All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher

it's pretty f'ing clear to me. people generally do not read the bible with the intention of understanding it. they read it with an agenda. also, the bible is not simply a text book, but a spiritual tool to be interpreted to you by the spirit. even the same scripture can have many meanings over time, and to different people, and all of the meanings still be true.
So it's obviously not a guide dictated by God on how to live. You couldn't follow it to the letter if you wanted to.
So it's obviously not a guide dictated by God on how to live. You couldn't follow it to the letter if you wanted to.

No, of course not, don't be silly. It means whatever you'd like it to mean, whenever you would like it to be meant, in whatever context you are addressing, as interpreted by whomever is doing the reading... I thought everyone knew that?
So it's obviously not a guide dictated by God on how to live. You couldn't follow it to the letter if you wanted to.

i certainly would not recommend trying to do that, no. there are some rather obvious lessons in the parables that may help explain a thing or two, but if a person doesn't live it, experience the lessons in life, that are brought to light in the bible, you might as well be reading a good self-help book. the bible is like the matrix. it can be historically relevant, personally relevant to someone in particular, and prophetic all at the same time. even the same scripture. i wouldn't recommend reading it without spiritual guidance though. if you don't want spiritual guidance, then why are you reading it? with me, it's usually a case of me experiencing a lesson in life, and then i'll find confirmation of it in the bible. i think that's the opposite of what happens to a lot of people, and i think that might be a bit dangerous. preconceived notions and agendas and misunderstandings that are taught by text can actually hinder the lesson you would learn through experience. lots of times i see very clearly a lesson that other people interpret very differently when they read the bible just for study.
well, from what i see, interpretation and context is 9/10, not being overly familiar with the muslim religion or it's texts. also theists do indeed pick and choose scriptures out of context to justify their hate. some christians do the very same thing and would agree with this muslim minister, but in the bible jesus is very clear about who is fit to judge "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", and that the overriding commandment is to love each other.

No, he is not clear. He gives mixed messages.
The Holy Babble clearly condemns those who do not believe.
it's pretty f'ing clear to me. people generally do not read the bible with the intention of understanding it. they read it with an agenda. also, the bible is not simply a text book, but a spiritual tool to be interpreted to you by the spirit. even the same scripture can have many meanings over time, and to different people, and all of the meanings still be true.

What is your agenda?
Which came 1st, hate or theism?

I see you answered that :

Theism is both an outlet for existing hate & inspiration for hate.

Theism is a codification of existing values, but as such it prevents modification of those values as they become obsolete. Islam or any other religion cannot avoid criticism by claiming it's merely a reflection of personal hate. It maintains hate where it may have died out naturally.
I think that preacher should be stoned to death.

Hell, I'd happily throw the stones. I'd invite my gay friend to help stone him, too.
those who do not believe condemn themselves by choice. and speak for yourself, as he is clear as a bell to me.

An omnipotent omniscient god who created life, the universe & everything, including hell, is responsible.
I have no choice whether to believe in absurd cruel fantasies. Saying I have a choice is assinine assumption with absolutely no support.

Your interpretation seems clear to you & that's good enough for you, evidently.

Jesus said he spoke in parables so that most would not understand. He commands his followers to preach to animals. He cursed a frigging fig tree for being out of season. When asked if he is the son of God, he replies "You have said it".
He is not clear.
SAM said:
I'm surprised the guy is still preaching in the UK.
The people who would evict him are finding him useful.
SAM said:
The EU would disagree with you, they are suffering from being forced to take in immigrants that are culturally not homogenous to their society, due to poor population replacement.
Nothign "forces" them to take in immigrants. They are avoiding having to raise wages for lower class jobs, or involve their own in the maintenance of their society - the classic colonial or feudal mistake.
lori said:
there are some rather obvious lessons in the parables that may help explain a thing or two
The lessons of the parables are anything but obvious. They would make fitting augmentation of the I Ching, most of them - and vice versa.

And they are the part of the Bible with the least reliance on deity for their value. This is an important aspect ot the Bible that is missing from the later and consistently shallower Books (Book of Mormon, Quran, etc.). The inculcation of morality by way of story, parable, myth, etc, was the human standard for a very long time, byt the evidence, and these legalistic fixtures of laws parsed for a deity's intent appear to be shallow and damaging replacements.
An omnipotent omniscient god who created life, the universe & everything, including hell, is responsible.
I have no choice whether to believe in absurd cruel fantasies. Saying I have a choice is assinine assumption with absolutely no support.

Your interpretation seems clear to you & that's good enough for you, evidently.

Jesus said he spoke in parables so that most would not understand. He commands his followers to preach to animals. He cursed a frigging fig tree for being out of season. When asked if he is the son of God, he replies "You have said it".
He is not clear.

Well, it sounds like you and your infallible intellect have made up your mind.
The people who would evict him are finding him useful.
Nothign "forces" them to take in immigrants. They are avoiding having to raise wages for lower class jobs, or involve their own in the maintenance of their society - the classic colonial or feudal mistake.
The lessons of the parables are anything but obvious. They would make fitting augmentation of the I Ching, most of them - and vice versa.

And they are the part of the Bible with the least reliance on deity for their value. This is an important aspect ot the Bible that is missing from the later and consistently shallower Books (Book of Mormon, Quran, etc.). The inculcation of morality by way of story, parable, myth, etc, was the human standard for a very long time, byt the evidence, and these legalistic fixtures of laws parsed for a deity's intent appear to be shallow and damaging replacements.

The bible isn't really about morality, its about law, and if the spirit uses one of those parables to show you something about your life, then its not just a story that someone might use to control you, its a development tool.
More than likely this Muslim preacher is a homosexual and has a female brain sex. Which to some degree can mow be measured using an fMRI. In a sense this person is a classic case of self-hatred.

He/She was raised in a society where men are top and women are below men. Imagine being told this your whole life, how lucky you are to be born a man (Allah's more favored of the two species) BUT at the same time feeling like you want to be a woman! AND feeling attracted to men! Your religion and culture tells you these feeling are Evil. So, you pray and pray and even become a preacher to try and get rid of those feelings. But, to no avail.

Your brain-sex is determined before you are born and can not be changed.

So a woman trapped in a Muslim man's body you remain. Eventually you find you hate to see good looking men that make you tingle. Then you move to England where you can be surrounded by tingling feelings and you hate THEM for making you feeling so tingly! Allah damn the homosexual infidels!! *runs home to jerk off*

Hence you want to see every last one of them murdered for making you feel gay, which you always felt anyway.

About 7% of men are gay. Unfortunately for Muslim gay men, Mohammad seems have upheld the Jewish tradition of hating them (although a good apologist, like SAM, can get round this and say Mohammad actually loved gay men - like any mythology, anything can mean anything). So, of the 7% of Muslim gay men, a certain percentage will become very mad at their gayness, become preachers and preach death to the gay infidel. So in the culture called "Islam" murdering homosexuals is generally considered a good thing.
OOOoooooo Yeeeaaaaaa baby! YEAH BABY!!!




So how was it? Deep enough for you?

One cannot profess to follow a peaceful philosophy and at the same time promote violence.

Christianity teaches to turn the other cheek when faced with violence rather than harm another. It is not the place of man to seek revenge since that is God's realm. If you die through violence done to you without harming then you will be rewarded in heaven and God will be the medium of punishment for the wrongdoers. This is pure Christian passiveness practiced by many of the very early Christains and held by many to be the real intent of the Christian message - i.e. love everyone including your enemies. If everyone really did follow this breakthrough philosophy then then would be no wars.

But Islam - what does that teach? The root of the word Islam means peace, and the basic teachings of Islam is peace, tolerance, and justice. While I don't think it promotes "love your enemies" it doesn't at the same time preach hatred of enemies.

The extremists portrayed in the OP have drastically twisted and ignored the root message of Islam. They are not alligned with the everyday Muslim and we should not paint all Muslims as anything like this.

However, I do think Christianity has made a clearer statement in regard to peacful intentions, e.g. via its message love thy enemies, Islam has no such direct statement.
Now what is it about sex that gets religions so upset and makes them advocate intolerance and violence, despite all their basic tenets? Homosexuality is quite natural and is widespread in the animal world.

Adultery is betrayal of a personal trust. The sex part is of lesser concern here in comparison.
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Now what is it about sex that gets religions so upset and makes them advocate intolerance and violence,

Control of sexuality has always been the key to social control in general. And control entails force, no matter what niceties the windows may be dressed with.