Alien's Real or Not?


Here is some preliminary information regarding the interaction of humans with an unknown alien species. From what can be gathered it seems to follow logical patterns. There is also an aspect that leaves some doubt as to the reality of these phenomena. Below you will find things worth consideration.

Arguments for alien interaction:

Xenobiologists often point out that any alien species would be so different from us as to appear unrecognizable. The beings often referred to as Grey seem to resemble humanoids to a remarkable degree. While initially this fact made me confused, after reading some of David Jacobs work and watching his DVD it is made clear the Greys are really a 1st attempt to create a hybrid between us and insect like beings.

This makes things come more into focus. We can see that the actual alien species interacting with us is indeed very different, so much so that David Jacobs believe they do not even breathe or eat. What ends up happening is we see first contact is between us and these insectoids, whom we shall call the Veloxi. The Veloxi appear to be similar to grasshoppers.

We first hear of telepathic manipulation when reading about abductions by the Veloxi. It would seem they somehow are telepathic an capable of moving memories from short-term (recognition) to long-term (stored). In this manner they can block people from remembering they were taken, or in fact not taken. It remains to be seen just how this can be done but if we speculate using some available resources (books, etc.) we may find the answer.

Most of you will be familar with Whitley Strieber and although I consider him to be somewhat insane at this point we can use information he has given to help us on our quest for understanding the Veloxi. This is a direct quote by Strieber "The visitors tell me that there is an organic quality in our skulls that dampens telepathy, and that grdually this is going to fade."

Now if I was to speculate just what this could mean, one might argue that if they told him the truth this piece of information is very insightful to us. Could it be that our skeletal system somehow interferes with telepathy? You may ask what this could really help us to understand??? Think of this...

All species on the planet that are large contain a skeletal system that is similar. Each has a brain and to protect it a skull. If what the beings told him is true then why would they have telepathy but not us?

Because they are insects an insects have an exo-skeleton. We could speculate that all insects possess the ability to develop telepathy but because they are so small an their brains aren't fully developed they do not. The Veloxi on the other hand are very different, they matured into larger lifeforms an with the size came increased brain capacity. With no skull to dampen their telepathy they would naturally have that ability. A test might be done that removes the skull in a mammal to see if there is indeed some dampening effect of the skull. If so we now have solved the answer as to why they are reading minds, controlling humans, etc.
Sderenzi, you have acknowledged the unlikely anthropomorphism of the alleged aliens, but seem happy enough to draw close parallels between the 'Veloxi' (where did that name come from?!) and insects; grass-hoppers specifically. Now, I appreciate that aliens would have to have some body plan, and that terrestrial lifeforms might seem to have covered most of the bases over the last 600 Ma, but I suspect that should we ever meet ET, we will never-the-less be surprised.

I would be especially surprised if the evolution of these Veloxi had paralleled that of terrestrial insects, given that they might not even breathe or eat!
If you can snatch the probe from my anus, grasshopper, it will be time for you to leave.
In this manner they can block people from remembering they were taken, or in fact not taken.
He's right. I can't rememember being not taken. Err, I think. Do I need counselling? :rolleyes:
HA HA HA!!! I know where the name "Veloxi" comes from!!!

We Veloxi is much too old the imagine.
I'm sure psychologists and perhaps even Psychiatrists would suggest that most people that cling to their beliefs of hidden alien interaction with people on our planet, they all share certain things in common.

Notibly their choice of reading. Everytime someone quotes of some alien race interacting with themselves or a loved on they drag up some "Hack" of a writer thats had their contemporary fiction anal placed in a non-fiction section of a library and those that read it don't just believe it, they begin to occultly manifest things further.

So much so they start hanging in little groups that don't have any evidence or proof other than their imaginations have been tainted by the same literature or television programs.

What I'm saying is that those that see aliens cling to a little circle of people that believe and anyone that outside that circle that disagrees with their manifestation will never be listened to, no matter if they tell a fundemental truth or have absolute scientific proof.

For instance a fundemental truth is that all these alien stories are applied to an audience, this audience has been cultivated because audiences to publicists are money. For instance a book, film or play on a subject will cause people of this particular audience to buy into it further. To part with money.

This means someone gets rich, while a bunch of people manifest some delusional universe to the point of committing suicide when they see a comet coming.
Frankly it matters not if theres aliens out there, or that they are among us, the concern should really be how deluded you should allow yourself to become over something that is nothing but imagination and hear-say.
sderenzi said:
Here is some preliminary information regarding the interaction of humans with an unknown alien species. From what can be gathered it seems to follow logical patterns. There is also an aspect that leaves some doubt as to the reality of these phenomena. Below you will find things worth consideration.

Arguments for alien interaction:

Xenobiologists often point out that any alien species would be so different from us as to appear unrecognizable. The beings often referred to as Grey seem to resemble humanoids to a remarkable degree. While initially this fact made me confused, after reading some of David Jacobs work and watching his DVD it is made clear the Greys are really a 1st attempt to create a hybrid between us and insect like beings.
It's difficult to comprehend the kind of mind that accepts the speculative findings of professional scientists, and yet fails to find the correct conclusion - which is that, patently, the "Greys" of Ufology are a human construct and have no connection to any reality.

This makes things come more into focus. We can see that the actual alien species interacting with us is indeed very different, so much so that David Jacobs believe they do not even breathe or eat.
What's fascinating about this is, it makes it sound as if there really is a consistent phenomenon, which is completely inexplicable by science, but which has certain fixed characteristics. "Alien believers" would interpret this phenomenon as evidence of intelligent life. It transpires that this phenomenon presumably takes place in areas which are incompatible with earth life, for example in the middle of a desert and also at the bottom of the ocean. The scientist looks at this and says, "Obviously no living creature creates this phenomenon." The Alien Believer David Jacobs says, "No, it's a living creature, but it doesn't breathe or eat."

But in reality there is no such phenomenon! There is no physical manifestation of anything for which you would even be able to make a deduction that either the aliens don't breathe or eat, or there are no aliens.

What ends up happening is we see first contact is between us and these insectoids, whom we shall call the Veloxi. The Veloxi appear to be similar to grasshoppers.
Now we're just in the world of science fiction. Did you make this part up, Sam, or did David Jacobs? (I presume, by the way, this isn't the David Jacobs who used to introduce Stars on Sunday on ITV, and before that hosted Juke Box Jury.....)

We first hear of telepathic manipulation when reading about abductions by the Veloxi. It would seem they somehow are telepathic an capable of moving memories from short-term (recognition) to long-term (stored). In this manner they can block people from remembering they were taken, or in fact not taken. It remains to be seen just how this can be done but if we speculate using some available resources (books, etc.) we may find the answer.
You want to speculate by using "available resources", and you cite books. No books by actual scientists or accredited investigators, just breathless retellings of the Betty and Barney Hill incident

Most of you will be familar with Whitley Strieber and although I consider him to be somewhat insane at this point we can use information he has given to help us on our quest for understanding the Veloxi. This is a direct quote by Strieber "The visitors tell me that there is an organic quality in our skulls that dampens telepathy, and that grdually this is going to fade."
He's not insane, he's an author of fiction

Now if I was to speculate just what this could mean, one might argue that if they told him the truth this piece of information is very insightful to us. Could it be that our skeletal system somehow interferes with telepathy? You may ask what this could really help us to understand??? Think of this...
Streiber's burblings about telepathy derive solely from the literary device of the fantasy of being able to "hear" the inmost thoughts of others. HE MADE IT UP.

All species on the planet that are large contain a skeletal system that is similar. Each has a brain and to protect it a skull. If what the beings told him is true then why would they have telepathy but not us?

Because they are insects an insects have an exo-skeleton. We could speculate that all insects possess the ability to develop telepathy but because they are so small an their brains aren't fully developed they do not. The Veloxi on the other hand are very different, they matured into larger lifeforms an with the size came increased brain capacity. With no skull to dampen their telepathy they would naturally have that ability. A test might be done that removes the skull in a mammal to see if there is indeed some dampening effect of the skull. If so we now have solved the answer as to why they are reading minds, controlling humans, etc.
Do you not see how nothing is consistent with anything else? If they have telepathy and not us, how can they use it to control us? Have you ever seen or heard of a human being controlled by an alien force that wasn't evidently the result of insanity? Streiber is a science fiction author, and he made all that shit up. GET A GRIP.
A test might be done that removes the skull in a mammal to see if there is indeed some dampening effect of the skull.
And then all you'd have to do is find out if telepathy exists, what it is, how to do it and how to test for it. Simple really.
If so we now have solved the answer as to why they are reading minds, controlling humans, etc.
You haven't proved that they exist or that they are reading/ controlling minds.
The fact they can control us may be due to their lack of this dampening effect.
It's a fact that they can control us? How is it a fact?
You can send signals to anything without really requiring that it can send them back.
Of course you can send signals. For instance, TV transmitters transmit TV signals to ironing boards (only incidentally of course). But so what? The picture quality is lousy on mine.
This may be the result of blocking the short-term recall during the abductions
It may also be that the stories are fabrications and they can't agree on details...
Let's just place things into perspective for those that continue to argue over this.

Firstly no matter how advanced a civilization becomes space will always be a desolate vacuumous wasteland to cross and the likelihood for space faring is slim.

It's not like a whole alien civilisation is going to have a spaceship or flying saucer like families here on earth have cars, so theres none of this "Just popping to the shop on earth, back in 15 solar rotations."

This means either an entire civilisation has become nomadic, placing its entire self into a fleet (which would be pretty damn costly to do and dangerous) or their civilisations would be grouping their own astronauts together an sharing a ship a bit like how we earthlings have done for the past 40-45 years.

Considering the latter, I don't think that any small group sent to explorer or discover is going to do any of the 101 things that people suggest happens. I don't think the would go for the whole abduction scene considering it can be identified that humans are sentient (They invent things to do rather than just exist with just basic primative survival) and would be threatened if such abductions took place.

This is why people are skeptical of any visitation stories and why they don't require proof to dismiss them as being falsehoods. It's also why the burden of proof uusally falls on those telling the stories which to this day have never offered any. (self inflicted markings doesn't mean anything)
Aliens are real, they've never come to our earth though.... too damned far away. And if they have, its because they were probably floating through space and the bacteria and/or virus alien became active once in the earths atmosphere. Aliens, maybe, intelligent aliens on earth, I think not.
MetaKron said:
I hear that they don't believe that we exist.

That's odd, one would have thought they'd have seen one of our 'probe' ships buzzing their planets playing hide and seek by now.
Or any of them within 100 light years would be picking radio signals about now. And later they get to watch all the old episodes of The A Team :D