All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member

All homosexuals should face stoning to death, a Muslim preacher of hate declared yesterday.

Anjem Choudary, the firebrand cleric who wants to see Britain ruled by Sharia law, said such a regime was the only way to fix the country's ills.

Under it, adulterers and homosexuals would be killed by stoning. Asked if that would include anybody - even a Cabinet minister such as Business Secretary Lord Mandelson - Choudary responded with an astonishing diatribe.
I would only correct this to say that it's not a product of hate, it's a product of theology.
I would only correct this to say that it's not a product of hate, it's a product of theology.

But it's for the "collective good" according to them right? So it's fine according to you, the individual doesn't matter.
This kind of talk is so self-defeating it almost makes me wonder if they actually want to hurt the Muslims of the UK.

I like the rules though "four eye witnesses", just some guys masturbating while watching you fuck another guy, then running off to tell on you.
But it's for the "collective good" according to them right? So it's fine according to you, the individual doesn't matter.

They do not need to justify it except by repeating that it's in their holy book. It might be for the public good or not, doesn't matter, it's what God wants.
I would only correct this to say that it's not a product of hate, it's a product of theology.

it's a product of hate. people can and do use all kinds of things, including theology to justify it.
They do not need to justify it except by repeating that it's in their holy book. It might be for the public good or not, doesn't matter, it's what God wants.

That's irrelevant. My point was you think the collective good is all that matters so what they're saying is fine
That's irrelevant. My point was you think the collective good is all that matters so what they're saying is fine
I would disagree that any collective good is served by descrimination against homosexuals. In fact, it's unlimited breeding that it causing harm to society.

Which holy book is that?
Prohibitions on homosexuality are common to all the Abrahamic religions.

it's a product of hate. people can and do use all kinds of things, including theology to justify it.
The theology came first, the self-righteous hate follows.
I would disagree that any collective good is served by descrimination against homosexuals. In fact, it's unlimited breeding that it causing harm to society.

The EU would disagree with you, they are suffering from being forced to take in immigrants that are culturally not homogenous to their society, due to poor population replacement.

Prohibitions on homosexuality are common to all the Abrahamic religions.

So are prohibitions on lying and cheating. How does that justify stoning?

The theology came first, the self-righteous hate follows.

Is that true for all moral values or only this one?
Population growth does have economic benefits, to a degree, but short term economic benefits do not necessarily translate into long term good.
That's irrelevant. My point was you think the collective good is all that matters so what they're saying is fine

The "collective" good is the sum of the "individuals" good. Are you on this eugenics kick again, just wearing different clothes? (figuratively)

Does anyone think that the sort of rabid, ignorant, bigoted hatred mentioned in the OP will finally die out, or are we stuck with it as long as human kind exists? I mean, what does it take to get rid of these kind of thought patterns?

Plus, half* the time the people espousing this sort putrid drivel turn out to be gay or adulterous or whatever themselves. I have to admit I sort of revel in it when they are caught practicing the very behavior they are so adamantly denouncing...
*no, I have no statistics or links available to back up the "half" figure, merely hyperbole representing "some".
i find this to be a ridiculous statement. no offense, but hate has definitely been around longer than theology.

If it's in the theology, then there need not be any hate accompanied with it. Can religious people pick and choose which tenets of theology to follow according to modern ideas about which are hateful?
If it's in the theology, then there need not be any hate accompanied with it. Can religious people pick and choose which tenets of theology to follow according to modern ideas about which are hateful?

well, from what i see, interpretation and context is 9/10, not being overly familiar with the muslim religion or it's texts. also theists do indeed pick and choose scriptures out of context to justify their hate. some christians do the very same thing and would agree with this muslim minister, but in the bible jesus is very clear about who is fit to judge "let he who is without sin cast the first stone", and that the overriding commandment is to love each other.
The bible is not very clear, which is why some sections contradict others. Basically, sometimes humans are evil, but if you want them to be evil all the time, that takes religion.
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