All Feel, Most Believe, Some Think, Few Know,

Mod Hat — Brief notes

Thank you for the update.

I sometimes joke that I wish other people knew what they meant, and on those occasions, I need that line because otherwise this, that, or the other.

More to our moment, though, ambiguity is a way of things, around here, and, well—

—reading what other cues we have—i.e., bumping this thread to tweak the premise—sure, thanks for the update.

Meanwhile, the question of thread necromancy is its own in any given circumstance.

lol Yea, I can see how my choice of wording led to some confusion, in conjunction with bumping an old thread. Appreciate your reply.

I've a habit (bad?) of bumping older threads - I wasn't active for a few years on here, so it's interesting to read what I've missed. I do this on another forum too, but so far, other members seem okay with it. But, if it's frowned upon here...I won't bump them, anymore.
If you think you know, you might. Or you might not. If you are Iceaura, you are wrong and angry. If you are Rainbow you might be right and you might be wrong but we'll never know because we can't read your word salad.

If you are Tiassa you are wrong and humorless.

If you are Megs then Michael isn't far behind.
This made me burst out laughing......
Mayhaps, but—

1) For other reasons, we weren't generally enforcing the nearest rule about bait posting; those reasons are generally unknown, because after the part where we decide to observe both the deliberate practice among people who ought to know better, and the crowd's rush to respond, it eventually causes more trouble dealing with people's complaints that we aren't making it easy enough for extraordinarily lazy, or the poorly-intended. Even still, the topic post meets the basic requirements that we would need a more established pattern of apparent impropriety before staking this behavior.

2) That happens to be the member's departure post.

3) Nobody really paid attention to it until the self-serving necromancy.​

—sometimes the best thing to do is wait and see what happens next.

We got a poem out of it, at least. That ought to count for something.
Necromancy? Who is trying to communicate with the dead here?