All the proof there is


Registered Member
hmm..., eh? Now I know where to go to get an objective, unbiased evaluation of the facts....
Seems the misnomer "religionisbullshit" should be changed to a more suitable "Christianityisbullshit."

Given, there is an abundance of information here, and I personally aknowledge a lot of it as being truthish, but whoever was responsible for collecting and posting it all should have done a bit of fact checking before parading it as "truth."
Halcyon, the person who created that website obviosly did check his facts before posting them. The truthful information is all there.

Consequent atheist, what I posted is the truthful answers to all of those questions. There is absolutely no evidence for any of those things being true. There is nothing childish about that. I think it is pretty childish of you to respond in that way.
Actually I sense a bit of sarcasm!. it's comical at best.

Good post Anonymous, it was good for a laugh!. :D

anonymous said:
Halcyon, the person who created that website obviosly did check his facts before posting them. The truthful information is all there.

Nope, no he didn't.
Take this link posted on the main link dump for instance:

Do a little fact checking on that one to get started.

anonymous said:
It's also the truth.

Really? Sure seems like biased subjective propaganda to me. And presented VERY un-scientifically for someone claiming that science Christianity can be discounted by science.

FYI - There's no such thing as truth.
Thanks for that – It’s always nice to start the day with a good laugh in the morning :D

Anyway, I think I understand where the website creator is coming from. Many Theists base their argument around the notion that their Gods or Goddesses or Buddha’s can not be disproved. Although I’d say, in many respects, Occam's razor draws ever closer :) Anyway, the burden of proof is on the Theist to prove that what they worship exists? Not the other way around. And that’s all that this person is trying to say. Religions are bull shit because there is no evidence for the Gods or Goddesses or Buddha’s that they worship.

Fair enough.

Just think, if your child where to continue to believe in an imaginary friend well into their teens, I’m sure that you’d try to use the same sort of logic in convincing them that their friend is just make-believe as Atheists try to use on Theists to convince them it’s time to grow out of having their imaginary friend. One of the quickest ways of getting a child to understand that the imaginary friend is make-believe is to ask the child to give proof that the friend is real and then lean your arguments to their rational side by offering real explanations for what the child blames on the imaginary friend. It’s kind of similar: “I think it was really YOU who wanted that cookie! I mean after all it was you who ate it – right?” = “I think it is just (insert natural phenomenon) not God passing down judgment on the Evils of Man, after all we now know how (insert natural phenomenon) occurs NATURALLY”. As the Child can not offer any form of evidence for their make-beleive friend - - eventually rationality kicks in and they hopefully snap out of it – kind of like a Theists that becomes Atheist.

THAT'S what 90% of the posts on Philosophy: Religion are about.
The burden of proof is on the theists to prove God exists and they can't. It's not up to atheists to prove that God doesn't exist since that would be trying to prove a double negative. Anyway, what I showed is all the proof of God's existence that anybody could possibly come up with.

Godless, I'm glad you liked my post. Yes, it was funny but it was also truthful. I think I made my point.

Michael, I liked your post very much. I thought that it was an excellent analysis. I think people believing in a God is very similar to a child believing they have an imaginary friend. You came up with an excellent comparison. After all, if a child can eventually give up that imaginary friend, then why can't adults give up their beliefs in an imaginary God in the sky?
anonymous said:
Here is a link that gives you all of the evidence for the existence of God. Does he exist? You decide!

Here is a link that gives you all of the evidence that the bible is the "word of God". Is it? You decide!

Here is a link that give you all of the evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did it Happen? You decide!


Are we supposed to be influenced by the opinion of somebody so stupid that he cannot express himself in his own words? I wonder why he should even believe himself, because, if he can't coherently assemble into words what he thinks, then how does he know he really thinks it? So far all we know is that he has never been willing to think the issue through to point where he can crystalize any concrete understanding.
anonymous said:
The burden of proof is on the theists to prove God exists and they can't.

What you really mean is that the Zionist/Masonic Media has largely been successful at suppressing news of numerous instances of Divine Revelation and Intercession. There have been hundreds of Miracle-Working Catholic, Sufi and Hindu Saints -- many ostensibly greater than Christ Himself. In the last several Centuries there have been a plethora of Apparition of The Blessed Virgin Mary -- with Messages and Prophecies.

Anyway... be logical. Just because your side has been able to suppress Knowledge does not mean that the Knowledge does not exist. A good Lawyer can lie to win a case, and yes, he is the winner -- but he clearly is not right. In the same way you are trying to win an argument, but unless you are some silly brainwashed dupe of the Zionist/Masonic Media, you should know you are not right.
The issue has been thought through. The truth is that there is absolutely no evidence that God exists. Period. All you are describing are myths and fables which cannot be confirmed as truth by anyone. Just like the bible, it has so many obvious myths, fables, lies, inconsistencies, absurdities, and cruelties that nobody who can think logically or intelligently could ever believe it as truth. The same thing applies to the absurd, fictional, examples that you just gave.
By the way, Leo Volant, are we to be influenced by someone like you who is obviously so out-of-touch with reality that you are stupid enough to believe that religious garbage? Doesn't it bother you the you are obviously so brainwashed by religion that you can't think logically or intelligently at all? All we know about you is that you is that you are so badly brainwashed by your religion that you will completely ignore any evidence, facts, reason, or proof that shows that religion is nothing but the biggest lie in the world.
Although I’d say, in many respects, Occam's razor draws ever closer

Occam's razor, okay, let's see, which is more simple and believable..

We have a non-sentient universe that doesn't know what it's doing which has created all of existance through blind luck of atoms bouncing back and forth with one another through billions and billions of years of more blind luck to finally create something.

Or we have an almighty creator that knows what it's doing and has created all of existance not through billions and billions of years of blind luck.

Gee, which is the more simple explanation?

Let's do a comparison test. You are God and this here unaware donkey is the universe. The task at hand is to build a desk. I'll put my money on you, the God who knows what he's doing, as opposed to the donkey that's going to build that desk taking billions of years of blind luck. ;)

Now the only problem is that humans here think we're the top dogs of all existance. Nothing can top us! We're the smartest things there is and if we can't create life, nobody can. Oh but wait, that's not true, we can. I can't wait to see what other godly knowledge we may one day come across. It's funny how those that believe in life greater than us, whatever it may be, are always the crackpots as opposed to being cocky people like them. I just wish this were the 1400's so that you guys would still be calling the world flat as that subject isn't as important as this.

- N
FYI - There's no such thing as truth.
LOL, prove it. :p
If there's no truth, then that statement is not true.
Gee, which is the more simple explanation?
The real one, which is neither of the ones you posted there.
Now the only problem is that humans here think we're the top dogs of all existance. Nothing can top us! We're the smartest things there is and if we can't create life, nobody can.
You'd do well not to put words in other people's mouths.
Gee, which is the more simple explanation?

Create a ficticious character give it omnipotent power, call it "god", since you don't have a clue, and are ignorant of the universe, since there's no credible answer, you give it one, "god" and it leave it at that!! LAZY!!
