All she wants for Christmas ....

I'm not you. Your priorities are not mine. I do not see what you see.

it just seems that your summations on groups of people are very narrow and never positive. in addition to religion, color or sexual preference you can even judge people by state now.
.... I do not see what you see.

And that's part of your problem, Tiassa, sometimes, if not most of the time, you don't see that you're being a complete ass about some things. And worse, when it's pointed out to you, you go to great lengths to try to deny it, which almost always gets you in deeper.

Baron Max
Accommodating the trolls

Baron Max said:

And that's part of your problem, Tiassa, sometimes, if not most of the time, you don't see that you're being a complete ass about some things. And worse, when it's pointed out to you, you go to great lengths to try to deny it, which almost always gets you in deeper.

Am I supposed to do your thinking for you? Or John's for his? The problem with trolls like you is that, even if you had a valid point to make, you somehow disdain the idea that you should express it clearly.

Get over your personal obsessions, Max.

• • •​

John99 said:

it just seems that your summations on groups of people are very narrow and never positive. in addition to religion, color or sexual preference you can even judge people by state now.

You mean how I judged that Texans weren't automatically—by the fact of being Texans—stupid enough to prosecute the wrong guy in order to prosecute someone?

Excuse the fuck out of me, John, for not presuming Texans inhumanly stupid.
You mean how I judged that Texans weren't automatically—by the fact of being Texans—stupid enough to prosecute the wrong guy in order to prosecute someone?

You mean that no other state has ever done that before in all of US history?

Baron Max

John99 said:

hey, i didnt bring it up and just trying to be helpful.

Fuck, I'd hate to see it when you're trying to screw things up, then.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

You mean that no other state has ever done that before in all of US history?

I'll pretend there's a point to that long enough to expect you to not actually tell us what it is.
I think Texas has a history of prosecuting innocent people more so than many any other state. In Dallas the DA has a special committee that is reviewing many of the past cases prosecuted by the former DA Henry Wade as they have discovered so many wrongful and overzealous convictions. These include sexual assaults. Here is a link to just one story.

Texas also incarcerates and puts to death more people than many other states (Combined) the numbers are there to support this. A comedian once joked that in many states they were reconsidering the death penalty while in Texas they were installing am express lane. Texas has a reputation for their justice and their penalty.
Sorry, T...just as Sam gets a little touchy when people say thing bad things about Islam...I get a little touchy when people bad mouth Texas. No offense. :)

Oh.. I am so tempted. :p

On the matter at hand.. Wow. Schools and workplaces are often where the first sign of troubles at home will show.

Whoa T. Ramped up the rhetoric have we ?
draqon atitudes like yours piss mew off. Its only MUCH latter when your talking about people who are already sexually active and who can understand what sex IS that you see people making it up. The only "lies" you see at those sort of age groups is an abused person accusing the wrong person for various reasons. They dont have the KNOWLAGE needed to be able to make it up