All matter photons?

As I responded to BenTheMan a jumble of photons come smashing together and some get curled into resonating patterns. But that is a guess.

So you have to guess at a mechnism to make it work? You don't know of one?
Quit kicking the dead dog.
E=mc².. Didn't some smart guy say that?
Unless we just like to argue (which we do).
Ben, please don't get me started- you'll just embarass yourself. I promise.

Pigeon hole this for me and then I'll pigeon whole all of QED for you.
But what is embarrasing is I'm an uneducated idiot and you are a 15th year college idiot.
The OP is:
Is all matter photons?
-That depends on whether or not photons are pure fundamental energy AND whether or not mass is the equivalent of matter.
If so...
My understanding is that m is a constant. That just leaves E and M being equivalent.

AlphaNumeric said:
E=mc^2 is not true for photons.
No kidding ?? You need to rush to get this published. What do you think a photon is?

Electromagnetic change (photons) is the only thing in the equation that is not a constant. It applies exactly to photons.
Pigeon hole this for me and then I'll pigeon whole all of QED for you.

You do realize you misspelled "hole", right?

After you're done whole-ing, you can dig up Feynman's corpse and pull his Nobel prize off of him. I'll get the shovels.
No kidding ?? You need to rush to get this published. What do you think a photon is?

Electromagnetic change (photons) is the only thing in the equation that is not a constant. It applies exactly to photons.

Ho hum... Brush up on special relativity.

$$E^2 = p^2c^2 + m^2c^4$$
From the basic QM I've learned:
Photons are bosons, while matter is mostly comprised of fermions (I understand Pauli exclusion plays an important role for the structure of matter, while there's no limit to the number of photons you can pack into any given volume). How could bound spin-one photons account for the half-integer spins and other properties of fermions?
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Ok Ben here you go.
The foundations of your little religion is based on the concept of quantum. The most simple of which is the photon.
Like me, you really don't know what a photon is. You have no idea what it is doing when not observed. You just guesstimate (accurately- but NOT exactly) with your various probabilistic mathematical masturbations. - (I plagiarized that from someone)

Is a photon a particle or a wave? You don't know.
Is an atom a particle or a wave? You don't know.
Is a freakin buckyball a particle or a wave? You don't know.
(BTW- buckyballs, HUGE molecules, have been shown to interfere in the two slit experiment)

So what do we do when we don't understand something?
Sweep it under the rug and build a science to avoid the point. Make up new theories to explain all the errors you don't want to release from the current theories.

How can you base 70 years of science on a photon and still not know what really is happening in one of the pioneer experiments, the two slit.
What causes decoherence Ben?
You don't know. No one knows.
You've disguised statitics as physics and followed the naked emperors all the way into the 11th dimension. Moron. You are one of the sheep.
There are no particles. Only waves.

BTW: "Expert", you do not understand your own subject matter. You may borrow my line if you want...Shut up and Calculate
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Says you who makes similar mistakes. You forgot the momentum contribution in all your posts too. You always do.

You whiney fool. How is that a mistake? I was talking the other day about formulaes that are used to validate that the photon has mass, and showing they where wrong. I had no need in those cases to use this specific equation.
Mike Honcho said:
Is a photon a particle or a wave? You don't know.
Is an atom a particle or a wave? You don't know.
Is a freakin buckyball a particle or a wave? You don't know.
Ben might not "know", but I can give you an "answer" to all that:
A photon is a particle, so is an atom. A photon is a wave, so is an atom.

A buckyball is also a particle and a wave.
Also, a photon, an atom, and a molecule called a "buckyball", is a wave-particle; and all of them are also neither waves, nor particles, nor are they wave-particles, but something else - a non-wave, non-particle, non-wave-particle thingamy. Four things all at once.

Simple really. See? :confused:
Ben might not "know", but I can give you an "answer" to all that:
A photon is a particle, so is an atom. A photon is a wave, so is an atom.

A buckyball is also a particle and a wave.
Also, a photon, an atom, and a molecule called a "buckyball", is a wave-particle; and all of them are also neither waves, nor particles, nor are they wave-particles, but something else - a non-wave, non-particle, non-wave-particle thingamy. Four things all at once.

Simple really. See? :confused:

Now I get it.
September. Because icecream has no bones.
lol :xctd:
Or maybe photons, atoms and molecules all work for the cia on planet higgs in the 11th dimension. There they are allied with Anti-Bin-Laden in protecting the honor of electrons by hiding thier nakedness and clothing them in reality when the 4D infidels attepmt to look.

Hey Ben. Where's my freakin shovel.
I just now dived into the dungeon to check this out; now I see why it was moved. We were getting a little bit too wild for the front page :) :)