Aliens would not interbreed with humans


Registered Member
1. First of all aliens do not crossbreed with humans. That is ridiculous, and also impossible. You can't interbreed two races with totally different molecular makeup. Also about the interstellar plague thing, that is very unlikely. If aliens have the technology to warp space and travel interstellar distances faster than light, then they must have the technology to alter themselves at a molecular level, stopping any biological plague. If the plague is not biological then it will also spread to humans and kill us too.

2. Aliens would not be interested in humans. If they have the capability to visit us in interstellar spaceships they can do anything we can. They would probably not try to take over Earth because it would be easy to find another terracompatible planet without intelligent life to colonize.

Your arguement is a good one, but no vehicle no matter how advanced can not go forever without refueling. Maybe they need this planet as sort of refeuling station to get someplace even farther away. Also if they are as powerful as you say then it wouldn't matter if this planet is inhabited or not if they wanted to take it over.

can't interbreed two races with totally different molecular makeup.

Are you sure about that? I don't see why a race with interstellar space warp technology couldn 't accomplish that. Especially one that can alter things on a molecular level.

[This message has been edited by JMitch (edited December 05, 1999).]
The definition of a species is it can produce fertile offspring by mating with another. So, if an alien was a diff. species, it could not succesfully breed with us, by definition. Genetic manipulation is a possibility, but lets admit that there is no factual evidence to support it.
Corp.Hudson and trilliOn1,

There IS proof that aliens have cross breed with humans. A man in the western states said he haid been abducted several times since childhood. In most recent years he claims to have had sperm extracted forceible, wich was sopposeable to be used to crossbreed with aliens. He even claims that he saw his "children" years later in another abduction.

If you don't believe that, then believe this: Months later he had an enplant removed
that was supposed to be just plain glass. However after closer analysis IT COULD NOT BE MATCHED WITH ANY KNOWN SUBSTANCE ON THIS PLANET.

Dude -

Do you know of any links to this on the web? I'd be interested in reading about this guy.

As far as my opinion about crossbreeding - I don't see why not. You can cross all kinds of breeds together - their offspring might not be fertile (like a horse and a donkey's(?) offspring), but I can see there might be some kind of crossbreeding there. Especially, as JMitch says, if they are extremely technologically advanced.

Trillion - why wouldn't aliens be interested in humans? Have you ever had an ant farm? Pet hamster? Sea monkeys? Maybe they're just studying us for their new biology text books due out next spring. Not very flattering to our species, but certainally possible, yes?
sorry skyeblue, I just saw it on 60 minuites,I don't know any websites that have the story. Did anybody else see that report?

There IS proof that aliens have cross breed with humans. A man in the western states said he haid been abducted several times since childhood. In most recent years he claims to have had sperm extracted forceible, wich was sopposeable to be used to crossbreed with aliens. He even claims that he saw his "children" years later in another abduction.


Claims and Proof are not the same thing.. people can claim anything.. If someone makes a claim that they have never been abducted and never had sperm taken and never seen future children .. is that proof that there are no aliens..

Anywho.. I think if it could be done it would be done.. but that is just me and last time I checked I wasn't an alien..
Ever tried breeding with a monkey??

(last time I checked, it doesn't work)

The biological obstacles are enormous. It'd probably be easier to create a new species than try to integrate two different species into one hybrid.

you're forgeting the implant,(the hard evedence)it had to have come from the aliens because it didn't mach any substance on earth, and I don't think NASA is distributing unearthly materials to the public. Anyhow, why would he lie abuot the crossbreeding if he wasn't lieing about the abductions?


[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 06, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 06, 1999).]

have YOU seen the implant? have YOU spoken with the scientist who analyzed the implant?

Did it ever occur to you that this is all a hoax?? You should realize that, from time to time, people have been known to lie!
Have we all forgotten Roswell? How many people have come forward with unearthly and alien materials, only to refuse to offer them for analysis. Just because 60 minutes ran a story on it doesnt make it fact. We must remember that 60 minutes is a news magazine and often (gasp) twists and distorts facts.
60 minuits dorsn't make it fact the evidence does. Yes I have seen the implant, infact I even saw the operation to take it out. Yes I
know people lie, but they usually aren't when they've got evidence to back them up.

On another note, even if 60 minuits is a news magizine how could they distort this story. Also it wasn't like they were the ones who ran the test, that was done by nationally credited labs. Note the plural of lab, as in more than one.

I In my possision have a official peice of alien ship.. Yes it is true.. I have had reputable people in the pentagon study my alien ship chunk and they have authentacted it as "Not from this earth".

(I just made that up .. it was easy to lie.. I could even type up fake reports and post them as real.. hell I could make a fake video and say it has been verified as authentic.. I could make a picture to fool experts, and belivers.. It is very easy to fake stuff/lie.. I could make a web page dedicated to my chunk of alien ship.. I could do a whole radio/tv circut saying everything is real and backed up by experts.. It would be very easy.. )

Just cause its on the web doens't make it true..

I assume you saw the material on television, correct?

I dont know how involved you are in the whole ufology thing, but every hoax has "nationally credited labs", or ex-NASA "experts," or anonymous sources in the pentagon. Until you can tell me the labs, show me their webpage/brochure/etc, let me see the report, I am not going to accept it.

How nieve (sorry bout the spelling) are you? You dont think News Magazines distort and misrepresent truth? What decade are you living in?
Gooooooood GOD, I'm sick all the argueing you guys go through to make me look dum. I know what I know, it's that simple, so I'm not going to argue. I just as happy to call you a @@#$%!%^&*+>{##*}. You see how simple that was?

Have good day, Dude.
So because Dude has a fringe viewpoint that he cannot support with fact, we are some anonymous expletive? Dont say we are making you look stupid, you are doing that all on your own.
Alright corpyboy,

I'm making myself look stupid, your one to talk. Horses can breed with mules right? Why couldn't aliens breed with humans? Boy I do love this sight, HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. Sorry, I took some pills and now I've gotten all crazy.


[This message has been edited by Dude (edited December 09, 1999).]
Aliens can breed with humans, and lets just say that IF you believe that abductions are really taking place, then you should certainly also believe that this cross-breeding is possible, as almost every single abduction case I've ever heard or read about has detailed this scenario. This is also backed up in the Bible. There are several verses which tell about how the elohim have mated with humans many times throughout our history, and produced beings that were called nephilum (giants or men of renown), which is the same thing as a demi-god. Only the fallen angels do this. To create a little army of supporters to propagate their lies against God, and to impress the hell out of us. That is why God flooded the earth in Genesis. Noah and his family were apparently untouched by this genetic intermingling, and that is why he was chosen. I also think that is why we fell originally in the garden. I don't think that Eve ate some fruit. I think she agreed to be genetically altered by a being of light, which is exactly the scenario that the aliens will offer up to us here in the near future. They will try to convince us that if we do this, we will survive God's wrath, and enter into a new dimension with the planet. The thing is that it's a lie. Actually, I'd bet that it's the mark of the beast. The planet will progress into a new age after the wrath, but the millenium 1000 year reign of Christ. The only people who will be there will be those who give their lives to Jesus.

"ET phone home!"
"Uh, hello Satan?"
"Hey, your plan worked great! They all think I'm cute!"