a simpler explanation is that God made it and placed it on the beach?

Hmmmm. . . . ??

Of course natural phenomena are the same. Let’s look at a rain. Water changes state and evaporates, some molecules condense around particles to form clouds, as these enlarge they form droplets, more water molecules change state and precipitate onto the droplets (which combine with other droplets as they begin to fall) and eventually they drop back to earth as rain. OR a simpler explanation may be simply that God’s crying OR God made the rain. (mind you recently a Christian Priest, in the South I think, said God threw some lightning and burned their church for the church goers sins!! … Too funny huh!? :bugeye:

I think you see the mistake now?

Concerning the universe, some scientists feel that within the next 20-25 years the formation of our particular universe will be explained in pure physical terms. Therefore, to add to this equation – oh and God was around too, is just not necessary. Hence the last refuge for justifying a god will be gone. It’s like adding “Oh and God is here doing something too” to Schrödinger’s equation. There’s no need to compound the equation with the addition of spurious information. In the same way, once the universe is explained mathematically, there’ll be no “need” to add to the equation the notion of Gods.
It is a unifying influence to societies
Yes, it helps unify them into "sheeple."
furthermore, most church groups offer help and protection for their members in times of need.
Gotta make it look good.

The existence of God is either a necessary truth, or is false. If there's no need, then it's not necessary, and therefore not true.
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This Page is intentionally blank since there is no evidence that God does not exsist.

well actuyally there is but you see my point. Atheists can say no God exsists but i dont think they can rightfully say religion is stupid and has no evidence cos actually it does but atheism has no clear proof either.
The existence of God is either a necessary truth, or is false. If there's no need, then it's not necessary, and therefore not true.
Religion can be a necessary falsehood, the opium for the masses. If the masses aren't satisfied, there is trouble.
Atheists can say no God exsists but i dont think they can rightfully say religion is stupid and has no evidence cos actually it does
Really? Like what?
but atheism has no clear proof either.
Says who?
[post=634735]Proof of atheism[/post]
Alpha said:
If there's no truth, then that statement is not true.
Something cannot be "not true" if there is no such thing as truth in the first place. So that statement is neither true nor untrue. It's all just...pereception. :D

Alpha said:
LOL, prove it.
Good god.....maybe someday I'll figure out how to try. ;)
Something cannot be "not true" if there is no such thing as truth in the first place.
That's exactly why it's not true. Notice I didn't say false, but "not true".
It's all just...pereception.
Is that so? ;)
Good god.....maybe someday I'll figure out how to try.
Can't if there's no truth. But rest assured, there is. :)